XXX I'm Not A Female!
A young man is arrested for stealing computers. He confesses and ends up in a womens correctional institution. Troy gets humiliated and ends up a sissybaby.
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I’m Not A Female!

Scene 1: Sirens are blaring and lights are flashing. The police have caught the gang of teens who have been breaking into Best Buy and stealing computers. They are older boys 18 and 19, they wanted to get rich without working. The police put them all in handcuffs. The boys are taken to the county jail to be admitted.

Troy who is 18 was brave around his rowdy criminal friends. He is alone now and may be transferred to another facility. Troy is not so cocky now and very quiet. He is being body cavity searched by a female officer and booked.

Troy is still in street clothes, his hands are in cuffs and connected with a chain to his ankle cuffs. “Bend over and keep your legs straight,” instructed officer Sue as she puts on the exam glove.

“Yes mamm,” replied Troy as he bent over and held his ankles. Sue dropped his jeans and briefs to his ankles. She applied a lubricant to his rectum and inserted her big right finger. Sue is 6’ and 200 lbs. of muscle, Troy only 5’ 4” and 120 lbs.

“Ouch, that hurts!” cried Troy, “don’t be so rough there is nothing inside of me.” Troy just grins and bears it as Sue is conducting a long exam to humiliate him.

“Pull up your pants and have a seat in the chair,” said officer Sue, “I need to talk to you about your options.” Troy is scared and has never been in jail before. He is a first offender, but will serve time in prison if found guilty.

“You are very young and I would hate to see you get sent to a long prison term,” said officer Sue, “you have been caught red handed and are on video tape.”

“The prisons are over crowded and the court system is slow,” Sue continued, “If you confess now I can transfer you to a correctional facility for 2 years.” Troy’s option is not good. If convicted he will get 3 to 5 years in a state prison.

Troy is shown the video of the recent robbery, he is shown more videos of prior robberies and is clearly visible. “I would rather confess than spend up to 5 years in prison,” replied Troy, “a correctional facility for 2 years would be better.” Troy confesses and the appropriate documents are signed.

Troy signs everything without reading the documents, he is happy with his option. “I am head of the Women’s Behavior and Correctional Institution,” Sue informed Troy, “you just agreed to be transferred there for 2 years as a laundry worker.”

“The only right you have is to do as you are told,” said Miss Sue, “you will look, dress, and act like all the other girls.” “I am sure you will love washing and folding clothes for all the ladies there and fit in just fine,” continued Miss Sue.

Troy cannot believe his ears, can she really do this to me he thought. “Take off your clothes,” ordered Miss Sue, “you won’t see male clothes again for 2 years.”

Sue removes his chains and strips Troy naked. A second female Miss Kim from WBCI comes in carrying a bag with the official uniform. Now naked in front of 2 females, Troy watches them lay out white matching nylon panties and a bra.

“I‘m not a female!” exclaimed Troy, “why would you do this to me?” Sue tells Troy WBCI has vacancies and will be paid by the state for his rehabilitation. She then explains they need a girl in the laundry and Troy is renamed Tracy.

“I think Troy should have been a girl,” said Miss Kim, “he has a small girlish body and face.” “With that long blond hair and some makeup he will pass for female,” continued Kim, “his penis is so small no one will notice it.”

Tracy is blushing red and is humiliated, he was tricked into this arrangement. Sue lays out white nylon tights, a pink t-shirt, and a short pink skirt. They are both made of soft cotton.

To complete the uniform are pink lacy girls socks and soft pink Mary Jane shoes. “Lay on the table before we dress you in the girls everyday uniform” orders Miss Sue, “let me have the plastic chastity device Miss Kim.”

Troy reluctantly lays down with his hand still covering his private parts. He is not sure what is about to happen as Sue approaches him with the strange device.

“I am putting your bird in acage so you can’t get an erection,” said Miss Sue, “the chastity device is small and not removable without a key.” Sue skillfully attached the device to Toys balls and penis, his bird is in a cage.

“I don’t want you to enjoy your stay at WBCI,” said Sue, “all the ladies will be told you are off limits as far as sex.” Sex is forbidden for all inmates. Sue tells Troy he better be an obedient girl or he will be spanked over the knee like a child.

