All R Pleasing Connie
A young nurse gets excited by dominating small men as babies. Connie gets some reluctant help from her roommate Kathy.
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Pleasing Connie

Background: Connie is a 19 year old girl who loves the idea of turning a man into a helpless and dependent baby. Perhaps its because she grew up watching her dad run around on mom and make her miserable. Its also because Connie gets excited by dominating young men. Connie is 5 10 tall and has blond hair with blue eyes. She is very attractive and curvy at 160 lbs.

She has a best friend named Kathy she grew up with who thinks Connie is a little strange. Kathy is 20 with brown hair and eyes, she is pretty at 5 9 tall and 140 lbs. Kathy does Aerobics and works out at a local Ballys Health Club. Connie joins her in Aerobics and working out on the various machines.

Both girls grew up in an average home, their parents are not rich. After graduating from high school neither girl could afford college. Connie and Kathy attended a Vocational School, It took only 9 months to become a Nurses Aid. Both are employed at a local hospital, helping out in the Pediatrics Ward.

Connie and Kathy grew up in the small town of Hicksville in Alabama. They are country girls who grew up on small farms outside of town. There are only 10,000 people in Hicksville, which is still an old fashioned country town. There are several schools and only one large medical center called Baptist Hospital.

The girls work the same shift at Baptist Hospital. They work from 3 pm till 11 pm. Their job is checking on the kids to make sure they are resting comfortably. They bring meals to their room, change bed sheets, and yes both have diaper duty. In Pediatrics all patients are kept in a thick disposable diaper and milky white plastic pants. All sizes are available for use.

This raises some problems, since anyone 17 and under stays in the Pediatrics Ward. The older kids dont like being put in diapers, but its hospital policy. Connie and Kathy have diapered kids of all ages. They clean and change them when needed, its part of their job. The girls also make sure the patient takes their medications. They give sponge baths to those who cant shower.

Connie and Kathy live together in a large 3 bedroom apartment. The girls make good money as Nurses Aids. Both are single and looking for a new boyfriend. They dont like some of the creepy males they grew up with. The boys are too backward and show little respect for females.

A young man in their apartment complex has Connies attention. Walt lives alone in a large one bedroom unit. He is 18 and from a rich family outside of town. His parents run a large farm with hired hands. Walt is a quiet boy who works part time at the local Library. He still gets a cash allowance from his parents. Connie likes the idea of taking control of this boy. Walt is small and looks young for his age. He is only 5 2 tall. He is a weak looking boy weighing 100 lbs.

Chapter One: Walt is quiet and keeps to himself, maybe thats why he works at the Library. He did not want to continue to work on the farm. Walt could not handle the hard, heavy work of a farmer. His daddy wanted him to work on the farm, but Walt had other ideas. Dad told him to get lost when he did not want to get up and go to work after turning 18.

Mom saved the day by helping Walt move into his apartment and start a new life. Dad soon got over his disappointment, but is overwhelmed with the duties on his farm. Walt is educated and helps run the small computer lab at the library. He also works the desk and checks out books.

Back at their apartment Connie and Kathy are ready for work. Dressed in a white nurses dress, white tights, and the hat, the girls go out to their car. Connie spots Walt coming home from the Library. He works from 8 am till 2:30 and gets 30 hours a week.

Thats him over there, said Connie, the little man I want to dominate and put in diapers.

Oh my you are strange, said Kathy, why would you want to do that to a nice boy like Walt?

Because he is so small and helpless looking, replied Connie, can you believe that baby faced boy is 18, he looks more like a 12 year old to me with that boyish haircut.

You sure have some strange ideas Connie, said Kathy, I dont think he would like that at all.

Connie explains she gets excited by the idea of dominating and diapering Walt. She enjoys the reactions of her young patients as she puts an older kid in diapers at the hospital. They always turn red and argue they dont need diapers. Thats when she insists on diapering them anyway.

Get in the car Connie, we have to get to work, said Kathy, and stop those ridiculous ideas.

I dont know how yet, but I am gonna take control of my little friend Walt, said Connie, did you see the way he looked at us in our nurses uniforms?

