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I wanted to  try reposting it, so that even if I could not add more chapters to the begining, at least I could change the title so I could let  every one know a new chapter had been added and when.
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XXX The Beautiful Babysitter Ch#4 01/01/14 (Award Entry)
18 year old girl gets babysat by the girl she has had a crush on for years
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Baby Butch
I have read and approved your new story. I like the way it involves an adult baby who is small and has a babysitter. I think it is a good start and should continue. Have a great day!
Dear Baby Butch,

Thank you so much for approving my story and for your feed back. It is very much appreciated.

Huggs and Snuggs

Alyssa Dee
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
little Chloe
I love this story sweety
you`ve got to add more chapters,

really want to know what happens next :)
Dear Little Chloe,

   Thank you for the encouragement. I have outlined chapter #2 and will stare working on a rough draft tomorrow. With any luck it should be posted next Sunday.

Huggs and Snuggs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
I'm afraid I can't do as you ask and be brutal with your story.  I do note the lack of both a hippotamus AND a giraffe tho.  Please write more.
Dear Renee,

   Thanks sister. But since it was you that mentioned it, I'll have to try to include both an hippopotamus AND a giraffe in future chapters. Keep your fingers crossed(and nails painted)  and I will see what I can do.

Huggs and Snuggs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
'Lil Melissa
You're off to a fine start! I like the open ending to the chapter ( no teases) so I'll just have to come back to see what direction you take things. Definitely keep going.
Dear 'LilMelissa,

   Thank you for the kind words. There will be more coming soon. I will try to keep the chapter endings open in the future. It adds an element of suspense, just kidding.

Huggs and Snuggs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
I like the story as baby butch said great start.  Can not wait for more.
Dear Krystalasbaby,

     Thank you for reading this first part of the story. It means a lot to me having your input.
Huggs and Snuggs,

Alyssa Dee
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
i cant wait for more!!!!!
a new me teehee
Dear Jessybaby,

   Thank you. Sorry I did not get to post it Sunday as I would have liked, but we had so many out-of-town guests for Thanksgiving, that I got no writing done since Wednesday. I am going straight to work on it now and you will have more very soon.

Hugs and Snugs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
The new chapter is up and posted. I think you'll like it.
Huggs and Snuggs.
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Baby Butch

Really cute update to your babysitter story. I think we are approaching the xxx part as it goes along. I find your writing to be good and very discriptive. Love the sudden surprise at the end.


More babyish story is needed in the future.



Dear Baby Butch,
    Thank you for the encouragement. You will be happy to know that there will be a rapid descent into a lot of babyhood coming very soon, after the XXX part of the story.

   When i origanally wrote this story back in 2006, It was for an adult site so it was heavier on the XXX than the baby part, but as i was fixing it to post here on SK, I included more baby focus and have removd a lot of the XXX parts of the story. I am too lazy to rewrite the entire thing so there is still that element of XXX still there, and I use the new baby parts to highlight those parts.  The old story was never finished, so no doubt eventually it will begin to loose all XXX and just be a sweet love story with heavy baby overtones.

Hugs and Snugs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Princess Jaina
Wonderful story so far, Alyssa.  It's very well written and the content is simply adorable.  I've really enjoyed reading to this point.  Thanks for sharing, and keep up the great work!
Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
Dear Luvsbabyjj,

     Thank you so much for your interest and reading my little story. It really means a lot coming from a writer such as yourself. I hope you like the next chapter which will be coming out in a few days.

Hugs and Snugs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Did not see that coming! Can't wait for chapter 3
Dear Jessybaby,

  I love a good cliffhanger too. I just hope you will find chapter three just as enjoyable even if it doesn't have a cliffhanger as good as chapter two.

Hugs and Snugs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Princess Jaina
Oh wow, this story just keeps getting better.  Truly one of the best AB/DL stories I've read in a long, long time.

Thank you Alyssa, and keep up the great work!
Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
Dear Luvsbabyjj,

     Thank You so much for the compliment.  I really wanted to get Chapter three out before I go for surgery tomorrow.  If all goes well I will be able to start Chapter #4 by Tuesday and have it up by Xmas, if not at least by New Years. I was thinking of having a Chapter where it is written from Gina's point of view. What do you think? Good idea or not so good?

Hugs and Snugs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Princess Jaina
Hi Alyssa,

Good luck with your surgery.  Hope it goes smoothly and everything turns out OK.

Since this is a first-person story, I would suggest that you keep to the same point of view throughout.  Switching to Gina's point of view for certain chapters would be kind of jarring, I think.