Troy is told to step into his panties and does. Sue pulls the nylon briefs up to his waist and then fastens on his bra. “Do you already know how to put on tights?” teased Sue as she put them on Troy. He feels pain getting excited by all this.

The soft pink t-shirt is put over his head. Sue has Troy step into his pink skirt and fits it to his waist perfectly. Then his lacy socks and girls shoes are put on. “Now you are a WBCI girl,” said Kim, “never be out of uniform!”

“Cheer up Tracy you will be issued other girls uniforms,” said Miss Sue, “you will have mint green and yellow t-shirts and skirts for the appropriate days.” Tracy is not very happy at the moment, only very embarrassed and dreading his fate.

“He is already starting to look girlish,” said Sue, “let’s do his hair and makeup, I can’t wait for his first bath and I get to shave his legs, crotch, and body hair.” Troy has lipstick and blush put on his face by Kim. Sue is putting his hair in ponytails.

Tracy is put back in his restraints and escorted outside to a WBCI window van. He is put in the back seat and his seatbelt is attached. “The girls are going to love you Tracy,”said Miss Sue, “especially when they find out you are a boy.”

The van travels out into the country for an hour. Then it drives thru a security gate into a complex with a 10’ wall around it and barbed wire on the top. WBCI looks just like a small prison from the outside. All the windows have bars over them.

Tracy is taken thru the front door, which is barred and only opened by a guard. He see’s long halls with many rooms. The doors are steel with bars on the windows. “This looks more like a prison than a correctional institution,” cried Tracy.

“Yes we like to refer to it as a correctional institution, it sounds nicer,” said Kim smiling, “we are maximum security and you will live in a dorm like cell.”

“Good afternoon Miss Sue and Miss Kim,” said the guard, “who’s the new girl?” Troy is very nervous and wonders what it will be like living here.
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Baby Butch
Please use the zoom, I was not able to make the text bigger.
i like it
love to read more
love the stowy baby butch can nots wait for mor. pweath mor stowy
will dare be diapees in da stowy?

 Please use the zoom, I was not able to make the text bigger.  

Why's that? if it was text from somewhere else you could still copy and paste to a word processor and enlargen the text there, another minor criticism is the space between each line makes reading difficult too ;)

Otherwise the story's and your contributions to the site don't go unnoticed
Baby Butch

 Why's that? if it was text from somewhere else you could still copy and paste to a word processor and enlargen the text there, another minor criticism is the space between each line makes reading difficult too ;)

Otherwise the story's and your contributions to the site don't go unnoticed  

When I updated my computer to Internet Explorer 9 the editing features of the text box became useless? I wrote this story in Word 2007 and did copy and paste it at a font size of 14. It comes out like you see it, no matter how many times I change it.

Christie said the problem is within coding and can't be fixed easily. I was going to quit posting stories, but here is another one anyway. This will be fixed when the site is upgraded again. I don't know when that will be, but it is being worked on already.

P.S. - I was able to backspace out some of the extra blank spaces. The default text size and font type will not change no matter what I paste in the text box.
Baby Butch
Thanks for the 4 comments on my story. I will update it shortly and yes there is diapers involved. : )
Baby Butch
Scene 2: Tracy is taken down the hall to her room, the last one on the right side. She hears cat calls and whistles, it seems the ladies like her already. “Put him in cell 110 with the 3 middle aged ladies,” said Sue, “I am sure they will take good care of their new roommate.”

The steel door is opened with a key, Tracy’s restraints are taken off, and she is shoved inside the room. The door closes with a loud thud as the 3 ladies surround poor Tracy. “Take good care of our new girl,” said Sue, “this one is really a boy.”

The ladies are thrilled with the little sissy they have as a roommate. “My name is Gail, this is Rita, and this is Trisha,” said Gail, “what’s your name sweetie.”

“My name is Tracy now, I was tricked into coming here,” said Troy, “I thought they would send me to a men’s correctional center instead of prison.”