Connie is sure Walt likes girls, but he is very shy. She knows he would be helpless to a large girl like herself, especially with help from Kathy. Connie wants to capture little Walt somehow. The girls report to work and do their duties. Walt goes inside his apartment to use the computer.

All week long Connie is thinking about how to take control of Walt. She dont care if he likes it or not. The idea of dominating him like a toddler makes her feel excited. Connie gets hot flashes thinking about spanking and diapering the little man.

After a long week of working, the weekend is here. On Saturday Connie and Kathy go out to the pool and find Walt sunbathing. Connie goes back to the apartment and gets a dozen of her just baked chocolate chip cookies. She returns to the pool with the bag of goodies. The first thing to do is get Walt to like and trust her as a friend.

Excuse me young man my name is Connie, she spoke to Walt, would you like some of my just baked chocolate chip cookies?

Hello my name is Walt, he replied, I have seen you and your roommate around the complex a few times. Sure I would love some homemade cookies, the young man said.

The 3 sat by the pool and got acquainted, Walt enjoyed a couple of the cookies while they chat. Connie kept smiling at Kathy, who knew what she wants to do. Kathy could only smile back, but she disapproved of her roommates desires and plans.

Thanks for the cookies mamm, Walt said, I will save the rest for at home.

Walt gets up and shakes both girls hands, now they know each other a little better. Kathy also introduced herself while Connie went for the cookies. Walt walks away slowly and jumps in the pool. He is a very good swimmer and glides thru the water.

Did you notice what I did? asked Connie, he is shy and babyish with the brown hair and eyes. I also noticed when he stood in front of us in his tight trunks, that he has a small penis, stated Connie, something like a toddler boy would have.

Yes I did notice those things, laughed Kathy, he could pass for one of the young boys we diaper in pediatrics at the hospital.

The 3 of them leave the pool and go back to their apartments. On Sunday Walt stops by to thank Connie again for the cookies, he has a slight crush on the attractive blond girl. He takes them to the Library and shows the girls around.

This is our computer lab, said Walt, I am in charge of helping use the labs and answer any questions people have.

You must be very smart doing a job like this, said Connie, I am fairly good with computers myself and have one at home.

I also check out books at the front desk when the labs are not busy, continued Walt, the job pays good and is very easy.

The 3 young adults have lunch together and are becoming good friends and neighbors. Walt is asked to come by Baptist Hospital, so the girls can show him around and talk about their jobs.

Sure I would like that, said Walt, I start my 2 week vacation on Monday.

Connie and I work the same shift, said Kathy, we would be glad to give you a tour of the hospital, hopefully you wont ever get sick and need to stay there.
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    Baby Butch what another great story can I enroll please???   

     Baby Butch what another great story can I enroll please???     

more please
Baby Butch

     Baby Butch what another great story can I enroll please???     

Yes you can Sissieann! I have enough done on this new one to start posting it. Thanks for commenting on my new story. : )

Baby Butch

 more please  

There is more story to come in a few days. I am glad you like the story.

Loved it baby butch can hardly wait for this story to continue.
Oh, Walt is such a lucky guy. I would love to be on that tour.
Baby Butch

 Loved it baby butch can hardly wait for this story to continue.  

Hello Krystalasbaby, I am glad you like my new story and commented.

Baby Butch

 Oh, Walt is such a lucky guy. I would love to be on that tour.  

I would also like to fill in for little Walt, he he. Appreciate the comment Old Joe.

Baby Butch
Chapter Two: Connie did not tell Walt they are pediatrics nurses aids, they will meet him at the front Lobby at 2 pm Monday. This gives them an hour to show him around their work area. Kathy does not know what Connie has in mind yet.

The rest of the weekend is spent back in their apartments. Connie is making plans on how to get little Walt under her control. Kathy is going to be surprised at what Connie has in mind. Walt will be more that surprised, he will surely freak out at what she plans.

Walt is glad to have met 2 female friends, he does have a crush on Connie. Walt does not have a lot of friends, only those who he knows at the Library and a few from high school. Walt looks forward to his hospital tour on Monday with 2 young attractive nurses aids.

