The Instant Infant Syndrome (PG)
My first official story, based around the show
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"The Instant Infant Syndrome"
(Chapter One)

Always leaping blind, I've often taught myself to quickly adapt to every situation I encounter...
Still, having awoken with bows in my hair and a pacifier in my mouth felt... awkward, to say the least.

"You know that actually might be a good look for you Sam."
"Al! I'm so glad you're here, where in the world am I?"
"A crib Sam, and you wouldn't believe how excited Tina is over this. She has got Ziggy replicating
all these adorable outfits... I swear her mothering instincts have kicked into hyperspace!"

"That's terrific Al, I'm very pleased.... now would you mind explaining why I've leapt into a diaper?!"
"Oh yeah, of course. Let's see here... your name is Jamie- uh, no--it's Jenny. Jennifer Annita Myers.
You are twenty-four years old, currently residing in New York City and--..."

Suddenly a light beamed on over head and a rather tall, middle-aged woman
wearing a silver polka-dot dress stood in the doorway with her arms crossed in front of her.

"You, little girl are in big trouble"

"Oh... Girl?"

"I am? Well, I mean, I'm sorry. You know me, I just couldn't sleep. I think I had a nightmare-- or something."
"Um-hmm... another accident too, I'll bet. Come here, and put that pacifier back in your mouth Jen,
you know very well I have to have you ready by this afternoon.
Dr. Barnes has to see how far you've progressed since last month and I don't want us
to be late for his appointment, so be a good girl and lie down for mommy..."

"Wait... No really I can change this myse-"
"Lie down now, or you will be getting a spanking"
"Oh, well aren't we kinky"
"What's that hun?"
"I'll be good... I promise"
"Hang on, sweetums. I think your bottle is about ready."

With an exasperated sigh, Sam Beckett sat up on the large changing table and watched the door ease shut
before turring to gauge the hologram's obvious reaction. Grinning from ear to ear with a fresh cigar smoking under his teeth, Al Calavichi wore a navy blue suit over a yellow silk shirt, pressed with a rainbow tie.

"Have you at least figured out why I am here, or is Ziggy too busy playing babysitter?"
"Nah, we volunteered Gushie for that job but according to our information
there's an 89.5 percent chance that you are here to prevent your sweet Mommy from dying, Sam ."

"My... mommy?" Sam was busy struggling to get the pink ribbions of silk out of his hair...
"Yeah, your mommy. That gorgeous brunette who just went out to get your "Baba?"
Well her name is Rebecca May Reed. She works as a kindergarten teacher whom Jenny first met
a few years ago and so far have lived happily ever after with... but in two days from now,
Jenny falls head over heels for her new counsellor, Barbra Thompson.
The two of them then move to California next month which completely breaks her mommy's heart.
A week later, and Rebecca Reed is discovered laying unconscious on the floor of her school's washroom... overdosed on estcacy."

"So it was a suicide? I mean, my mommy-- Rebecca doesn't seem to be that type, Al."
"Well of course not, she's an infantalist-activist trying to gain voter support in
recongnizing your community, which is why she is so much in love with you... I mean Jennifer."

"I'm not following Al, what is an infantalist?"
"Jenny is an infantalist, Sam. An Adult-Sissy Baby whose spent half of her life reverting back
into her girlish childhood because she is disillusioned with the world around her."
"I doubt that was her only reason. You sure seem to be the expert here, what else can you tell me?"
"That's it... which is why I have to be going. We do know she is incontinent and has a very weak heart,
so just try and be careful with her. Right now I've got to get back to the Waiting Room and see how Gushie's been holding up. Gee, I really hope that sweet girl hasn't broken anything valuable, yet."

Sam watched as Al Calavichi disappeared beneath the familar brightness of the Imaging Chamber.
He didn't have the slightest idea of his next course of action and when he turned and saw his mommy's
impatient expression it was clear he wouldn't be going anywhere in a hurry.

"Talking with your imaginary friend again, are we? Well anyway, here's your formula sweetheart...
now the sooner you lie down, the sooner we can start our day, so bottoms up."