Troy’s skirt is lifted so the girls could see his panties. “Should we look at his penis?” asked Gail, “I don’t think we would get in trouble for just looking.”

Trisha comes up behind Tracy and drops her tights and panties. “Oh my gosh, he is very small and Sue put him in a chastity cage,” remarked Rita, “we will never see that penis get hard.”

The girls are grabbing his cock cage and kissing Tracy to make him horney. “Stop that it hurts to be denied an erection like this,” begged Tracy. He pulls his panties and tights up, then goes over to the extra bed totally embarrassed.

Tracy is afraid of what they will do to him in this place. He wishes he had not turned to crime for money and just got a job. Now he will be humiliated daily. He does not like WBCI.

Gail is 30, a shoplifter, sheis 5’ 10” and 180 lbs. Rita is 6’ and 200 pounds, she beat up her husband for coming home drunk. Trisha is the biggest girl at 6’ 2” and 230 lbs. She extorted money from her employer. Trisha is the boss of cell 110.

Trisha sits down on Tracy’s bed. “Put him over my knee girls,” said Trisha, “he needs to know right away who’s the boss.” Trisha’s going to give Tracy a spanking. “No you can’t spank me, stop this,” cried Tracy as they put her over Trisha’s knee.

Tracy struggles helplessly to avoid a spanking, he has not been spanked since he was 12. The small man is handled easily and the big woman who outweighs him by 110 lbs. starts to spank his bottom.

Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, on each cheek, Trisha’s strong arm is already burning Tracy’s bottom. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, another 5 on each cheek, Tracy is kicking like a small child.

The girls lift Tracy’s skirt so Trisha can spank his pantied butt. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, 10 on each cheek this time only a bit lower. “This is fun,”said Trisha, “I will have to keep this up much longer.”

Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, Tracy is getting a whipping. After 5 minutes her entire behind is glowing red and burns like fire. Tracy has been crying like a baby for the last 2 minutes.

“Help, help, get me out of here,” yelled Tracy, “Trisha won’t stop spanking me.” Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, the spanking continues.

“What’s going on in cell 110,” yells Sue thru the window. She sees that Tracy is over Trisha’s knee being spanked hard. “I don’t mind if you spank him but stop the noise,” yelled Sue, “stuff a pair of panties in his mouth and tie a pair of tights around his head to hold them in, that will quiet him up.”

Trisha stops for a moment.“Get a pair of Rita’s dirty panties and tights out of the hamper,” ordered Trisha, “shut him up so I can continue spanking him.” Rita grabs a pair of her dirty panties, she manages to stuff them in Tracy’s mouth. Then she ties a pair of tights around his head to finish the gag.

The girls lower Troy’s tights and panties. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, Trisha continues with a bare ass spanking. Muffled cries of distress can barely be heard now.

Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, Trisha gives another 10 hard slaps to each of Tracy’s cheeks. Tracy is bawling like a baby. He is let up and told to stand in the corner, displaying his red bottom. The gag is removed. “I know you are boss Trisha and I will do as you say,” said Tracy still crying.

“You won’t be able to sit at the dinner table,” laughed Rita, “if you are still hungry after tasting my dirty panties.” Troy is already dreading this place and only a few hours have gone by.

He would not be spanked and cross dressed in a men’s prison. He would not be in chastity or have girls panties stuffed in his mouth either. Troy wonders if he chose the wrong option.

At 5 pm the doors to all cells are opened. The ladies form a single file line and walk to the cafeteria. A lot of the girls heard Tracy’s spanking and are teasing her badly. “Hurry up girls and be quiet,” ordered Miss Sue, “Tracy is a boy and we want him to feel welcome here.”

Tracy bows her head in embarrassment, she does have to stand to eat the bland meal. Soy burgers instead of meat, greasy french fries, and spinach is served with just water.

The cafeteria is buzzing by the end of dinner, everyone knows the new girl Tracy is really a boy named Troy. Dinner is over at 5:30 sharp, an hour is spent in the large recreation room. Tracy is being taunted and teased constantly after dinner.