Still, looking forward to the next chapter!

Best regards,

Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
Dear BabyJJ,

   Thank you for the advice. I think you are right. I can accomplish what I want by just having Gina being Quoted in the naritive. Great Advice.

Huggs and Snuggs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
'Lil Melissa
Goodness, who wouldn't want a babysitter like that? I'd do just about anything she asked for one of her surprises! Can't wait to see how their relationship develops. I'm glad you worked in the Giraffe and Hippo for Renee_tutu. Nice touch ;) 'Lil M
Dear 'LilMel,
   I am trying to write the kind of babysitter we all would want. That was very keen of you to notice how I worked in Rene's Hippo and Giraffe. I always want to keep my readers interested by listening to what they say. It does make for a better story.

Hugs and Snugs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Baby Butch
I liked part 3 it was very babyish. The babysitter wears a diaper and the baby could not be happier. I  like how the story is progressing into a relationship.
Dear Baby Butch,

   I doubt you will find chapter #4 as babyish as chapter #3 was. I do aim to please. This will be my first attempt at using a little(very little) baby-talk. But Chapter #5 will be far more babyish, more like chapter #3 in many ways. I just needed to lay some groundwork to make sure they have what it takes to have a long term relationship.

Hugs and Snugs,

        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Dear Sissies,

   I know this story is not yet finished,and it is the first and only story I have shared here, but I just thought it may be nice to give it a shot by entering it into the Sissy Diva Fantasy Award 2014.

  I will have more chapters coming in the future, and don't want to keep you all waiting too long.

Hugs and Snugs,

Alyssa Dee
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Baby Butch

Chapter four is a "hot update" to your story. I am sure Alyssa's mom and aunt would be surprised at this. This is not humiliating punishment anymore. I agree Mommy needs a diaper change and that is coming up next.


I like the story and it will make a nice contest entry. Keep up the good work!



Hugs Baby Butch : )

mommies turn for a nappy, Hooray!
what a very nice and sweet story please wright more chapters lots of love and huggs
Hey every body.

I have been trying to post chapter five, but I cannot do it. Whenever I add the text only a send button comes up at the bottom instead of the post button. When I click on send nothing happens... and I do mean nothing.  I tried just changing the title dates and chapter number but nothing happens there either, so I am going to try to post chapter five here and see what happens.




Chapter #5

     "Yeth Mommy" I said.

     She kissed my cheek, then had me get her backpack from the desk and a changing mat from my dresser.  I really noticed the bulk of having three diapers on instead of two. They made me waddle like I had been when she first got here, and mom had me in my usual sleepy-time triple thick diaper. Handing her the backpack, she opened it carefully, and took out an adult sized diaper, a travel pack of baby wipes and some powder. Gina was very careful not to let me see what else was in her very full stuffed backpack.She zipped up her bag and then set it on the floor next to the bad. "Okay Baby-girl, are you ready to be in charge for a few minutes?"

    "In charge?"

    "When you change me, I want you to take charge. You know, tell me when to lay down, sit up, roll over...Just pretend your the babysitter....But only when changing my diaper. When you're finished, I'll be the Mommy again. Okay?"

    This really felt weird. Me being a babysitter? Sure I have changed my dolly's diapers, but I never changed a person before. But the whole afternoon had been strange, so I did my best to play the role. It was only for just a little while, so I wanted to be the best at it that I could. Gina had been so wonderful to me, being the Mommy I have always wanted. I figured that I should return the favor, then, hope against hope, she might want to play with me again at some other time.

    "I'm gonna put the changing pad down so you need to move over a bit Little Girl." Gina just nodded and did what I said. Patting the spread out changing mat, She moved onto it and was playing with the changing supplies. I was a little taken aback at how quickly she started regressing into a little girl, as she gurgled nonsense and began to chew on the package of baby wipes. I started to tell her "No-no angel, let me have those." When she handed me the diaper, wipes and the powder, I saw she was hiding something else in her hand. "What 'ya got there?" She put her other hand around her hand and pulled it close to her chest. "Come on, Little Girls don't hide things from their babysitters, Do they?" Gina shook her head no then handed me her hidden treasure. It was a pink pacifier with Hello Kitty on it. "Aww, How cute." I took it and put it in her mouth. She grinned at me and rolled over a bit to try and grab Heather the Hippo. I grabbed it first and put it in her arms.