After lunch on Monday Walt showers and shaves to look good for his new lady friends. He puts on a pair slacks and a t-shirt with a collar. Walt drives over to Baptist Hospital and parks in the visitors area. He goes in the main entrance and lobby, Connie and Kathy are waiting for him.

Hello Walt, Im so glad you are on time so we can show you around the hospital, said Connie.

Please sign these forms for visitors and I can get you an ID bracelet, said Connie, you can turn it back in before you exit the hospital.

Good idea, commented Kathy, we would not want security to ask you to leave.

Walt signs the forms without reading them, assuming it is for a visitors pass. Then Connie takes the forms to admittance and comes back. Connie puts the plastic ID bracelet on his right wrist.

We are all set now Walt, said Connie, lets start the tour in the area of the hospital that Kathy and I work in.

They go down a maze of hallways, passing by Radiology and the Cafeteria. Walt gets a quick look at both areas and they go down a long hall and turn right. The double doors open with Connies plastic Key Card. The sign over the door says Pediatrics as the 3 enter the ward.

Hello nurse Connie and nurse Kathy, you are early today, commented the security guard.

Kathy distracts Walt by taking him to the nurses station and introducing him to the staff. Connie tells the guard Walt is a new patient and a friend, they are admitting him. She shows him the forms.

I see your friend has a low grade fever and is in for tests, said the guard, too bad a 12 year old has to catch some kind of virus.

Yes his mother is out of town and we are looking after him, replied Connie to the guard.

Walt has never been hospitalized, he does not realize he has been admitted as a 12 year old boy. Walt thinks his ID is for a visitor, not for a patient who has just been admitted. Connie joins Kathy and Walt at the nurses station.

As long as you girls are here early go ahead and clock in, said the Head Nurse, we are short a girl today, you can admit the new patient in a private room due to the possibility of infection.

What do you mean infection? asked Walt, I am not sick, I just came to tour the area with my friends. Did you say admit the patient? asked Walt, I am not a new patient!

The boy has a mild fever and is a bit delirious, said Connie, we better get him to his room and in bed right away.

You girls know what to do, said the Head Nurse, if he dont behave himself, put the young boy over your knee for a spanking.

I am not a boy, I am an 18 year old adult man, insisted Walt, no one is going to spank me or put me in a room because I am leaving.

Walter is freaking out, how could this mistake be happening. He heads for the double doors to leave, but they are locked. The security guard brings him back to the nurses station.

This sick boy just tried to leave the Pediatrics Ward, said the guard, I cant have naught boys running around the ward, take him to his room.

A hospital bed is rolled up to Walt and the 3 nurses lay the screaming boy down and strap him to his bed. Then Connie and Kathy roll him to the last room on the right side of the hallway. He is taken to room 210 still having a fit about things.

The girls play the part well, everyone thinks Walt is a naughty, disobedient, 12 year old boy who needs a spanking. He may be ill with a low grade fever, but he still has to behave.

Why are you doing this to me? yells Walt, I thought we were friends!

I do like you Walt, replied Connie, I am going to take good care of you and so is the staff.

Walt has been tricked and captured by Connie. He is so much like a small boy, no one will ever question his being here in the Pediatrics Ward. The nurses will take his temperature and make sure he has the low grade fever. His bill will be paid by a local childrens charity.

Walt is unstrapped from his rolling bed and stands up in his hospital room. Connie is feeling excited about the way she is going to dominate Walt. He refuses to get undressed and put on the hospital gown. Connie gets Kathy to help undress the man. Walt is not able to stop them.
Baby Butch
Chapter Three: You are now a patient in the Pediatrics Ward at Baptist Hospital, insisted Connie, you are no different than the other children and will do as you are told. You are just a 12 year old boy, not an adult anymore, said Connie, and you will be treated like a boy.

Connie cant wait to get her boy in diapers, but first he has a spanking coming to get rid of any more resistance. She is excited to have this babyish man under her control as planned. Walt is upset a friend would do this. He is upset with himself for not reading what he signed.