“Did you know bath time is at 6:30 pm Tracy?” asked Trisha, “I bet they shave away the last of your manhood.” Tracy, Rita, Trisha, and Gail are taken to the bathhouse to be bathed and prepared for bed.

The 3 girls are bathed by attendants, who are female nurses. Two nurses undress Tracy and find his chastity cage. Miss Sue unlocks it and takes it off. She shaves his crotch hair off, leg hair off, and all body hair. His face is shaved clean by Sue.

“You will let the attendants bathe you nightly,” said Miss Sue, “they will use a cream the next time to permanently remove your body and facial hair.” Tracy does not like the sound of this, soon he will be hairless permanently.

Miss Sue is quick to dry him off and put his bird back in its cage. His blond hair is combed and put in curlers. A solution is added to make curls stay longer after the curlers are removed in the morning. A pink little girls nightgown is given to Tracy and his bra is put back on. He wonders why Sue did not give him clean panties.

Hmmmmm...... I wonder what what he'll wear instead of panties?
Lov it the little sissy gets spanked and shown who is boss. Also i also wonder since no clean panties what is the next best option. (diapers)
krystala's sissy baby
This is a very promising story. I can't wait to see what interesting humiliations await poor Troy.
Baby Butch
I am glad to see the comments. The last update ended at an interesting place. I bet most will make the right guess as to why Troy was not given panties after his bath.
Baby Butch
Scene 3: Sue takes Tracy to what looks like a large diaper table. “Get up on the table honey so I can put your nightly diaper and plastic baby panties on you.”

Reluctantly Tracy does as she is told. “What do you mean diapers, I don’t wet the bed,” Tracy said. Sue explains the rule that all inmates are put in diapers and plastic panties at 7pm, after their baths.

“I’m going to diaper you tonight,” said Miss Sue, “then the attendants will take care of it for me.” Sue grabs a prefold cloth diaper, style 4-10-4 with 10 layers of thickness in the center. Sue angel wing folds the diaper making it thicker.

“Lift your bottom baby,”ordered Sue. She slips the diaper under Tracy’s bottom. Sue grabs his ankles and lifts his legs back to powder his bottom. She puts them back down and used baby powder on his front diaper area.

Sue grabs 4 metal 3” diaper pins and puts them in her mouth. The front of Tracy’s diaper is brought up and pinned securely to the back of it. Pink plastic panties are put on him next.“If you ever remove your diaper I will blister your behind with a paddle,”warned Miss Sue.

Tracy’s nightgown is slipped over his head and he has pink slippers to wear. He is freaked out at this point, humiliated all day, spanked, and now he will sleep in diapers. Gail, Rita, and Trisha join Tracy for the walk back to their room. Sue came in, closed the toilet lid and padlocked it shut.

“Part of the program at WBCI is treating inmates like a small child,” said Sue, “this helps discourage them from getting in trouble again.” Sue explains all inmates are diapered and use their diapers from 7 pm to 7 am.

Great thought Tracy sarcastically, now I am going to be a baby every night. Sue leaves the room, the inmates may stay up and watch TV till 10 pm. Night shift nurses are on call to change diapers. A final diaper change takes place at 10 pm.

“How do you like your new home,” the girls teased, “you will make all 4 beds in the morning.” Tracy can only agree, he is helpless to the 3 large women. The girls are looking good in short nighties and diapers. Troy is struggling not to feel the excitement which turns to pain as his penis tries to grow in the plastic cage.

A young cute 19 year oldnight nurse comes by cell 110 at 10 pm for a bedtime diaper change. Rita, Gail,and Trisha are all wet and their diapers are changed first. Tracy has wet and pooped her diaper, the food didn’t settle well.

“I am so glad they assigned this cell to me,” said nurse Nancy, “I know all about you Tracy, or should I say Troy.” Nancy is wearing a short white nurses uniform, white tights, and heels. She is very sexy and pretty and Tracy notices it.

His penis is struggling to break the plastic cage as she teases him and lays a diaper mat on his bed. “Lay down sweetie, I need to change you,” said Nancy, “whew you pooped your diaper and wet.”

Tracy lies down to have his plastic panties removed and Nancy removes the 4 diaper pins. The dirty diaper is thrown in the diaper pail, Tracy is being washed with a warm rag and then baby wipes.