    She was being a very happy, active little girl, making Heather dance on her chest. Singing behind her paci, "La-la La-la-la La-la" as she made Heather fly from one breast to the other, then down to her tummy and back.

    I untaped her diaper and was surprised to see she also shaved down there, just like my mom had me do. "You're all smoothie down here." She nodded, then I took a baby wipe and wiped her the way she wiped me, well, as best as I could. It took me four wipes, one for her front, one for her bottom, and one to very carefully go over her sticky kitten. The final wipe I used to go over all the other three areas again just to be sure she was clean. I know what it is like to get diaper rash, and I didn't want her to get a rash because of me. She looked like she had never had it before, her skin was so smooth and creamy. "Doesn't little Gina want some ointment?" She shook her head no. Then I thought about it. "Well, Angel, since I'm in charge, I think you should have some to keep your skin all nice."

    Gina took out her paci and said, "Lissa, cweme berry gweasey. Diapy tape no stick wif cweam." Then she returned to sucking on her paci.

     "Oh my! I'm sorry, I didn't know that. I have never used a disposable diaper before. If I had some baby panties that would fit you, I'd put you in some cloth diapies like mine." Gina smiled and looked kind of excited about trying cloth diapers. I asked, "Would Little Gina like that?" She nodded and clapped her hands like I had offered her some ice cream.

     I wrapped the used wipes up in her wet diaper and tossed it in the trash. Then tapped her hips and said, "Lift up baby so I can slide this fresh diapy under you." After I had her butt centered, I took the powder and sprinkled it all over her, and rubbed it in with the tenderness she had given to me. She started to squirm as I rubbed it into her cleanly shaved kitten. I wanted to rub her and tickle her there, like she had done to me, but I wasn't sure how to do it. I have done it to myself, but didn't know how it would work on someone else, so I decided to just tape her up and hope that later she would show me how to pleasure her. Not having ever done this before, I was a little concerned that I might not do this right. I taped the top tapes first and then the bottom tapes. It was difficult getting the bottom tapes tight, so I asked, "Angel, I think I should have done the top tapes last, Huh?" Gina nodded her head, but kept playing with Heather. Finally I was satisfied with how it looked, and how it felt when I put my fingers under the diaper's leg and waist. "All done" I sing-songed to her, Patting her hip to pull out the changing mat. I could not resist patting her padded bottom a few times as well and squeezing the bulk of her diaper.

    While Gina stood up and inspected my handy work, I folded the changing pad and put it back where it belonged. "You did a great job Baby. Thank you so much." She said as she put her Hello Kitty paci back into her bag. "Now come to Mommy" She held out her arms and bent down to embrace me. I was so surprised when she again picked me up and covered my face with kisses, her hair tickled and I began to giggle.  "I want to get my Sweetie-pie dressed.  She looks a little chilly," Gina said as she flicked my hard nipples. "What do we have in the closet?"

     I pointed to the right side of the sliding doors and said, "Big girl cwothes."  Then pointed to the left side and said, "Baby Lissa's cwothes".

    Of course Gina opened up the left side of my closet and began running her had across all the silly babyish outfits my mom and aunt had had made for me over the years. I have not grown since I was 12, so there were a lot of them.  Actually I have just as many baby clothes as regular clothes, because the summer that I was 13, I really did do something very bad. My aunt was staying with us for the summer. I found a cigarette and tried to smoke it in my room. My aunt smelled it right away and caught me coughing my lungs out. I really got a serious spanking for that and was given baby punishment for the whole rest of the summer. Auntie Kate, was quite the skilled seamstress and made me a whole wordrobe of baby clothes that still fit me today. She continued to make me baby clothes until she died last year.

    Gina screamed in delight, "Oh my heavens." She put me down and began to go through everything, one by one. All the while making comments like "Wow", or "So cute'" and "Adorable." Then she squealed with joy, "I have a skirt that would match this, except it is made for a grown up." That is what she pulled out, it was a pinkish onesie with a tie-dyed skirt sewn onto it.  It showed a little bit of the  bottom of my diaper, but with a triple diaper on, it was going to show way more it than I would have liked.

    "Alyssa, I have to show you something." She laid the outfit down on my bed then rifled through her back-pack and pulled out a tie-died skirt, very similar to mine, only it would ride just below her knees, hiding her diaper completely. "Look here Sweetie, we can wear matching outfits. Come here Baby." I waddled over and she had me put my arms up and she slid it down my body. I spread my legs and she reached under me to pull the back snaps up to join with the front snaps. Gina moved back a little on the bed and had me sit in front of her.  Grabbing her hair brush and a few barrettes out of her back-pack, she started doing my hair like a little girl, with bangs, barrettes and pig tails. Soon Gina was satisfied.

