This topic was deleted
Deleted by:
~*Christie Luv*~
On the date:
July 7th, 2016 ~ 9:33 pm
If they gave a reason it will appear here
It may be too disturbing to people just trying to come here for AB Fem stuff. She didn't explain what she was talking about, and now she isn't replying to people answering her question. I'll send her a moderator message of what I said that displays as soon as she visits Sissy Kiss, and giving her advice on this. Any of the mods can give her advice if they want to. I let her know she can make another topic if she explains what she's going through so people can give her a reasonable answer. UPDATE: She PM'd me to let me know she's okay, and not feeling that way anymore! :)
Moderator Deletion
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Why do i do this to myself i should just quite my life 
My kik is lilPrincessJackie add me
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~*Christie Luv*~
What's bugging you hun? Please don't think that way. You should never quite your life. We may only have one for all we know, so it's best to enjoy it while you can while it lasts. There are many things to live for, like love, pleasure, sex, having fun, which you are capable of experiencing if you don't put yourself in that negative mindset.

The wonderful feeling I get as a sissy baby gives me more reason to want to live. It's good for you to try to see the beauty in everything, and you can still do what you love the most when you can, but you don't have to contain happiness to material things. It's not healthy for you to.

There are also many people who are just like you who have the same likes, who you can share that love with.

Society is also getting more, and more open minded. It's normal now to know people can have many types of kinks.

Please think if you may have a medical issue with depression. A therapist can give you the right medication for that, and please don't be afraid to go see a therapist.

If it's because of transgender issues, and you think you will not be able to pass as a woman feel free to let me know. 
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