PG 13 Why do we do what we do?
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I hope you'll humor me. What drive us to be dominated? What drive us to be humiliated? Is there some similarity in our lives that brought to a place where find comfort in this? Are we born with it or is it given to us by our upbringing?

These are just some some questions I have. Any response would be appreciated. Thankyou
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im not really into being dominated or humiliation, but im a sissy none-the-less.

and to be honest i think its something we're born with. if you check out my thread titled "what age did you start"(or something to that effect) you'll notice most of us started at a VERY young age. as young as 2 in some cases. with beginning ages like that i honestly dont think upbringing has anything to do with it.

either your one of us or your not. theres nothing that can change it. you might not discover your sissy desires until later in life, but once you discover them, you look back and realize they were always there just waiting to be uncovered.

 im not really into being dominated or humiliation, but im a sissy none-the-less.

and to be honest i think its something we're born with. if you check out my thread titled "what age did you start"(or something to that effect) you'll notice most of us started at a VERY young age. as young as 2 in some cases. with beginning ages like that i honestly dont think upbringing has anything to do with it.

either your one of us or your not. theres nothing that can change it. you might not discover your sissy desires until later in life, but once you discover them, you look back and realize they were always there just waiting to be uncovered.  

I know the feeling. I have had these feelings as long as i can remember probably longer. I'm just now coming to terms with it. Thank you so much for the response. I don't really know anyone where i live with interest along these lines. I'm so thankful for my loving and accepting girlfriend who steps in as mommy from time to time. It is very nice to able to talk with people about this. Still tryin to make sense of it. thanks again.
Its definitely the upbringing. 100% you are not born that way, it is to do with your environment and the behavior of those around you, mainly the 2 big ones - the parents. Ive read countless articles on psychology, just cant remember much now ha but I do remember its all in your upbringing, all of it! Every single last desire! It can even start as soon as inside the womb, as you start to soak up how male attention impacts you in the womb, and your always part of the female so its almost a safety thing.

There is no truth (I believe) in being born with it, my view is the same with being gay-bi-lesbian, you ARE technically born with it, but its not a PRE - given if that makes sense, its from all the stimuli you receive once your able to, as a fetus and a young baby.

So you can be born with it in some cases, but its because of the environment around you as your being born, brought up etc.

its NOT just hardwired - there is some reason(s) we act these ways! See a psychiatrist, they could help Im sure!
I can't answer the nature versus nurture question. But in kindergarten I saw one girl put another over her knee and spank her playfully as a game. I was somehow fascinated by this, and embarrassed to be fascinated because it seemed wrong somehow. And since at least second grade or earlier I have fantasized about getting spanked over a woman's lap, especially with a paddle. The idea of being firmly but lovingly taken in hand by a woman and dominated, disciplined, bossed around, and infantilized, and being humiliated by her and her girlfriends (but teasingly and playfully, not cruel, vicious humiliation) is very exciting. Also, something about putting on women's clothing, especially sexy lingerie, and feeling like a pretty girl is also exciting. I couldn't tell you exactly why. There's something very mysterious and fascinating about the world of women.

- Sissy Desiree
- Sissy Desiree

I honestly think, like with most things in the world, that what causes this attraction and need in some people is a mixture of both nature and nuture. All of my life, I have been somewhat tantalized by infantile behavior. Whenever cartoon characters would act infantile for entertainment, I would stare at the television, and recreate the scenes in my head while I laid in bed that night. However, it was not until I experienced a great tragedy in my life that left me drowning emotionally did I realize what I was. So, I think that maybe everyone is born with the potential to be into every sort of fetish; that we exist on a spectrum. However, for these things to truly manifest, there needs to be catalyst; something to shift the background focus to a more frontal attraction. This event can be as simple as seeing someone spanked, regressed, humiliated or feminized, or can be as traumatic inducing as losing someone close to you. But, nonetheless, I think there needs to be some form of motivation, something to "activate" in a sense these attractions that we have.

Just my opinion on the matter; I really have no evidence to support my claims. I suppose it is relative specious.
im not into the dom or humiliation but as too y i do it. thats easy i love being naughty and i cant say for cerain if it comes from my upbringing or not but im fairly certain i did a few if these sirt of things at a young age
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