    "Stand up Darling  and twirl for me." Giggling, she said "Precious, just precious... Why don't you go look in the mirror while Mommy gets dressed."  No one was going to see me except for Gina so I kind of skipped over to the mirror and had a look. I could not believe how young I looked. I'm not much bigger than a 5 year old anyway, but with the way Gina had done my hair and my paci hanging like a neckless,  I could have passed for a tall  4 year old. I must  have been looking at myself for quite a while, because soon Gina was behind me in the mirror wearing her white t-shirt and tie-dyed skirt. With her being so tall, it made me look even a three year old. "Look what else I found in you closet," she said as she pulled out from behind her back a pair of beach sandals. I looked at the reflection of her and noticed she wore a pair of beach sandals just like the ones she was holding out for me. "It must be Kismet," she whispered as she kissed my cheek.

    Stepping into the sandals, I noticed how she had brushed out her hair . Gone was the pony tail, instead her hair flowed gracefull down her shoulders and was held off her face by two barrettes like the ones I had in my hair. I stood up to as she held my hand and we faced the full length mirror together. Her diaper was hidden so well that i couldn't even tell that she had one on, but mine was very bulky, even a blind man could see it.  Wow, we looked just like a Mommy and Baby ready for an outing. Just as I thought that, I began to wet again, fearing she might want to take me outside and show us off. Oh please no! I let go of her hand and wrapped both my arms around her leg, burring my face into her belly, I whimpered, "Mommy' please don't make me go out like this."
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Hey every body.

I have been trying to post chapter five, but I cannot do it. Whenever I add the text only a send button comes up at the bottom instead of the post button. When I click on send nothing happens... and I do mean nothing.  I tried just changing the title dates and chapter number but nothing happens there either, so I am going to try to post chapter five here and see what happens.

Chapter #5

     "Yeth Mommy" I said.

     She kissed my cheek, then had me get her backpack from the desk and a changing mat from my dresser.  I really noticed the bulk of having three diapers on instead of two. They made me waddle like I had been when she first got here, and mom had me in my usual sleepy-time triple thick diaper. Handing her the backpack, she opened it carefully, and took out an adult sized diaper, a travel pack of baby wipes and some powder. Gina was very careful not to let me see what else was in her very full stuffed backpack.She zipped up her bag and then set it on the floor next to the bad. "Okay Baby-girl, are you ready to be in charge for a few minutes?"

    "In charge?"

    "When you change me, I want you to take charge. You know, tell me when to lay down, sit up, roll over...Just pretend your the babysitter....But only when changing my diaper. When you're finished, I'll be the Mommy again. Okay?"

    This really felt weird. Me being a babysitter? Sure I have changed my dolly's diapers, but I never changed a person before. But the whole afternoon had been strange, so I did my best to play the role. It was only for just a little while, so I wanted to be the best at it that I could. Gina had been so wonderful to me, being the Mommy I have always wanted. I figured that I should return the favor, then, hope against hope, she might want to play with me again at some other time.

    "I'm gonna put the changing pad down so you need to move over a bit Little Girl." Gina just nodded and did what I said. Patting the spread out changing mat, She moved onto it and was playing with the changing supplies. I was a little taken aback at how quickly she started regressing into a little girl, as she gurgled nonsense and began to chew on the package of baby wipes. I started to tell her "No-no angel, let me have those." When she handed me the diaper, wipes and the powder, I saw she was hiding something else in her hand. "What 'ya got there?" She put her other hand around her hand and pulled it close to her chest. "Come on, Little Girls don't hide things from their babysitters, Do they?" Gina shook her head no then handed me her hidden treasure. It was a pink pacifier with Hello Kitty on it. "Aww, How cute." I took it and put it in her mouth. She grinned at me and rolled over a bit to try and grab Heather the Hippo. I grabbed it first and put it in her arms.

    She was being a very happy, active little girl, making Heather dance on her chest. Singing behind her paci, "La-la La-la-la La-la" as she made Heather fly from one breast to the other, then down to her tummy and back.