In just a hospital gown and briefs Walt is pulled over Connies knee as she sits on his bed. This is not the first time they spanked a naughty boy. Kathy helps keep Walt in place as Connie starts to spank his bottom.

Stop this foolishness and let me out of here! yells Walt in frustration.

Connie just spanks his cheeks one at a time with a hard slap of her hand. Then she speeds up and starts really spanking Walt hard. He cant get up and is being spanked like a child.

This spanking will not be the last if you dont be a good boy and do as the nurses tell you, said Connie, enjoying the spanking of her babyish neighbor.

All patients in Pediatrics Ward are put in diapers and plastic pants, lectured Connie as she spanked Walt.

After 2 minutes of constant spanking Walter is feeling humiliated. Now he is informed he will be put in diapers next. The spanking continues as Walt begins to cry like a baby and kick his feet. Connie gives him a red bottom by spanking him for a whole 5 minutes. She is excited by this.

Kathy leaves the room to get the diaper cart, it is stocked with disposable diapers, plastic pants, baby powder, diaper rash ointment, vasoline, and a rectal thermometer. She returns to Walts room to find him laying on the bed in his brief and gown on a diaper mat.

Yes mamm, I will lay still while you put me in diapers, said Walt, I will obey you and all the nurses like a good boy.

Connie is hot, she is going to put a diaper on her babyish neighbor just like she wanted. She lifts Walts gown and takes off his briefs. She has him roll over on his stomach. Walt is not objecting anymore. Connie takes vasoline and lubes Walts rectum, she inserts the thermometer.

Its been 5 minutes, now let me read your temperature, said Connie, just like I thought, you still have a low grade fever of 100.6 degrees.

Kathy documents this in Walts chart, they will check his temperature 4 times a day. On his stomach Walts bottom is powdered and then he is told to roll over on his back.

Connie opens a thick, white, plastic outside youth diaper as Walt watches. She grabs both his ankles, lifts him and slips the diaper under his red bottom. Connie powers his front diaper area and penis. She will use rash cream at the first sign of a rash.

Your little penis about disappeared after my spanking, commented Connie, I have diapered a few 12 year olds with bigger ones.

Connie pulls the front of the diaper up between Walts legs, she tapes it on securely. She takes a pair of milky white plastic pants and puts his feet in the small holes. She pulls the pants up and over his diaper. Walt is blushing with embarrassment. Walts gown is fixed and he is tucked in bed. Connie raised the side railings on both sides. This bed is actually a large crib!

Its 3 oclock, be a good baby and take a nap for mommy, said nurse Connie as her and Kathy leave the room of a very startled small adult man.

Are you alright Connie? asked Kathy, I think you enjoyed that too much.

Yes I am fine, replied Connie, I do need to go to the ladies room and put on clean panties. This is all very exciting to me, she continued, I hope we can keep him here for 2 weeks.

Check his chart and see he gets his medication, said Connie, I will be back to help with the rest of the patients as soon as I clean up a bit.

Kathy gets a shot from the head nurse, Walts chart says he needs a sedative and a diuretic to allow him to pee freely in his diapers. Connie wants Walt using his diapers regularly. In the Pediatrics Ward enemas are given at 7 am, Walt will get his in the morning.

Kathy goes back to Walts room and injects the new patient in his arm. She stays to see that he gets drowsy and doses off for his nap. Then she meets up with Connie at the nurses station to do their normal job.

Even the Head Nurse thinks Walt is a 12 year old boy with some type of virus. No one in the hospital knows the truth except Kathy and Connie. No one will believe Walt if he tells them whats going on. Hes just a small boy delirious with a fever who needs rest.

I cant believe you took things this far, said nurse Kathy, you are gonna get both of us in trouble if we get caught.

Dont worry about it, said nurse Connie, no one will believe him or find out what we did.

Kathy was not filled in on the whole plan, but went along with things as they happened. She did not want to let down her best friend. Connie has more plans she has not told Kathy about, but that can wait till later.
Got caught up on chapters 2 and 3 i really like the story. Where you leave it off keeps me sitting in my wet diaper wanting more please.
thank you for the story it is very good and i love it a lot.
Baby Butch

 Got caught up on chapters 2 and 3 i really like the story. Where you leave it off keeps me sitting in my wet diaper wanting more please.  