As much as Sam dreaded what would come next, he took the plastic bottle in both hands
and slowly drank from the nipple before Rebecca pushed it up into his mouth. Five large swallows later,
Sam caught a breath and desperately wished for something-- anything else to drink than that warm,
milky solution now curdling in his adult stomach. He threw the bottle aside and it hit the floor with a faint "pop" sound. Rebecca just shook her head and pulled out a rather large diaper from a drawer underneath the changing table. Sam flushed as his embarrassment grew and he shut his eyes, recalling fragmented memories of being in other woman's bodies and the humiliation he experienced the first time he put on lipstick.
The smell of fresh baby powder suddenly broke his concentration and from a place deep inside there blossomed--yes that was the word for it-- blossomed such a liberating sensation of comfort and belonging to this woman that he forgot, in the midst of his enjoyment, what his mission here was.

Dressed in a thick diaper and ruffled panties underneath his rose-pink onesie moments later,
Sam sat cross-legged on the plush carpet gazing at his counter-part's adorable reflection in a toy mirror.
A young, freckled, girlish face with a button nose and even teeth smiled back at him.
Rebecca smiled, too and helped Sam put on his glasses and brush his flowing amber hair before she kissed his lips. Sweetly whispering in his tender ear, all the ways that she loved her "precious baby angel."

Meanwhile in Stallion's Gate, New Mexico...

Large and transparent lego-shaped blocks glowed with an intense energy, casting a rainbow
of colors across the steel-blue corridors of the secret underground research center
that housed the construct of a computer named "Ziggy," and the elegant, female persona she had been programmed with.Originally created by Dr. Samuel Beckett to coordinate and navigate the space-time continuim,
she essentially served as a library of infinite intelligence, providing documentation of every single event
ever recorded by the human race. Using Dr. Beckett's brainwaves as her template, Ziggy has the ability
to accurately predict more than a billion probable outcomes based on the structuring of whichever time line
Sam is currently engaged in. At the moment, however this remarkable feat
did not apply itself to the other frustrated individual whom she so often worked with...

"For crying out loud, Gushie... what in God's green earth is going on around here?!"

Beneath his impatience, Al Calavichi looked as though he was about to be sick to his stomach.
Pulling his tie loose, he took a moment to smoke his cigar before turning to his fellow scientist.
A stocky man, dressed all in white with matted-orange hair and moustache smiled cherrily at him.

"Precisely what were you referring to, Admiral?"

Grabbing his trusty technition tiredly by the arm, Al led the way down a octagonal-shaped corridor
towards the Waiting Room. Here Dr. Beeks and Al's fourth wife, Tina were steadily failing in their attempts
to soothe Sam Beckett's alter-ego, Jennifer Myers. Roughly identical to the size of the Imaging Chamber,
the Waiting Room had been transformed into Jenny's "Playroom," to no avail.
Various stuffed animals and noisy plastic toys lay strewn across the smooth, metalic floor.
Many of them, Tina had already cleaned up from underneath a folding high-chair and put away
in the wooden crib positioned in the right hand corner a moment ago. Al inhailed another long drag
of his cigar and sighed his smoke at Gushie, who now bore the faintest grin upon his blushing face.

"My sincerest apollogies, Admiral but your wife was quite insistant that the, uh... baby girl
be given an adequate sleeping arrangement. Dr. Beeks has also requested permission
to study Jennifer's personal intellect, behavioral patterns and acute perceptive abilities."

There was a momentary pause as the sound of crying suddenly filled the room.

"What? You're kidding, I mean look at her, throwing a fit and slobbering over herself for pete's sake...
I find it hard to swallow that she could be smarter than your average bear, if you catch my drift?"
"I agree with your observation Admiral, but might I suggest that you interview her yourself?"

Al smiled pleasantly and handed over his cigar before clapping Gushie on the back.

"You do know that's already in my job description, right?"

The scientist quickly turned and gestured at Tina who was helping Jenny into a tropic-blue dress,
lined with gold stars and pink hearts over it's frilly design. A necessary change from the white body suit
she had arrived in. Thankfully, her crying had ceased and was now replaced with the sound of giggles.