    I untaped her diaper and was surprised to see she also shaved down there, just like my mom had me do. "You're all smoothie down here." She nodded, then I took a baby wipe and wiped her the way she wiped me, well, as best as I could. It took me four wipes, one for her front, one for her bottom, and one to very carefully go over her sticky kitten. The final wipe I used to go over all the other three areas again just to be sure she was clean. I know what it is like to get diaper rash, and I didn't want her to get a rash because of me. She looked like she had never had it before, her skin was so smooth and creamy. "Doesn't little Gina want some ointment?" She shook her head no. Then I thought about it. "Well, Angel, since I'm in charge, I think you should have some to keep your skin all nice."

    Gina took out her paci and said, "Lissa, cweme berry gweasey. Diapy tape no stick wif cweam." Then she returned to sucking on her paci.

     "Oh my! I'm sorry, I didn't know that. I have never used a disposable diaper before. If I had some baby panties that would fit you, I'd put you in some cloth diapies like mine." Gina smiled and looked kind of excited about trying cloth diapers. I asked, "Would Little Gina like that?" She nodded and clapped her hands like I had offered her some ice cream.

     I wrapped the used wipes up in her wet diaper and tossed it in the trash. Then tapped her hips and said, "Lift up baby so I can slide this fresh diapy under you." After I had her butt centered, I took the powder and sprinkled it all over her, and rubbed it in with the tenderness she had given to me. She started to squirm as I rubbed it into her cleanly shaved kitten. I wanted to rub her and tickle her there, like she had done to me, but I wasn't sure how to do it. I have done it to myself, but didn't know how it would work on someone else, so I decided to just tape her up and hope that later she would show me how to pleasure her. Not having ever done this before, I was a little concerned that I might not do this right. I taped the top tapes first and then the bottom tapes. It was difficult getting the bottom tapes tight, so I asked, "Angel, I think I should have done the top tapes last, Huh?" Gina nodded her head, but kept playing with Heather. Finally I was satisfied with how it looked, and how it felt when I put my fingers under the diaper's leg and waist. "All done" I sing-songed to her, Patting her hip to pull out the changing mat. I could not resist patting her padded bottom a few times as well and squeezing the bulk of her diaper.

    While Gina stood up and inspected my handy work, I folded the changing pad and put it back where it belonged. "You did a great job Baby. Thank you so much." She said as she put her Hello Kitty paci back into her bag. "Now come to Mommy" She held out her arms and bent down to embrace me. I was so surprised when she again picked me up and covered my face with kisses, her hair tickled and I began to giggle.  "I want to get my Sweetie-pie dressed.  She looks a little chilly," Gina said as she flicked my hard nipples. "What do we have in the closet?"

     I pointed to the right side of the sliding doors and said, "Big girl cwothes."  Then pointed to the left side and said, "Baby Lissa's cwothes".

    Of course Gina opened up the left side of my closet and began running her had across all the silly babyish outfits my mom and aunt had had made for me over the years. I have not grown since I was 12, so there were a lot of them.  Actually I have just as many baby clothes as regular clothes, because the summer that I was 13, I really did do something very bad. My aunt was staying with us for the summer. I found a cigarette and tried to smoke it in my room. My aunt smelled it right away and caught me coughing my lungs out. I really got a serious spanking for that and was given baby punishment for the whole rest of the summer. Auntie Kate, was quite the skilled seamstress and made me a whole wordrobe of baby clothes that still fit me today. She continued to make me baby clothes until she died last year.

    Gina screamed in delight, "Oh my heavens." She put me down and began to go through everything, one by one. All the while making comments like "Wow", or "So cute'" and "Adorable." Then she squealed with joy, "I have a skirt that would match this, except it is made for a grown up." That is what she pulled out, it was a pinkish onesie with a tie-dyed skirt sewn onto it.  It showed a little bit of the  bottom of my diaper, but with a triple diaper on, it was going to show way more it than I would have liked.

    "Alyssa, I have to show you something." She laid the outfit down on my bed then rifled through her back-pack and pulled out a tie-died skirt, very similar to mine, only it would ride just below her knees, hiding her diaper completely. "Look here Sweetie, we can wear matching outfits. Come here Baby." I waddled over and she had me put my arms up and she slid it down my body. I spread my legs and she reached under me to pull the back snaps up to join with the front snaps. Gina moved back a little on the bed and had me sit in front of her.  Grabbing her hair brush and a few barrettes out of her back-pack, she started doing my hair like a little girl, with bangs, barrettes and pig tails. Soon Gina was satisfied.