It sounds like you need a diaper change, he he. I am glad you liked the story and want more. I try to come up with a good stopping point after a chapter if I can.
Baby Butch

 thank you for the story it is very good and i love it a lot.  

Hello Meisababy, I appreciate your comment, glad you love the new story.
I so love this story and yet I am so jealous. I have wanted to try and write a story, similar to this,but as always,what I want to do and what I actually get round to doing are far from the same.

I can't wait, even though I will have to, to find out what else Nurse Connie has planned for her patient. I'm pretty sure he will be experiencing enemas before long, but I get the impression that Nurse Connie has more planned for her poorly patient. I'm wondering if 2 weeks will be long enough to cure Walt of what the Nurse has decided ails him?
Anpther amazing story :) Can't wait to find out what happens...though my soggy sense is going off! *waves and hugss and bottomypats and a baby bottle obs hospital milk*
Baby Butch

 I so love this story and yet I am so jealous. I have wanted to try and write a story, similar to this,but as always,what I want to do and what I actually get round to doing are far from the same.

I can't wait, even though I will have to, to find out what else Nurse Connie has planned for her patient. I'm pretty sure he will be experiencing enemas before long, but I get the impression that Nurse Connie has more planned for her poorly patient. I'm wondering if 2 weeks will be long enough to cure Walt of what the Nurse has decided ails him?  

Yes it does take a lot of time to write a story, I have been wanting to do one like this for a while. I actually started it several months ago and recently went back to writing it again.

I am glad you like the story it is far from being finished. Thanks for reading and commenting Old Joe.
Baby Butch

 Anpther amazing story :) Can't wait to find out what happens...though my soggy sense is going off! *waves and hugss and bottomypats and a baby bottle obs hospital milk*  

Yes Sarahpenquin this one is a different kind of incarceration story than the last one. Poor Walt has been captured by his neithbor lady who is a cute nurse. How will he ever get out of the hospital?
Walt seems such a sensitive kind of guy. maybe the hospital is where he needs to be. I'm sure Nurse's Connie and Kathy will know just what to do with their new patient. The sooner Walt realises this the better, and the fewer spankings he will need.
Pink Pony
I wish that would happen to me!
The similarities between a flower and a diaper is that they bring joy and pleasure to all who have the time to appreciate them!

And they both smell.

Baby Butch

 I wish that would happen to me!  

I'm glad you like the story. I am going to update it very soon.

Baby Butch
Chapter Four: The nurses aids take care of a lot of patients in the Pediatrics Ward, mostly the ones near this nurses station. The head nurse leaves at 5 pm, then the nurses aids serve dinner. Connie takes dinner to Walt and moves on to the next room. Walt is still drowsy after his nap and wanting out of this place.

He is sitting and eating dinner in a wet diaper and plastic pants. Walt wonders what is in store for him next. At 7 pm Connie comes by his room with another injection like before. Soon the sedative makes him drowsy again.

Let me take your diaper off baby, said Connie, then I can permanently get rid of that pubic hair, a boy should be hairless down there.

Now very drowsy, Walt lets Connie take off his diaper and lays still. He is not sure anymore what is going on due to the medications. Why is he peeing his diaper without any warning? Connie takes a cream and rubs it into his pubic hair. She rolls him over to dehair his bottom.

Ouch, that stuff stings my sore bottom! cried Walt, what are you doing to me anyway?

Hush up baby, when I am finished your body hair will be gone permanently, said Connie, this will ensure everyone thinks you are only 12. I will get your legs next, chest, and facial hair, she said.

Walt is too drowsy to complain and scared of getting another spanking. He submits to the entire hair removal plan of Connie. She takes her time in each area and wipes him clean with warm water afterward. Walts whole body is as smooth as a babies bottom.

You really look like a 12 year old now, said Connie, none of the nurses on the other shifts will ever believe you, if you say you are an 18 year old man.