"As is another pressing matter of equal importance... it's your wife's birthday today, Admiral"
"Oh boy... listen, Gushie see if you can nab me some roses or something while I smooth things over"
"I doubt that will be a problem. Should I bid you good luck, then?"
"Only if you think I going to need some..."

Gushie laughed heartily to himself and withdrew his hand-link, A colorful device with tetris-like buttons
that whined and blipped as it relayed vital information from Ziggy about the Leap in progress.

"Not a tall... though it appears our Dr. Beckett will."

* * *
The Long-Awaited Chapter 2

Leaping around in time I've suffered some humiliation and abuse. Fortunately, I've found the world of sissyfication and infantalism to bring the opposite and being the center of my "mommy's" attention... well I was quite "tickled pink." I only hoped I would be able to keep it that way for Jenny. Of course, in light of my situation, being so helpless also makes it difficult for me to be objective.

"Open wide! Good girl, Jenny... I know you don't like oatmeal much, so I put some apple and raisins in it... there. Well baby, you're finished."

"Um, t-thank you.. m-mommy it was very delicious. Love the nail polish, too"
"Jenny are you feeling alright? You seem awfully distracted today, even for you."
"Well I'm just uh--excited, you know about going out and us spending quality time together"

"That's my girl... I gots a special treat for you later, but first I have to wash a few dishes, so you'll have to play nicely in your wittle play-pen. Up we go!"

The play-pen was already set up and positioned in the center of the living room while
Sesame Street blared noisily on a large platinum television. Framed pictures of exotic forests posed beautifully above a white stone fireplace to the right of a tropic-blue sofa where an assortment of baby toys and stuffed animals rested lazily. Sam wondered how exactly Rebeca was able to lift him from the high chair and carry him without so much as a note of strain. Obviously this Leap had altered his weight to match his counterpart. Ziggy could supply him with a definitive answer.
She had been programmed to know these things... well, that and the greatest hits of Elvis Presley. Sam nodded to himself, feeling tired he slumped back against the play-pen and looked over his painted finger nails with amusement. Picking up a sunflower-shaped rattle, he shook it's liquid-filled center then reached for a giant blue bear with a yellow bow tie and soon drifted fast asleep against it's soft, inviting tummy.
* * *

The waiting room was quiet now since Tina finally had Jenny bottle-fed, freshly changed and settled. She gave her one last hug and left the room with Dr. Beeks while Al pulled up a chair across from the adult who smelled so heavily of baby powder, it made him want to cough repeatedly. Either that or his smoking days were numbered. Jenny sat up with a loud crinkle and dangled her feet playfully over the edge of the mirrored table, sucking on a green pacifier. Al Calavichi rubbed his face and sighed, not knowing whether to sit or stand as he reviewed the data displayed on his hand-link.
He just knew he needed a cigar.

"Hey, umm if you could stop drooling over that thingie of yours for just a moment,
I'd really like to ask you a couple of quick and easy questions."

Al made a grab for the ring of the suckie and pulled it out of Jenny's mouth, which made her cry.

"Awww geez... could you calm down, please? I'll give you back your soother, I promise...
now let us start with something simple, um... can you tell me your name?"

A strange look crossed over the girl's face, as if she had just awoken from a dream.
She calmly placed her hands on the table and thought hard on how to answer the question but her mind didn't feel like her own. Memories... were scattered everywhere. Faces of people she had no knowledge of flashed before her eyes like sheets of rain caught in the shimmering glare of car head lights.

"My name is... I-I can't remember. What has happened to me?"

"Uhh... well you're part of a time-travel experiment that... had a little Boo-boo"

Jennifer nodded and forced back a few tears... then suddenly something clicked.
Like a million soda cans all foaming over at once, her mind flared with new-found information,
every faucet was open and clear and bright like the noon-day sun as her eyes peered into Al's
with such direct urgency, he took a step back, all at once silent and confused.

Just behind him, his chair began to magically float upwards and he heard her utter....

"Difficulty and ease produce each other, as sound and words come into harmony...
The music of the universe is all around you, it is the unheard heart beat within us all."