    "Stand up Darling  and twirl for me." Giggling, she said "Precious, just precious... Why don't you go look in the mirror while Mommy gets dressed."  No one was going to see me except for Gina so I kind of skipped over to the mirror and had a look. I could not believe how young I looked. I'm not much bigger than a 5 year old anyway, but with the way Gina had done my hair and my paci hanging like a neckless,  I could have passed for a tall  4 year old. I must  have been looking at myself for quite a while, because soon Gina was behind me in the mirror wearing her white t-shirt and tie-dyed skirt. With her being so tall, it made me look even a three year old. "Look what else I found in you closet," she said as she pulled out from behind her back a pair of beach sandals. I looked at the reflection of her and noticed she wore a pair of beach sandals just like the ones she was holding out for me. "It must be Kismet," she whispered as she kissed my cheek.

    Stepping into the sandals, I noticed how she had brushed out her hair . Gone was the pony tail, instead her hair flowed gracefull down her shoulders and was held off her face by two barrettes like the ones I had in my hair. I stood up to as she held my hand and we faced the full length mirror together. Her diaper was hidden so well that i couldn't even tell that she had one on, but mine was very bulky, even a blind man could see it.  Wow, we looked just like a Mommy and Baby ready for an outing. Just as I thought that, I began to wet again, fearing she might want to take me outside and show us off. Oh please no! I let go of her hand and wrapped both my arms around her leg, burring my face into her belly, I whimpered, "Mommy' please don't make me go out like this."
'Lil Melissa
Hi Alyssa, another nice addition! You created a wonderful scene w/them dressing like mother and daughter. I have to wonder though about that backpack. I think there's a bit more than 'kismet' going on there. ;) I think it would be fun to have them go out like a real mommy and baby. Keep going!  'Lil M ^_^
I loved it hope they get things fixed so you can  publish proper
krystala's sissy baby
Baby Butch
Nice update to your story, it is well written and very babyish. I like the temperary role reversal with the diaper change. I also like the mother/daughter matching outifts to go out in public.
Baby Butch
I repaired the link so it goes to this story and not an error page. I edited Ch. 5 and restored it within the margins.

Baby Butch : )
Thank You Butch for fixing the margins and link. And thank you to everyone who has poster their comments. I really appreciate it.
Here is Chapter Six.... sorry for the delay

Hugs and Snugs,
Alyssa Dee


Chapter #6

    "How could you think such a thing?" Gina asked.

    "Sowwy Mommy"

    "We need to work on your trust issues." She knelt down to look me in the eyes. "I just saw your out fit hanging there and I knew I had this spare skirt with me. I just thought we would look cute dressed like this. I'm not planning on taking you anywhere." Then she sighed and said,"Well, that is not entirely true... I am going to take you into the backyard. Your mother asked me to water the plants and flowers back there. With that tall fence, no one will see you. I'm sure of it."

     I knew she was right, that fence is very tall. Besides we live in the middle of nowhere, I have spent a lot of time out there diapered and dressed like a baby and I've never been seen. "Okay Mommy. Can I bwing my cowour books wif us?"

    "Of course you can. And you can bring Heather and Jeffie to keep you company while I work."

    "I'll bwing Hever but not Jeffie"

    "Why don't you want Jeffie to play with you too?"

    "Cause he's a boy, and this is girl's day"

    "Fine. But you can't just leave him laying in the living room. Why don't you go and get him and have him take a nap in your bed, while I find your crayons and books."

    "Day are in de desk. I go get Jeffie." and off I ran. When I came back, Gina was picking out a few colouring books for me. I tucked Jeffie in and gave him a kiss. "Weddy Mommy".

    "Your such a good mama to your stuffies. I think Jeffie is already asleep." Gina came over to me, took my hand and we walked out to the kitchen. "Would you like a bottle of juice, water or milk while you colour?"

    "More juice pwease Mommy." She handed me my colouring stuff and proceeded to wash all the bottles that needed it. Then she filled two with juice and one with milk, putting one milk and one juice bottle in the refrigerator for later.

    When we got outside, Gina helped me get set up on the deck table. She even pulled out her cell phone and put it on the table too. "I don't want to risk getting this wet. If you have everything you need, I'm off to water the flowers." I nodded to her, and with a kiss on the cheek, she was off to get the hose on the side of the deck. I picked out a lovely picture of a whole bunch of butterflies on a tree to colour for her.

     In the late afternoon sun, I worked on my picture for Gina, but I was also daydreaming... a lot. I thought about how lucky I was that she liked me... I daydreamed about how I could live with her and be her baby-girl. I would do everything I could to make our life together a happy one. I dreamed about always obeying Mommy and she would never have reason to spank me. I dreamed about endless days of cuddling, kissing, and just loving each other... Mommy and baby happy together forever and ever.

