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PG Who's the Babysitter and Who's the Baby?
A babysitter gets more than he bargained for when he decides to babysit a two year old named Lindsey. Its something he'll come to regret or maybe not?
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Chapter 1
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It was finally my summer break from college and boy did I need it! My classes during my last term were stressful and I had to work my butt off just to pass them. The first couple of week of my break were nice until I couldn’t find a summer job, my parents started putting pressure on me to get one, I also really needed the money for buying books for my next few terms. Just when I thought I was going to have to take out another painful loan just to buy my books a friend of my mother asked her if I wanted to babysit Lindsey, her 2 year old daughter, every weekday for a couple months. Being a 20 year old guy, I normally would’ve said no, but she offered to pay me a lot more than a babysitter normally would make and I was out of options so I quickly accepted. “I hope you know how to change diapers Eric, because you’ll be dealing with them a lot with Lindsey, she’s not even close to being potty trained yet” Lindsey’s Mother explained to Eric, “Also Lindsey really likes to play dress-up, but she’ll also do fine playing on her own in her crib or play pen, she loves her stuffed animals. Oh and one last thing: make sure she stays out of my room. I caught her playing with one of my amulets the other day and I don’t want her ruining it, I’ll be home at 7:00, have fun you two!” With that Lindsey’s Mother quickly left to go to work and I went over to Lindsey’s room to check on her.


Lindsey was still in her crib wearing her footed pajamas, a look of excitement and joy came on her face when she me, “Hai Ewic, hai Ewic, are you gonna pway with me!” Lindsey quickly said while bouncing up in her crib, I couldn’t help but crack a smile at the cute little girl and replied, “Yeah Lindsey I’ll be here to play with you until mommy gets home.” Lindsey smiled and stretched out her arms obviously wanting to be picked up, “alright kiddo” I said as I picked her up, “What do you want to do?” “Me wanna play dwess up!” Lindsey quickly responded, “what a surprise” I thought sarcastically to myself, “Okay Lindsey but first let me get you out your jamies, unless you want to dress up like a baby” I said while unzipping footed pajamas, “I not a baby I a big gurl!” Lindsey quickly said after hearing that, “Oh really, do ‘big gurls’ wear these?” I said pointing to her very big and fluffy diaper. “Me saw grandma wear one and she a big gurl Ewic!” Hmm that was a good point, what a smart baby, I thought to myself. “Alright then ‘big gurl’ what do you want do you want to be?” Lindsey looked at her play clothes and then settled on a pretty pink dress and tutu and ruffled diaper cover, “I wanna be a ballewina!” I couldn’t help but chuckle as I helped her put the outfit on, she looked even more like a baby then before. “Wait Ewic, wet me get won mow thing!” Lindsey said while running to her toy chest. From out of the chest Lindsey pulled a plastic amulet with a fake red gem in the center, she quickly put it over her neck, “Now I is a pwincess ballewina!” I chuckled, “You sure are you little cutie! But I think you look more like a baby ‘pwincess’.” Lindsey looked kind of mad at hearing that, “ Ewic me big gurl! Not baby! I wook wike a gwown up!” I chuckled again, “If you say so kiddo!” The rest of the day went by rather uneventful, I had to change Lindsey’s diaper several times, and feeding her wasn’t always easy, sometimes Lindsey was actually quite a pain. I sighed as he put her down in her crib after her dinner and watched as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, “You’re lucky kiddo, no stress just fun, sometimes I think I’d rather be you.” I quickly left when Lindsey’s Mom came back and got home to get ready for his next day of babysitting.


The next day babysitting Lindsey was just in her diaper when I got there, it was hot and Lindsey’s mom said it would be alright if she just wore that today. I thought how lucky Lindsey must be to be able to be almost naked on a hot day like this. Lindsey ran up to me when I came into her room, “ Ewic, Ewic, I has a suhpwise to show you!” “Okay Lindsey but first let’s feed you breakfast” This was something that proved easier said than done as Lindsey really wanted me to see the “suhpwise” first. No amount of airplanes or bribery could get Lindsey to eat and she instead launched her food at my face, finally I just gave her a bottle full of milk which she surprising drank with no hesitation. To my relief, both of us forgot about her surprise and we just sat watching Sesame Street while Lindsey drank her bottle. After about an hour of Sesame Street, I checked Lindsey’s diaper and to my disappointment she was very wet. I got to work changing it when Lindsey suddenly said “ Ewic I want my ballewina diapee!” pointing at her rumba diaper cover, “Okay sure” I said putting it on, “And my ballewina dwess!” I sighed putting that on her as well, “And my neckwace!” I was getting tired of this but I grabbed the amulet and put it around her neck, as my hand was just finishing moving it down around her neck, I suddenly blacked out.