Nurse Nancy is bending overTracy’s bed and her cute, perky, 36” breasts are showing a lot of cleavage. Nancy enjoys cleaning Tracy’s cock cage and watching the sissy squirm with pain from being excited.

“Your behind is a little red, you must have got a spanking earlier,” commented nurse Nancy, “I am going to give you another spanking to make it very red.”

“No please not another spanking,” pleaded Tracy, “I have not done anything wrong.” Nurse Nancy stands Tracy up, lifts his pink little girls nightgown and pulls him over her knee sitting on the bed. Tracy has a bare ass for this spanking.

Nancy pulls a plastic hairbrush out of her pocket, she starts spanking Tracy over his entire bottom.“The plastic hairbrush won’t bruise like a wood one,” Nancy said, “so I can spank you longer.” Nancy is spanking hard and fast by now.

After 5 minutes of nonstop hairbrush spanking over Tracy’s entire bottom, the burn sets in and will last for hours. “I’m going to spank my sissybaby for a full 15 minutes,” insisted Nancy, “your behind will sting and burn for days.”

The girls have gathered around Tracy’s bed to watch this and make fun of poor Tracy. He is squirming to be free, but can’t get up, he is spanked to tears again.

Totally defeated and sobbing like a baby, Tracy is finally let up after his spanking. “Get your ass on the diaper mat now!” yells Nancy, “you need to be diapered!”

Tracy obeys and lays on the diaper mat. Nancy slips on an exam glove and grabs some lubricant. “Bend your knees sissy so I can lube your rectum,” Nancy orders.

She applies lubricant and inserts her finger up Tracy’s butt. She lubes him up for 5 minutes, then inserts a magic bullet suppository. “What are you doing to me, that hurts,”Tracy complains.

“It’s a suppository for my baby,” laughed Nancy, “I want you to get used to having to sleep in a poopy diaper.” Tracy is told she will have a suppository inserted every night at her bedtime diaper change. Nancy will train Tracy to poop her baby diapers everynight.

Nancy powders Tracy’s bottom and lowers him on a clean 4-10-4 prefold diaper. “Coochy coo, my baby needs a diaper for beddy bye,” teased Nancy as she powders his front diaper areas.

Tracy is tightly pinned into his overnight diaper, his pink plastic panties are pulled on. “Get up and stand by the bed,” orders Nancy. She lowers his short nightgown back like it should be and tucks him into bed.

Troy’s mind is racing wondering how he can stand this for 2 years. His behind feels like it’s onfire. The good news is his penis is limp in its cage and don’t hurt. Troy is freaking out over what has happened since his arrest.

Nancy tucks the other girlsi nto their beds, turns out the lights, and goes back to her nurses station. The ladies are giggling and talking about poor Tracy.

At 2 am Tracy wakes with a stomach cramp, then quickly loads his diaper with poop. Soon he pees too and is uncomfortable in his dirty diaper. Tracy knows he will be sleeping this way for another 5 hours.

At 7 am a very uncomfortable boy wants his diaper taken off. Sue comes in bright and cheerful as she takes Tracy out of diapers and cleans him up. He is dressed in white panties, bra, tights, yellow t-shirt, yellow skirt, pink socks and pink shoes.

Wow great stowy. That one way of makng sure poopy nappy. My momma wikes me to hav prune juice in bot bot tat works too. Hope next nappy scene he gets bottle or breast fed.
krystala's sissy baby
Baby Butch

 Wow great stowy. That one way of makng sure poopy nappy. My momma wikes me to hav prune juice in bot bot tat works too. Hope next nappy scene he gets bottle or breast fed.  

I am glad you like the story and hope you enjoy the prune juice, he he. I will add an update soon for those who are still reading. Comments are appreciated.
Baby Butch
Scene 4: “Let me get that pretty blond hair of yours out of the curlers,” Miss Sue teased,“you are going to look so pretty.” All the curlers are taken out of Tracy’s hair and it is combed into long blond curls.