     It's a funny thing about daydreaming, you never really know how much time has passed while your doing it. I also didn't realize that I had my hand "down there" over my eand diaper rubbing myself as I was lost in thoughts of what could be, when I was startled back to reality by Mommy putting her arms around me and kissing the top of my head and then she spoke sweetly, "That is a really pretty picture your colouring baby." I quickly pulled my hand from it's naughty doings and put it on the table. She looked down at my lap and then reached her fingers under the leg band of my diaper and said, "a little bit wet, but not enough to change yet.  Are you getting a rash?  Because you looked like you were trying to scratch an itch you couldn't reach."

     I must have turned five shades of red when she said that. I just looked down at my book and said "No Mommy, I was just... I mean I... I had wet myself and .... Ummm..." I hemmed and hawed for a few, not knowing what to say, being so embarrassed at having been caught playing with myself.

    "Alyssa. Look at me." I turned to face her. "Alyssa, I need for you to tell me what you were doing. Babies do not know how to lie. If you want me to be your Mommy, you must always tell me the matter what. Okay?"

    "I was daydreaming, and when you put your arms around me, I realized I was... I was..." Suddenly feeling my diaper getting wetter, I just blurted out, "I was masturbating." I tried to look away, but couldn't, her beautiful eyes shining at me, full of love, had me caught in their gaze, like a dear caught in the headlights.

    "I thought so. There is a time and place for that Alyssa. The time is when Mommy says it is. The place, is where Mommy says it is. Do you understand?" She was almost scolding me, but I had the feeling she was not really mad. So once again I just nodded my head to let her know that I understood. "Good girl. Now tell Mommy what you were daydreaming about that has you so worked up."

    "I was dreaming about what life would be like if I were able to live with you..." I was blushing, but watching her face begin to light up, I felt emboldened and continued, "About how happy we were.  I thought about how I would do anything to make you happy, I would wash the dishes, clean the house, change your diapers and Obey you without question... About being such a good girl you would never want to leave me." I was saying this like I was making a pledge to her or swearing an oath of loyalty. There was a surprised, happy look on her face. Sensing that being honest was the key to bringing us closer together, I proudly admitted, "But it was thinking about cuddling, kissing, touching and loving you that was really making me tingle. I didn't realize where my hand was or what I had been doing with it until you were behind me, hugging me."

    Gina was now the one blushing feverishly. The redness of her face contrasted and highlighted her eyes, making them sparkle. She got on her knees in front of me and we started kissing the way lovers do. It was different from all the other kisses we shared, as I was in a chair where my feet did not touch the deck, so I was a few inches taller than her. When we broke off the kiss, Gina put her head on my chest  tightening her arms around my waist and shocked me by what she spoke next. "Wow! You get turned on thinking about making me happy? I have never heard anyone say that before.  My ex-girlfriends were usually all about what I could do for them. I have never felt so truly wanted... and loved." I could feel her happily crying. At that moment, I did not feel like a weak little baby anymore, instead, I felt strong, powerful, like a new kind of super hero... 'Superbabygirl'. So I stroked her hair, occasionally bending down to kiss her head, gently. Soon my cheek was resting on top of her head with my arms holding her firmly in place, and we began to rock a little from side to side.

     This whole day had been one of new experiences for me, but holding Gina like this was beyond just new or different.  This was a transformation of souls by something other-worldly, mystical, or magical. Yes, Magical. That is the definitely the right word. What else but Magic could explain it? I had opened myself up, but it was her heart that became exposed, vulnerable, and needed protecting, not mine. For the first time in my life, I was needed to be a protector. As if by Magic, I knew that I could be that protector. It could have only been Magic that would have chosen to trust a baby like me, to protect the most valuable treasure in the universe... Gina's heart.

    "It's okay Gina, I will make you happy." Then I jokingly added, "Weather you like it or not." Gina giggled at that. "I'm not letting my Mommy go." I squeezed her tighter, kissing the top of her head, over and over, until she tilted her face up to kiss me on the lips.

    "Alyssa, I want to make you happy too." Gina let go of me and went to sit in the chair next to me. "There is one little problem." My heart sank, but I tried not to show it as she sadly continued, "I go back to school next week... I go to Cal-Poly. You do realize it's like more than 35 miles from here?"

     I was relieved. I guess she did not know what I knew... "Then we will be going to the same University Gina. I thought you knew that I start there next week too. Problem solved." She was close to jumping out of her skin with joy, so I continued. "I'm sure mom will be happy to have you ride with us to school everyday."