When I awoke everything felt fuzzy and looked bigger, and I felt really strange. I could hardly stand and it felt like I was wearing…A DRESS?! I feel to the ground in shock and felt thick padding on my butt, finally my vision cleared a bit and to my horror I could see that I was in Lindsey’s body. “Yay it worked! You’re me now! And hey I can talk just like you!” I heard a familiar voice, my own. “What? What hawpen? Windsey is tat you? Why am I you?” the pressure and change was all too much for me and I began to cry, “Why am me a baby! WAHWAHWAH!” Lindsey in my body quickly picked me up, “Aw don’t cry Eric isn’t this what you wanted? I heard you say so when you tucked me in last night?” Lindsey said. I sobbed a little bit and couldn’t believe that was what this was about and I finally managed to say, “You heawd me? Windsey I didn’t weally mean dat. It just hward being a big boy sometimes and me wuz just jeawus of you!” Big boy? Why did I say big boy? And why was I having such a hard time talking? She should be doing the baby talk not me! “I don’t understand Eric, if you don’t want to be a baby then why are you jealous of one? I don’t think you know what you want. I’ll tell you what, you be me for today and I’ll be you it will be just like dress up.” I didn’t really want to say yes, but then I thought about it a bit and realized that Lindsey’s just a baby she won’t like taking care of me. I just would have to wait for her to get frustrated and then she’d give me my body back. “Okay Windsey we’ll do dat.” I said with a smirk on my face. She (or is it he? I don’t know it’s confusing now) quickly lifted the amulet off my neck touch only chain, “Okay then I’ll just take this to make sure you don’t try to switch back too early.” “Windsey dat ‘mulet made you me?! How did it do dat?!” I said feeling very surprised that such a cheap looking thing could be a real magical amulet. “Oh that one of your mother’s magic amulets, she’s been missing it for weeks, she didn’t know it could change its form or else she would have taken that away from you by now.” I did not like that “YOUR mother” line or how she was calling me Lindsey, but I calmed myself telling myself to just wait it out and that she would get tired of babysitting me soon.


“Alright kiddo do you know what time it is?” “Twime for you to chwange me back?” I said hopefully. “No silly it’s tickle time!” And Lindsey immediate began tickling under my armpits causing me to erupt in laughter, I hadn’t felt this ticklish since well probably I was since a was actually this age, come to think of it I technically was this age since my body was now that of a… oh wow that really tickled! “HAHAHAHA STOP WINDSEY PWEASE! HAHAHA!” She got an evil grin on her face and replied, “I’m sorry ‘Windsey’ what was that? If you want me to stop you should call me by my name, Eric” I couldn’t believe she was doing this but I hahahaha. I let loose a storm of girly giggles and then when Lindsey realized she wasn’t getting anywhere pulled up my dress revealing my belly. “I guess Lindsey must want to be tickled” she said running her fingers across my belly, “Or maybe she wants some belly kisses!” she put her mouth on my belly and blew cause me to erupt in laughter, “Windsey pwease no more!” “Who is ‘Windsey’? If you want me to stop tickling you call me Eric!” And she began blowing and tickling again. “Okay Ewic pwease stop!” At that she abruptly stopped, “Aw but you were so happy Lindsey, and I don’t think I heard my name clear enough.” She started viciously tickling again I couldn’t help it I laughed so hard I peed in my diaper. She stopped feeling my wet diaper, “uh oh Lindsey looks like my wittle baby is wet.” Haha I thought, now she’ll want to switch back she won’t want to change diapers, she won’t even know how. She put me on the changing table…and surprisingly she quickly and skillful changed my…MY diaper, that didn’t sound right at all! “I bet you were worried I wouldn’t be able to change your diaper huh Lindsey?” I just nodded in disbelief, “Well the amulet does more than swap our bodies, it makes us be more like the person in our new body, that’s why I talk like you and you talk like me and it lets me know how to take care of cute little you!” Uh oh, if that was the case then my plan wouldn’t work, I’d be like this until…7:00 PM?! It was 9:15 AM! Wait I got here at nine! How has it only been 15 minutes? It felt like a three hours! Then I remembered the amulet made me more like her so now time felt like it moved slower because I was only 2, almost nine hours was going to be like an eternity. I started to panic and think about how dreadful this would be, but on then I started to think about the positive side of this. It had actually been kind of fun as much as I hate to admit it, and it was nice to have a break from my adult life. Maybe this won’t be so bad, I’ll be a baby for a while and then I can be refreshed and be the best babysitter ever tomorrow now that I’ll know what it feels like to be Lindsey! Maybe this won’t be so bad, it’s not like I’ll have to be a baby for the summer or anything.
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Wow, cute story! I wish that could happen to me :)
pwease continue soon. Me want to wead mores.
Okay sweetie, I just posted chapter 3, hope you enjoy it.
Sarah Marina
I really like this story!


I love this story!  If the amulat was only real.  Please keep going!!
I love and so wish I could be a baby again for a week or two or maybe even longer.
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