PG At hospital.
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Hey.  So I signed off from chat a few hours ago to go to work.  When I got here I started getting an ache in my lower back that turned into a cramp.  Then it turned into horrible twisting pain.  So I called in and went to the doctor.  Currently on my iPad, on morphine, and waiting to get an ultrasound, but I'm already sure it's a kidney stone.  I've unfortunately had them before.  I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy; even on morphine I'm crying because it hurts so bad.

I'll keep you guys appraised as to what's going on.  I've only been here a short time, but I'm already making some friends and I don't want people in the dark. 
"They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is
Suddenly about to flower"
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It's a stone, like I said.
Going home with a bottle of vicodin and antibiotics to prevent infection.  Still feels like a red hot knife twisting in my side.  Going to apply a heating pad to it and try to pass out when I get there.
"They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is
Suddenly about to flower"
Oh Natalie, that sounds horrible, I hope you feel better soon.
Sissy Sister Club Badges

Awake from drug coma, waiting for next dose to kick in.  Hurts so much, I just want the Vicodin to work now.  I've gotta drink so much water to try and pass this but I can barely move without crying out and the stone scraped the inside of my kidney so now I'm bleeding on the inside.  The doctor said to expect that and the antibiotics would keep it from getting really bad.  It's making it hard to try and hold it in and with all the water I'm drinking and the painkillers making me numb I picked up some Depends on my way home.  This isn't what I wanted my first time back in diapers to be.
"They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is
Suddenly about to flower"
You can count on my share of hugs for you to throw that monkey off your back. If you participate in Facebook under your real world name, I suppose you've let your circle of friends know of your circumstances. With the support of your FBCOF (If you have such) and the friends you have here, may you be back on your feet soon. And may you soon be back in diapers, not because you have to but because you want to.

Peace and love,
Feel beeter hunny. If your gonna be in diapers for a while go for the Walmart assurance brand they're cheaper and twice as asorbant.
No better way to relax then to snuggle up in a chair with a glass of chocolate milk and a diaper under your skirt and a stuffed animal in your arm.  
After waking up from sleeping the full day, i'm feeling somewhat better.  Still have some blood in my urine and a painful dull ache.  I'm down to just one Vicodin to manage the pain instead of two or three.  Until it's out, though, I'm not letting my guard down.  I'm gonna try to eat some food.

Thank you for the well wishes.
"They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is
Suddenly about to flower"
Sounds like you're on the mend if you can reduce the painkiller dose by that much. 
Sissy Sister Club Badges

The stone is probably either in my bladder or went back into my kidney.  What causes the pain is when it tries to pass from the kidney to the bladder.

Until it's out-out I'll be keeping the painkillers nearby just in case.  For now I'm just in bed nodding in and out of sleep.  I went and picked some better diapers than the pull-ups-esque Depends I had before.  Suppose it's the opposite progress; rather than go from diapers to pull-ups I went pull-ups to diapers.  Everything is relative, hm?  *Giggle*

Long day, more sleep now.
"They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is
Suddenly about to flower"
Baby Butch

This is rather shocking to hear. It's amazing to get a live report from the hospital. I heard those stones are terrible,


I hope they could Zap it and break it up. My dad had one attack while in bed and could not move, stepmother got him to E.R. fortunately.


I live alone and hope that don't happen to me. I did double up at work once with severe low back and abdomin pain.


I barely made it home and had diarehia and vomiting all weekend long. Turned out to be food poisoning. I lost 1/5 of my body weight in a month. 


Best wishes for a recovery. Baby Butch : )

Soooooo not used to be awake in the morning, but I guess practically sleeping a full day will screw up your sleep timer.

So I've got no pain this morning.  Woke up with a wet diaper (new to that sensation) with no signs of blood but no stone in it, so it's not out yet.  Hopefully it's in my bladder ready to be expelled and didn't just remain in my kidney.  Don't exactly have my own ultrasound machine, so I can't check.

Will just have to keep drinking copious amounts of water, take my antibiotics, and keep the pain killers nearby just incase.  Tummy is feeling way better, so I'm gonna head on out and get something a bit heavier than soup to eat.
"They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is
Suddenly about to flower"
Stone is out-out.  HURRAY!
"They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is
Suddenly about to flower"
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