All PG 13 2nd attempt at an introduction
Saying hello.
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Hi all,

I posted an introduction last night but it seems like it didn't make it into the forum.

I have been into feminization fantasies since I was about 11 or so. I had been running low on underwear and my mom gave me some of hers that she thought was unisex. I liked the idea of wearing women's things, and I was hooked! I started branching out, discovering that I loved satin. I had had a vinyl fetish prior to this which fit in with my fantasies. I started fantasizing about being kidnapped by women and forced to wear satin and/or plastic women's clothing.

Most of my exploration has been solo up until now, but I want to do some exploration with others now. I'd love to find some Mommies to play with. I have never really been all that much into the AB thing, and have no interest in diapers, but I would love to be a little girl for a loving Mommy.

See ya!
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Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss and enjoy the site's activities. Having grown up the youngest with 3 sisters I got that same excuse a few times.

Get out of my bath and have no clean underwear because the wash was not done. So I had to wear panties to bed and till wash was done.

I liked it actually, but most of the time I was still young I ended up in diapers and liked that better. I was a bedwetter and it was needed.

 Hi all,

I posted an introduction last night but it seems like it didn't make it into the forum.

I have been into feminization fantasies since I was about 11 or so. I had been running low on underwear and my mom gave me some of hers that she thought was unisex. I liked the idea of wearing women's things, and I was hooked! I started branching out, discovering that I loved satin. I had had a vinyl fetish prior to this which fit in with my fantasies. I started fantasizing about being kidnapped by women and forced to wear satin and/or plastic women's clothing.

Most of my exploration has been solo up until now, but I want to do some exploration with others now. I'd love to find some Mommies to play with. I have never really been all that much into the AB thing, and have no interest in diapers, but I would love to be a little girl for a loving Mommy.

See ya!  

Hello there!

You will find that there are others who have fantasies about being forced to wear feminine clothing. I've entertained daydreams like that myself. My mother didn't introduce me to the joy of panties or boy-shorts (what a delightful name for a certain form of women's underwear :) ); I got into that on my own. When I was young, I would sneak into the dirty laundry hamper in the upstairs bathroom of my home and try on my sister's panties. But, we all have our individual life histories to tell about. Thanks for sharing yours.

Satin does indeed feel lovely!

So, welcome aboard. Best wishes finding friends here who share your interests.

Little girl curtsies and luv,

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