Sue applies lipstick and blush to Tracy’s face. “You look like a pretty girl now,” Sue commented, “no one would ever think you are a boy.” The 4 girls are released from their cell to have breakfast, all walking in line single file.

After breakfast Tracy reports to the laundry at 8 am to start working. “Hello Tracy my name is Miss Helen,”the boss said, “I know you are a boy named Troy, but we can call you Tracy since you like dressing up and being a girl.”

“I don’t like it, I was tricked into this by Miss Sue,” objected Troy, “I did not know she meant a girls correctional institution.”

“That’s not what we heard, Sue said you gladly agreed to be a girl and come here,” said Helen, “she said you are a sissy and would have erections all the time if she did not cage your bird.”

Troy turns red knowing he would be hard if not in a chastity cage. He has a hard time not getting excited, because it causes discomfort. Troy likes being forced to wear a girls bra, panties, tights, t-shirt, and skirt. He likes the socks and shoes.

“This is a perfect job for a sissy,” teased Helen, “you get to wash and fold all the girls clothing and fight the urges to get erect and cause discomfort.”

Miss Helen has a large basket of white nylon panties, tights, and bra’s. Tracy’s first duty is to sort and wash them. Then he will dry and fold all the girls under clothes.

Helen smiles as she sees Tracy squirming with discomfort. Tracy wishes the device was removed, he might actually enjoy this job. After the washing is done, Tracy is removing clothes from the dryers.

He sorts and folds the bras, panties, and tights. There are 50 girls here counting Tracy, he will be doing a lot of this. The underclothes are separated and bagged by size. They are returned to the girls as needed depending on their size. “It’s lunchtime Tracy, after lunch we can wash the t-shirts and skirts,” said Helen.

Tracy is more embarrassed after Helen’s teasing and finding out Miss Sue is telling everyone he gladly came here because he likes dressing like a girl.

During lunch Miss Sue eats with Tracy, she wants to know how he likes the job. “I like the job fine mamm,”Tracy said, “I will do a good job for Miss Helen.” Tracy don’t dare complain or he might get a spanking for being naughty.

The teasing begins when Miss Sue leaves. Tracy is getting his skirt lifted to see his panties. “Hey sissy panty boy we know you love dressing like a girl,” they chanted. Tracy is teased about being in chastity so he can’t enjoy dressing like a girl.

After a long walk Tracy escapes to the privacy of the laundry. “Let’s get these skirts and t-shirts washed,”said Miss Helen, “then we have to wash diapers.” These items are washed daily to keep the girls in uniforms and diapers.

The uniforms are washed, dried, separated and folded. They are then bagged by size. Next 50 prefold diapers are sanitized, washed, dried, and folded. Helen notices Tracy squirming a bit. “Do you like wearing baby diapers too?” asked Miss Helen smiling.

Finally a load of plastic panties are washed and dried. They are last and are quick to finish. Tracy sorts them by size and color. He has pink, milky white, and yellow, in small, medium, and large to fold and bag.

“You do good work and are strong for a small man,” said Helen, “I like having you around to help me.” NowTracy must report to the cafeteria for dinner. He has a better meal tonight to keep up his strength.

Miss Kim eats with Tracy and asks how the new job is going. Tracy says it is fine, he is tired and hungry.“Go to the recreation room after dinner, then report to the bathhouse by 6:30 pm,” instructed Miss Kim.

Tracy is teased a lot at the recreation room, he reports for his bath on time. Two nurse attendants greet him and promptly undress the boy. Miss Kim shows up to remove the chastity device.

“I want him hairless from the eyebrows down and squeaky clean,” said Miss Kim.

Tracy is standing naked by the tub. A cream is applied to dissolve hair to the roots, this way it will not grow back. “This may sting a little,” said the nurses. They rubbed Tracy with cream from the neck down. His face is rubbed good to prevent any further whisker growth.

All covered with cream, Tracy puts himself in the big bathtub. It is a bubble bath with perfume scents. All the cream is washed off, any hair is washed off with it. Tracy is bathed, his hair is washed, combed, and put in curlers.

