R Hi everyone new sissy baby from iowa
sissy baby boy looking for friends and possibly daddy or mommy
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hi im sissy baby brady i live in iowa, and am new here... im not good at these so i'll just put what im looking for.

im looking to be a part of this website and meet new friends online and hopefully RT ones and maybe even a daddy or mommy who will help me become more a sissy baby. i hope i'm not breaking any rules yet.

im also looking to find some help on how to act and be more of a sissy baby IRL, and where to find clothes.

anyone have any advice on how to look more like a girl with make up i need some tips and what kind of lipstick daddies like on a sissy baby??

would like to have some ideas on public sissification and being diapered while in public for humiliation please tell me some things to do that will get me humiliated.
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Welcome to the site. I'm a diapered sissy baby myself. You might want to look around at the forums and see what you like.

Some sites you might be interested in are:

The Sissy Kiss boutique has a wide variety of clothing.

Have fun.
Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss, nice to meet you.
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