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Pleasing Connie
Background: Connie is a 19 year old girl who loves the idea of turning a man into a helpless and dependent baby. Perhaps its because she grew up watching her dad run around on mom and make her miserable. Its also because Connie gets excited by dominating young men. Connie is 5 10 tall and has blond hair with blue eyes. She is very attractive and curvy at 160 lbs.
She has a best friend named Kathy she grew up with who thinks Connie is a little strange. Kathy is 20 with brown hair and eyes, she is pretty at 5 9 tall and 140 lbs. Kathy does Aerobics and works out at a local Ballys Health Club. Connie joins her in Aerobics and working out on the various machines.
Both girls grew up in an average home, their parents are not rich. After graduating from high school neither girl could afford college. Connie and Kathy attended a Vocational School, It took only 9 months to become a Nurses Aid. Both are employed at a local hospital, helping out in the Pediatrics Ward.
Connie and Kathy grew up in the small town of Hicksville in Alabama. They are country girls who grew up on small farms outside of town. There are only 10,000 people in Hicksville, which is still an old fashioned country town. There are several schools and only one large medical center called Baptist Hospital.
The girls work the same shift at Baptist Hospital. They work from 3 pm till 11 pm. Their job is checking on the kids to make sure they are resting comfortably. They bring meals to their room, change bed sheets, and yes both have diaper duty. In Pediatrics all patients are kept in a thick disposable diaper and milky white plastic pants. All sizes are available for use.
This raises some problems, since anyone 17 and under stays in the Pediatrics Ward. The older kids dont like being put in diapers, but its hospital policy. Connie and Kathy have diapered kids of all ages. They clean and change them when needed, its part of their job. The girls also make sure the patient takes their medications. They give sponge baths to those who cant shower.
Connie and Kathy live together in a large 3 bedroom apartment. The girls make good money as Nurses Aids. Both are single and looking for a new boyfriend. They dont like some of the creepy males they grew up with. The boys are too backward and show little respect for females.
A young man in their apartment complex has Connies attention. Walt lives alone in a large one bedroom unit. He is 18 and from a rich family outside of town. His parents run a large farm with hired hands. Walt is a quiet boy who works part time at the local Library. He still gets a cash allowance from his parents. Connie likes the idea of taking control of this boy. Walt is small and looks young for his age. He is only 5 2 tall. He is a weak looking boy weighing 100 lbs.
Chapter One: Walt is quiet and keeps to himself, maybe thats why he works at the Library. He did not want to continue to work on the farm. Walt could not handle the hard, heavy work of a farmer. His daddy wanted him to work on the farm, but Walt had other ideas. Dad told him to get lost when he did not want to get up and go to work after turning 18.
Mom saved the day by helping Walt move into his apartment and start a new life. Dad soon got over his disappointment, but is overwhelmed with the duties on his farm. Walt is educated and helps run the small computer lab at the library. He also works the desk and checks out books.
Back at their apartment Connie and Kathy are ready for work. Dressed in a white nurses dress, white tights, and the hat, the girls go out to their car. Connie spots Walt coming home from the Library. He works from 8 am till 2:30 and gets 30 hours a week.
Thats him over there, said Connie, the little man I want to dominate and put in diapers.
Oh my you are strange, said Kathy, why would you want to do that to a nice boy like Walt?
Because he is so small and helpless looking, replied Connie, can you believe that baby faced boy is 18, he looks more like a 12 year old to me with that boyish haircut.
You sure have some strange ideas Connie, said Kathy, I dont think he would like that at all.
Connie explains she gets excited by the idea of dominating and diapering Walt. She enjoys the reactions of her young patients as she puts an older kid in diapers at the hospital. They always turn red and argue they dont need diapers. Thats when she insists on diapering them anyway.
Get in the car Connie, we have to get to work, said Kathy, and stop those ridiculous ideas.
I dont know how yet, but I am gonna take control of my little friend Walt, said Connie, did you see the way he looked at us in our nurses uniforms?
Connie is sure Walt likes girls, but he is very shy. She knows he would be helpless to a large girl like herself, especially with help from Kathy. Connie wants to capture little Walt somehow. The girls report to work and do their duties. Walt goes inside his apartment to use the computer.
All week long Connie is thinking about how to take control of Walt. She dont care if he likes it or not. The idea of dominating him like a toddler makes her feel excited. Connie gets hot flashes thinking about spanking and diapering the little man.
After a long week of working, the weekend is here. On Saturday Connie and Kathy go out to the pool and find Walt sunbathing. Connie goes back to the apartment and gets a dozen of her just baked chocolate chip cookies. She returns to the pool with the bag of goodies. The first thing to do is get Walt to like and trust her as a friend.
Excuse me young man my name is Connie, she spoke to Walt, would you like some of my just baked chocolate chip cookies?
Hello my name is Walt, he replied, I have seen you and your roommate around the complex a few times. Sure I would love some homemade cookies, the young man said.
The 3 sat by the pool and got acquainted, Walt enjoyed a couple of the cookies while they chat. Connie kept smiling at Kathy, who knew what she wants to do. Kathy could only smile back, but she disapproved of her roommates desires and plans.
Thanks for the cookies mamm, Walt said, I will save the rest for at home.
Walt gets up and shakes both girls hands, now they know each other a little better. Kathy also introduced herself while Connie went for the cookies. Walt walks away slowly and jumps in the pool. He is a very good swimmer and glides thru the water.
Did you notice what I did? asked Connie, he is shy and babyish with the brown hair and eyes. I also noticed when he stood in front of us in his tight trunks, that he has a small penis, stated Connie, something like a toddler boy would have.
Yes I did notice those things, laughed Kathy, he could pass for one of the young boys we diaper in pediatrics at the hospital.
The 3 of them leave the pool and go back to their apartments. On Sunday Walt stops by to thank Connie again for the cookies, he has a slight crush on the attractive blond girl. He takes them to the Library and shows the girls around.
This is our computer lab, said Walt, I am in charge of helping use the labs and answer any questions people have.
You must be very smart doing a job like this, said Connie, I am fairly good with computers myself and have one at home.
I also check out books at the front desk when the labs are not busy, continued Walt, the job pays good and is very easy.
The 3 young adults have lunch together and are becoming good friends and neighbors. Walt is asked to come by Baptist Hospital, so the girls can show him around and talk about their jobs.
Sure I would like that, said Walt, I start my 2 week vacation on Monday.
Connie and I work the same shift, said Kathy, we would be glad to give you a tour of the hospital, hopefully you wont ever get sick and need to stay there.