Miss Kim puts Tracy’s penis back in the chastity device and locks it. Troy is startled by his soft, smooth, female looking body. “Get on the diaper table,” said Miss Kim, “the nurses will diaper you for the night.”

Tracy obeys, a rash cream is applied to his bottom and front diaper areas. A spray is used to prevent diaper rash on his caged bird. He squirms a bit as the nurses powder him, They pin his diaper on tightly and use pink plastic panties.

“Put on your bra, nightgown, and slippers,” said Kim, “I’ll take you to your room.”

Gail, Rita, and Trisha are already there and diapered for bed. “Our sissybaby is back,” they taunted Tracy, “I hope nurse Nancy spanks you again tonight.”

The steel door is shut with a thud and locked. The girls start kissing Tracy again to make him excited, yet unable to get hard. Tracy retreats to his bed and they tickle him till he pees.“You can wear the wet diaper till 10 pm,” the ladies told him.

The 4 girls watch television till 10, when nurse Nancy arrives. Nancy changes the 3 real girls first. Then she lays the diaper mat on Tracy’s bed. “I see you soaked this diaper,” commented nurse Nancy as she removes it.

"I brought my hairbrush honey,” said Nancy, “so I can redden your behind again.”

“No please not again, I have done nothing wrong to deserve a spanking,” pleads Tracy. He gets pulled over her knee anyway and she spanks him for 15 minutes.

The crying baby gets another suppository inserted. He is rash creamed, powdered and diapered for bed. “Enjoy the poopy diaper honey,” said Nancy as she left.

me wovs the stowy. me hopes one the nurses pulls out baby bottle to feed sissy baby.
I love the story I can't wait to see what happens now that Tracy and Tammy are living as abies in the wardens house and if they stay after thier sentence is ovcer
Baby Butch
Thanks for commenting on the latest update. There is more of this humilaiting story to post after some readers catch up. : )
what happens next how did he get on did he ever get to have sex and did he become a real female and a baby.

keep up the good work  
Baby Butch
I have been away from the site for a few days and will post an update tomorrow.
Baby Butch
Scene 5: Miss Kim opens cell 110 at 7 am. She gets the inmates out of diapers and cleaned up. Tracy is wet and pooped overnight again. Miss Sue cleans him up and dresses Tracy in his uniform. Today Tracy has on white panties, bra, and tights. He also has on a mint green t-shirt and matching short skirt.

Tracy’s hair is taken out of curlers and combed, his makeup is put on. “Follow me to the cafeteria for an oatmeal breakfast,” ordered Miss Kim. The 4 girls obey and have oatmeal and fruit juice to eat. The cafeteria is crowded with females.

“Sit with us sissy so we can tease you,” said a group of younger women. Miss Kim takes Tracy over to join them. He is quickly the center of attention.

“Your hair sure is pretty,” said Kim, “the curls are perfect again today.” Tracy blushes, he avoids eye contact while eating. Miss Kim sends him on his way to work at the laundry.

On the way to the laundry Tracy is taunted and teased by more females. “There she is now, the new girl who is really a boy,” said a girl passing by. Tracy is held up as other girls flip up his skirt to see his pantied bottom thru his tights.

“We hear you love girls clothes so much you get an erection dressing up,” laughed one women, “so Miss Sue had to put a chastity device on you sissy.”

Tracy manages to get away, but shows up at the laundry at 8:10. “You are late panty boy!” yells Miss Helen, “that is not permitted so I will have to spank you.”

“I am sorry mamm, but all the women in the hall would not let me pass by,” Tracy pleaded, “I did not mean to be late.” Miss Helen has a leather paddle in her hand.

Miss Helen grabs Tracy’s wrist and pulls him over to an armless chair. “After this spanking I am sureyou will find a way to be on time,” comments Helen. Tracy is pulled over Miss Helens knees, she lifts his skirt and slaps both cheeks twice.

“Ouch! That stings!” cried Tracy, “I am sorry I was late mamm!” Tracy is paddled on both cheeks 8 more times. He received 10 whack to each cheek, for being 10 minutes late. Tracy is tearing up, but trying not to cry. The leather paddle stings and burns.