A clean diaper and plastic pants are put back on. Walt is locked in his crib and gets use of a TV till bedtime. Its high on the wall and has a remote control. Connie disables the call button so Walt dont call for a nurse to use the bathroom. She notes on his chart, patient is incontinent.

Two other shifts of nurses will be caring for Walt. The night shift wont see much of him, they will periodically check to see if he is ok. Kathy comes by his room at 11 pm to put him in a clean overnight diaper. She uses rash ointment on his diaper area, a numb small penis is rubbed too.

This diaper stays on till 7 am when a nurse will give you a morning enema, said Kathy, dont take it off or a spanking is given and locking plastic pants will be put on you.

Walt gets a third shot of sedatives and diuretics, soon he will be fast asleep in his crib. The night shift works from 11 pm till 7 am. Then the morning shift comes in from 7 am till 3 pm. Connie knows Bertha will be here in the morning and she takes no nonsense from children. Walt will be surprised when he meets the 40 year old woman. She is 6 2 tall and about 220 lbs.

In the morning at 7 am Walt is woke up by nurse Bertha lowering the sides of his crib. She already hung a 2 quart bag of warm soapy water by his bed. Walt has a very wet diaper on this morning. The big cheerful nurse takes off his plastic pants and diaper.

Lay on your left side, right knee bent and the left leg straight please, said Bertha, lay with you right arm over your head on the pillow, its time for a morning enema child.

I am not a child, I am an 18 year old adult man, explained Walt, I dont need these diapers, I dont need an enema, and I dont need to be here.

You are funny son, if you dont need a diaper then why is this one soaked I took off of you, laughed Bertha, the chart says you are 12 and you look like it. You do need an enema, so you dont poop in your diapers and make a mess, continued Bertha shaking her head.

Bertha reads on the chart Walt is incontinent, runs low grade fevers, and needs plenty of rest. His unbelievable story is presumed to be from his medical condition. She stands over Walt with her arms folded and orders Walt to assume the position for his morning enema.

I am not a boy, I am a man and I want to be let out of here right now! screams Walt.

I have had enough of your nonsense child, insisted Bertha, you arent going anywhere!

I know youve been sick, but you are a naughty, disobedient child, and a bad liar, said Bertha removing the crib side, you are going over my knee for a spanking!

Bertha easily picks up Walt in her arms, she sits on the bed, and places him across her knees. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, on each cheek of his bare bottom. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, 5 more spanks to each cheek of Walts bare bottom, Bertha is big and strong, Walt cant get away.

Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, 5 more harder and faster. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, 5 more on the bare skin. Bertha continues as Walt starts to kick his feet and cry from his spanking. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, 5 more and slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, another five hard slaps redden his behind.

Poor Walt is thinking about how unfair this is and wonders how to get out of here when they all think he is a 12 year old boy. He is spanked into a submissive, obedient, child in a short time.

Waah, waah, I dont want any more spanking, cried Walt, I will be good and take my enema, I wont tell any more lies.

Bertha stops and lays Walt on his left side, He assumed the proper position immediately. Bertha puts on an exam glove and lubricates his rectum with KY. She inserts a butt plug and pumps it a few times. The enema hose is attached and the clamp is opened. Slowly Walts colon is filled with the warm soapy water. The bag is empty, Walt will hold it for a while, the hose is removed.
Baby Butch
Chapter Five: Walt holds the soapy enema for 10 minutes. The urge to evacuate is strong as nurse Bertha takes him to the toilet. Just before he sits down, Walts plug is removed. He is relieved of his cramps as his bowels empty. The procedure is repeated with clean warm water and no soap.

You are acting like a good boy now, said Bertha, keep it up to avoid any more spankings.

Walt is thinking about how bad Connie tricked him to do this. He is thinking about how much he looks like a boy and will be good till he can get out of here. Walt is small, light weight, has no crotch hair, no facial hair, and looks very young. Why would anyone believe he is an adult.

Lay on your stomach on the bed, said Bertha, I need to take your temperature rectally.

Walt does as he is told, nurse Bertha puts a dab of vasoline in his rectum and inserts the rectal thermometer for 5 minutes. Walt ends up having a temperature of 101 degrees, probably due to the hot water enemas. It goes on his chart again as a low grade fever.

