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My wife just found all mt sissy babygirl stuff in the attic. What do I say or do to explain it. So far she has not said anything but I'm sure she may use this to her advantage some time in the future. What do I do? 
Just a little girl trying to grow up in a big...big world
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Baby Butch
Just don't lie about things or it might mean a spanking. Expect her to bring it up some time to embarrass you, she should dress you up after diapering you.

(Don't take my answer too seriously. If it is a real problem just come up with a reasonable explanation, like I tried this and stopped long ago.)
just try to explain it to her the best way you can. tell her it relaxes you and there are far worse things you could be doing. at least it isnt drugs.
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
don't lie. if your marriage was in trouble then is over. and don't say you are going to stop. because you know you cant. saying that time to be you.  
Well, none of us know your wife, but there are a few ways this could go. I think as soon as you read this post you'll know exactly what type of woman your wife is and what will happen.

1. If she is a sexually liberated and sexy woman, she'll use it as an excuse to cheat on you without feeling guilty. Since you're a sissy baby girl, chances are you can't satisfy her in bed. If she's just been dealing with the frustration until now, this will give her the perfect reason to do what she needs to do, and go out and have proper sex with a real man. If you love her, you should accept this and want her to be happy. So maybe you should talk to her and tell her that you accept her being with other men if she can accept that you're a sissy. You might come to a mutually benefifical arrangement where you don't have to lose your wife over this, and you both get what you need.

2. If she's not a very sexual person, then she might try and get you to seek therepy. She might be absolutely horrified at the thought. She might never have even heard of such a thing before. In this case, I advise you to reassure her that you're not gay. Make sure she realises this because it will probably be her first thought. Hopefully you will be able to get her to accept it, even if she doesn't like it.

3. She will see it as an opportunity to gain non-sexual power over you. I think in this situation you should just accept it, and enjoy being submissive to her.

4. She just doesn't care, and is happy to never talk about it. She figures that your fantasy life is your own. If she's not said anything yet then this is probably quite likely.

5. She will see this as an opportunity to gain sexual power over you. I.e. dominate you sexually. Maybe she'll want to do it because it turns her on. Maybe she'll just be so sexually liberal that she's willing to try it to please you. Maybe she always wanted a baby girl and wants to dress you up like a dollie! I think this is the least likely scenario but you never know, you might just get lucky!

Whatever happens, it's important to talk to her about it. Tell the truth about everything. Just say it excites you to dress like that. Tell her you love her. And make it clear you aren't gay. If you ever do have fantasies about men then that is the only thing you should keep from her.

If she wants you to try on the clothes for her...make sure you say YES even if it doesn't seem appealing right away. You hit the jackpot, but in all honesty it will probably seem so strange that your instinct will be to say no. Fight that instinct!!

Good luck and let us know how you get on.
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