“Don’t get up sissy, you are missing something that all females use,” snickered Miss Helen, “a Tampon is supposed to be used daily by all females.”

“I’m not a female!” complainsTracy, “I don’t need a Tampon for anything.”

Tracy is stood up, his skirt,tights, and panties are taken off by Miss Helen. “Bend over sweetie, so I can insert a maximum protection Tampon up you cute butt.”

After those 10 whacks Tracy is obedient, he bends over and holds his ankles. Miss Helen puts on an exam glove, she applies surgical lubricant to Tracy’s rectum. She lubricates him andi nserts the big Tampon with an applicator.

Troy can’t believe the humiliation he has gone thru. This is even worse, Miss Helen will insert a tampon every morning to stay in till bath time. “I bet you like that feeling sissy,” teased Helen, “you are squirming around in discomfort, since your little penis wants out of its cage.”

Miss Helen pulls Tracy’spanties and tights back up, she puts his skirt back on. “Get to work honey, we have lots to do, just like yesterday,” Helen ordered.

Tracy washes, dries, folds, sorts, and bags lots of the woman’s uniforms. He has a bologna sandwich at lunch and a glass of milk. After lunch a large amount of diapers and plastic pants are washed and dried by Tracy.

Supper is more nourishing, since the girls have to stay strong and healthy to work. In the recreation room Tracy is teased. The girls make sure his Tampon is still inserted by exposing his bare ass for a minute.

Tracy goes to the bathhouse where he meets his cell mates. The nurse attendants will bathe the group together. Tracy is embarrassed and holding back the urges. He is naked, hisTampon is removed, and his cellmates are naked.

“The four of you need to be diapered for the night,” said a nurse, “get in a single file line by the diapertable.” The 4 girls are diapered, put in plastic panties, then dressed in a bra and nightie, finally socks and slippers are put on.

“Go directly to your cell, where Miss Kim is waiting to lock you in,” said the nurse.

“I see my girls are diapered and dressed for bed,” said Miss Kim as she locks them in cell 110 for the night.

“We want this place spotless,” ordered Trisha, “or would you rather I spank you.”

Tracy gets the idea, he finds a utility closet and gets out a broom. He dusts, then sweeps, mops, and cleans up any dirty laundry or trash. The other girls sit and watch television.

The cell is not very big, Tracy finishes in time to relax and watch some television. He is hoping that nurse Nancy will not spank him for no reason again tonight. “You did a good job sissy,” said Trisha, “don’t forget to make our beds tomorrow.”

Tracy wets his diapers watching TV, he still struggles to release it, being potty trained for so long. The other girls have been diapered for a year and pee freely in their diapers.

The cell door is opened, it is nurse Nancy and her diaper cart. “It’s 10 pm and bedtime,” said Nancy, “I am here to change my babies diapers.” She takes care of Gail, Rita,, and Trisha first. “Now it’s your turn sweetie pie,” she tells Tracy.

The diaper mat is laid onTracy’s bed, he lays down when instructed. “Don’t worry I brought my hairbrush and suppositories,” said nurse Nancy. Tracy has his dirty diapers taken off and is cleaned up.

“No! Not another spanking please!” Tracy pleads to deaf ears. He is quickly pulled over Nancy’s knees on the bed. She gives him another 15 minute spanking to put him in tears and redden his behind more.

Nurse Nancy repeats her routine. She lubes Tracy’s rectum and inserts the magic bullet. Nancy powders and diapers poor Tracy in the usual overnight way. His yellow nightie is dropped down over his yellow plastic panties.

“Good night, don’t let the bed bugs bit,” said Nancy locking the door. Tracy is distressed, he will poop and pee overnight and sleep in dirty diapers. He has been spanked once by Trisha, 3 times by nurse Nancy, and once by Miss Helen. Tracy has had a sore bottom since arriving. He wonders if he chose the right option.
so exciting, great story. I wish you turned these into cappies!!!
a new me teehee
baby butch me wovs so much hardly wait for next chapter already
keep it coming i just love it whot is going to happen next it is going to be good
i think he made the right choice wish i was in his heels,cant wait for more pleaseee
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