The chart says you are incontinent, said Bertha, you need to be put in cloth diapers.

Walt finds himself being rash creamed, baby powdered, and pinned into a thick cloth prefold diaper. Bertha pins the diaper on securely with 4 diaper pins. She has toddlers baby print plastic panties. Bertha puts them on Walt to cover his diapers and prevent leaks, they are locked on.

Bertha doesnt put Walt back in his hospital gown. She puts light blue flannel footed pajamas on him, with brown teddy bears. Bertha zips up the back of his PJs and the zipper is locked at the neckline, Walt cannot remove them.

This is how a 12 year old naught boy who lies is dressed, laughed Bertha, especially when he is incontinent and will be changed like a baby.

Walt does not like his situation, the children in pediatrics are strictly disciplined. He is now one of them, until he figures out how to get out of here. Walt does not like his outfit, he could not possibly remove the pajamas or his plastic pants and diapers.

Since you were so naughty with your lies, back talk, and disobedience, I dressed you in our punishment clothes, laughed Bertha, all the other nurses will know you were spanked for being a naughty little boy. They will know to spank you again when a new nurse comes in, said Bertha, by the end of the day you will be a very well behaved little boy.

Walt is about to break down in tears, he cant believe this is happening. Connie will be his nurse again at 3 pm, she is certainly going to like this development. She will be quick to give him another spanking. Walt is glad of one thing, he dont have to worry about pooping his diaper. The enemas will be given every morning he is still here.

Walt is tucked in his bed by the nurse, she lifts both side rails of the large crib and locks them. This naughty young boy is under complete control. The nurse wants to help Walt because of his not feeling well due to fever.

You are confined to complete bed rest until further notice, said Bertha as she injected Walt with a sedative to help him rest.

The chart does not say to use diuretics, Connie injects those secretly to make Walt bladder incontinent. This is part of her master plan to take control of Walt and baby him. Walt drifts off into a deep sleep after the sedative.

Oh my look at my naughty little baby boy Walt, said Connie starting her shift. You have been naughty and spanked, she continued, otherwise you would not be dressed like that.

Walt is rudely awakened from his long sleep by nurse Connie. She lowers one side of his crib and makes him stand. Connie unlocks and unzips his pajamas to take them off. His plastic pants are unlocked and taken off.

Oh my your diapers are soaked baby, said Connie, did you enjoy peeing your diapers?

The 4 diaper pins are removed, Walts diapers are put in a pail. Connie wipes him clean with a warm cloth and baby wipes. His small penis is soft from the medication, Walt is not excited.

You are so small down there baby, laughed Connie, another reason you cant be a man.

Connie sits on the bed and quickly pulls Walt across her knees and is spanking him soundly. He has no time to react and is getting another spanking. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, five hard spanks to each of his buttocks. This is done nonstop for 5 minutes, Walt is crying and kicking after 3.

Walt has been in the Pediatrics Ward for just over 24 hours and this is his third spanking. He is back in diapers and using them. Connie is excited from spanking Walt and cant wait to get him diapered and back in his PJs.

Lay on the bed on your stomach, said nurse Connie, I must take your temperature.

Walt does as he is told and lays with a thermometer in his rectum for 5 minutes. His body temperature is high again this time, maybe from his warmed bottom. Connie writes 100.6 on his chart to show his fabricated low grade fever.

Walt rolls over on a diaper mat, Connie lifts his bottom and slips a prefold diaper under it. She rubs in rash cream, applies baby powder, and pins his diaper on tight. Walts plastic panties are put on and locked, so are his boyish pajamas. He is tucked into his crib and the sides raised. A shot of sedatives and diuretics are injected into his shoulder. Connie is feeling excited again!
This ia one of your best yet, plase carrying on the excellent writing, I have to change my diaper every time I read an update.

Jessica Loordes

 This ia one of your best yet, plase carrying on the excellent writing, I have to change my diaper every time I read an update.  

Great story. Wonder where the Doctor is or will come into this. But I am sure this will continue to get interesting! Kisses Jess
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