Jenny suddenly fell and sobbed hard against the table as the chair came crashing to the ground.
Al rushed over and rubbed her back, not quite sure how to respond or what to think.
Instead, he gave her shaking body a generous hug and replaced the pacifier into her mouth.
Al then rocked her slowly and thought of Beth, his first wife. The only woman he had ever truly loved. The door to the waiting room hissed open and Tina appeared, followed by Gushie
who stood patiently in the corridor.

"Al, I heard a crash... oh, my wittle baby, she's all upset now... what do you think you're doing?"
Tina scolded him, then quickly turned her attention back to Jenny.

"What does it look like? I'm comforting her... don't think I've forgotten about you either, sweetheart."
Al waved his hands frantically at Gushie, who sprinted over to Tina, holding a blue vase of roses.
"Oh... they're beautiful. That's so sweet of you Gushie, dear... I knew you would remember my birthday!"

Al scoffed and rolled his eyes as the two friends embraced each other in a big hug.
"You know I'd kiss you too, if you didn't have such terrible breath"
"Well, I'm certain the cheek will suffice"

Tina kissed the side of Gushie's cheek, more of a quick peck, then turned and placed her arms lovingly around Al's shoulders, whispering into his ear...

"How could I be... you two have only just met"
"Thanks for the roses, sweetie-pie"
"Any time my lovely, honey-kitten"

"Ooohh smooth talker... how about I put the baby to bed and afterwards... do the same for you?"
"A very tempting offer, but I'm afraid I'm already taken. Sam's still in waiting."

Al smiled and slipped away from Tina's enticing grasp, blowing her kisses as he walked backwards, through the sliding metal door of the waiting room.

"I thought you said "any time" my lover?" Tina called after him.
"Sure I did, just not "any place..." Happy birthday sweetie, don't wait up!"

Tina stood for a moment with her arms crossed in front of her, lips askew and her eyes set in two deadly slits of anger until she felt a gentle tugging on her dress. Jenny was smiling, happy again... which made her giggle and they hugged each other close, snuggling and cuddling warmly like any loving mother and daughter would do. Then someone rudely coughed.

"Pardon my intrusion, but perhaps I could interest you with a piece of your birthday cake"
Tina looked up at Gushie and smiled. "Better make it two then...
I'm sure my wittle baby girl would love some cake."

* * *

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Miki Yamuri
This is Excellent Teddy Bear!! Baby is so glad you wrote this and it is most excellent.

I have only seen a couple of the Quantum Leap episodes, but I feel this one would fit right in.

I do hope to see more of it soon ... am wetting my diaper in anticipation of what happens.

Keep up the great work!
I'm only a little familiar with "Quantum Leap", but this is such a wonderful idea for a fanfic and it does capture the atmosphere of the show (insofar as I remember it).   Written with great style and humour, and marvellously set up for the next installment ... may it be soon.  
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Very interesting story!
On a side-note, Can send me a linke so I can find out what Quantum Leap is?
Jennifer Funshine
*Blushes* All of the feedback has been just wonderful!
I actually put this story off for quite a while but after seeing your positive reactions,
I will try especially hard to release the next chapter in a timely manner...
and hopefully it will read as clever and humorous as I hope! Thanks again sweeties!
Sarah Candy Lee
great story i loved it. i havent seen any quatam leap before but i think i might look it up now. cant wait for the next chapter hope its ready soon
Pampered Baby Sissy
Nice Work. I do hope there will be more to this story.
  another great story well writen and very interesting good work Thx   
i loved that story, see teddy i told yo u yo ucould wrtie stories as wel las make wonderful poety but you didnt agree with me but this is the proof wouldnt yo u say, i cnat wait to read more of your stories or this one if you are adding some more to it
they say beuty is in the eye of the beholder but there is no reason why it cant be wrong
I loved the story sweetie i hope you can write more
Sweet Heart
Wonderful story ... I loved Quantum Leap too
Jennifer Funshine
*Whew* I wondered if I'd ever get back to this story, and I did!
If anyone is still interested feel feel free to take a gander at the next, though
slightly shorter chapter in my tale based off of "Quantum Leap" Enjoy! :)
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