A Question of Attitude (PG)
Thoughts of a Baby Girl about the World at Large
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 A Question of Attitude 

Who is it to judge me because I am a young girl who is also an Adult Baby in diapers? Or to judge others like me? Is it fear or anger they lash at me? I feel the need to tell some about me. Maybe they will understand my perspective a bit better.

Blindness prevails.

So many of the words we hear causing an attitude that comes across the eyes of those who have no direction and blinds them to the truth of who I and others like me truly are at heart. Entering from all points, the noise and confusion rises to a thunderous and grievous noise till none can hear the truth. What is wrong with the simple pleasure of a diaper change?

Words; who can say what meaning the speaker intends? Each weaving its own spell of confusion and misdirection. I still cannot see what it is I do wrong because I am still a child in my soul. Still, do not be quick to condemn them for what they do. Perhaps it is I who have erred because I am still in diapers and love to be held in mommy’s loving arms.

Words; they cause the value of worthlessness to increase beyond the wildest dreams. Yet can an innocents and sweetness of heart be wrong? Attitude is everything, don’t you think?

Soon expectation will become despair as every one changes costume and tries to hide behind a different mask. How can we bear all the faceless ones who dance around and try to win our favor? Can a ray of hope survive? Will yet another derail humanities train of thought there by negating light with darkness once again?

Is there a value on human life? It seems that to some the answer to this question is no, for they sell their entire world for that which is worthless. Is a heart felt joy worthless?

To be free of the world and in mommy’s loving embrace is beyond earthly value to me.

Still, the word tide does go out for a time, and all wait with baited breath for it to come again, cascading down with raw fury to once again deafen we the innocent and wreak havoc with our contentment and peace.

Will the mountains of hypocrisy, surrounded by the oceans of lies, ever be washed clean by the roaring, deafening sea of words? How can people justify all the pain that their words wreak upon the children of innocence? We who seek to harm no one and are at peace within ourselves. We who are still innocent children in our souls.

Words; each bearing its own away down the stream of reason, cascading over the rocks of misdirection, to fall frothing in the deep dark pools of ignorance far below.

How do those lay hands upon the innocent to do them harm, because they are different?

I am an adult baby girl. I stand proud and free in a world gone mad with greed and avarice.
I see joy in a diaper change. The baby powder mommy uses is my fantasy.

We who are Adult Babies have .. a lot of things we still don’t understand. The world has changed. It has truly lost its innocents. We are the last vestiges of it. You and I and others like us are the remanence of this innocents that is so precious in a weary heart and beleaguered world.

Be proud of who we are. We are the virgins left in a sad and blighted world.

  With Much Love ... Miki  
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Abandoned Endeavor
i agree completly with what you are saying
like always very well written... it speaks to all of us ABs boy or girl... it shows both sides and goes very deep. i really wuved it... your stories are always wonderful *smiles*

keep up the great work miki *hugs and sweet kisses*
wif wuv and kissies from me

as usual I loved your story it really speaks well to the feelings we all have
ohh...Miki..not just AB..this is for all who dare to live their truth..not some false mask they put on everyday to go out into the world!!YOU.....do get to the heart and soul of it though!!This society is so quick to judge the other who does not quite conform!!LOve you Baby...you are great

Miki, Your words paint such beauty for the world of us AB's. Remember though small one, there are others left who are kind and sweet and good yet are not AB's, the world is a friendlier place than it sometimes seems. Wonderfully written little one.
Adorable sentiments from one of the most adorable people one could ever hope to meet.   I think the same applies to most of us: how often are we told to "just be ourselves", and what if we are sissies and adult babies at heart? Are we then supposed to be the exceptions who must wear a mask to spare the world the discomfort of accepting us? Of course, in truth (as you say) most people wear masks on a daily basis, if not constantly, and that alone is worth the trouble of taking a stand over.
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Pampered Baby Sissy
These are wonderful observations. I agree whole heartedly too. Why should we be the ones who have to wear a false mask when the rest of the world always wears one.

I also agree with you that we should have our own President Elected like you suggest in open chat.
Now if only i could have you to tell everyone that for me. hehe. until the world accepts us the right way at least we have each other and our mommies/carriers/ big siblings etc. :)
the best prose i have ever read. very romantesque. i love the nature imagery!
Dear Miki:

I continue to maintain that while your fictional stories are fun and well-devloped, it is your non-fiction prose (remember "The Mystique of Writing," everyone?) that seems to reach the most people - spiritually, emotionally, you name it. Let's work on getting your non-fiction musings published in a local paper or literary journal. The world needs to hear your voice outside of the confines of SK!
Miki Yamuri

 Dear Miki:

I continue to maintain that while your fictional stories are fun and well-devloped, it is your non-fiction prose (remember "The Mystique of Writing," everyone?) that seems to reach the most people - spiritually, emotionally, you name it. Let's work on getting your non-fiction musings published in a local paper or literary journal. The world needs to hear your voice outside of the confines of SK!  

I wonder what particular inspired musing the world at large would want to hear? It has been said, "The most profound wisdom from the mouth of babies comes."

*sighs* If only there is an ear to listen, or eyes to see, the world so much better place would be.

  With Love  


 I wonder what particular inspired musing the world at large would want to hear? It has been said, "The most profound wisdom from the mouth of babies comes."

*sighs* If only there is an ear to listen, or eyes to see, the world so much better place would be.

  With Love  


Who would listen? Ah, but that'e easy, my dear:

1) ABDL communities: either online (starting a blog anytime soon, Miki?) or in the "alternative press" papers usually found in large urban areas or college towns....

2) Struggling writers (see same locales mentioned above - and posting your "Mystique of Writing" article or the "In The Beginning" piece in a "trade journal")

3) Gay or transgendered community publications....

The list goes on....

Somewhere, at any time, you will have an audience....
This is beautiful, and I agree wholeheartedly.
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