    Gina looked sad again,"Alyssa, sweetheart, I live there during the school year. It's like a sorority house, but not exactly a sorority. I share a house with three other girls. There were two more, but they graduated last June." Then her smile returned,"You should join us and move in. We could be room-mates."

    Now it was my turn to be sad. "My mom has made it clear to me already that there is no way she is letting me live on a campus without adult supervision. She thinks I might start doing drugs or something, plus, she wants to make sure that if my grades drop I get properly punished." My lip started to curl, then I picked up Heather and threw her against the house. " It's so unfair" I pouted.

    "Alyssa! Bad-Girl! We don't throw our toys. Do we?"

     I was jolted back into toddler-hood by Gina's remark, "No Mommy". I sowwy." I got up and quickly picked heather up, looking her over closely, then kissed her on the nose, "Sowwy Hever." With my head hanging down, I was walking back to my chair, when Gina took hold of my arm and pulled me in front of her.

    "Mommy knows you are upset, but that is no reason to take it out on your stuffie. Perhaps your mom does have a point when she says you need adult supervision."

    "W... Wh... What?"

     Gina had a sly smile creep across her face. "After all, that is one of the reasons she called me to babysit you. Maybe that can work to our advantage. "Her evil grin juxtaposed on that beautiful face was freaking me out a little bit, not to mention the fact that she agreed with mom about, well... anything, but especially about me needing adult supervision.

    "I don't understand. What do you mean 'our advantage'?"

    "Well baby, Why can't we get your mom to see me as all the 'adult supervision' that you need at school. She already trusts me enough to watch you here, so why not at school. She just needs to see that I have complete control over you, that you obey me just like you obey her. See needs to think that when I am in charge, you feel and act the same way as when you are being punished by her or your aunt. You need to plead with her NOT to put me in charge of you. You need to tell her that having some one that is so close to you in age, treating you like a baby is way too embarrassing. Make her think I watch you like a hawk and never give you any time alone. Tell her you were too afraid to disobey me. If I know your mom, she will insist that you move in with me for the school year.

    "Come here sweetheart." Gina lifted me up under the arms and sat me on her lap. "I have seen a few women like your mother before. They need to think that the punishment they give out is effective. For your mom, that means she wants to know that you feel so embarrassed by the punishment, that you will never do whatever it is you did again. We need to make her think that having me watch you is the most embarrassing thing she has ever done to you."

    "BUT IT WAS!" I interrupted. "I mean at first... When I first saw you, I was so embarrassed at having you see me dressed like a baby, that I wet myself after waking up dry. But now that I know you, there is nothing I want more."

     "And you can have that... We both can have that. You and me living together as Mommy and Baby, from the time we wake up, until the time I put you to bed. all we have to do is convince your mother that you would hate that more than anything."

    "How do we do that?"

    "I'm not sure yet. But we have plenty of time to think of something. We have until school starts in a little over a week."  We rocked back and forth for a few minutes, then Gina said," We don't need to find the answer now. What we need to do is have some play-time.  I think my baby has had too much grown up time for today. You go back to your chair and finish colouring the butterflies and I'll find a picture to colour too."

    "K Mommy" I kissed her cheek and went back to work in my own chair, while Gina found a picture of a kitty-cat playing with a ball of yarn. We coloured for about a half-hour, giggling when we would grab for the same crayon and showing each other our pictures when we finished a small item on the page. I have spent a lot of my life colouring. Mom always let me do it when being punished, but I would use my colour pencils when I was a being a big girl, I really like to make pictures, plus I am good at it.  But to see Gina's pictures, it was like looking at a master painting. She was an artist! My pictures looked like a baby did them when compared to hers. She had a way of putting a few crayon lines next to each other then blending them together with a napkin to make a smooth transition of colour, like a pastel or paint, but with crayon. I had never seen anything like it before.

    Suddenly Gina's phone rang and startled both of us. Gina looked at it before answering and told me, "It's my mom. She never calls when I'm with a baby." She winked at me then answered her phone. "Hey Mom, What's up?" I hate it when other people are on the phone and I'm sitting right next to them. I only hear half of the conversation, and it really bugs me not knowing what is being said on the other side... not that I'm nosy or anything... just curious. "Mom calm down, I don't understand... She did WHAT?... So where is she?... No Way!... Of course mom... Right away... I need to call Ms. Dee and let her know. Can I give her your number so you can give her the details... Look, I need to pack a diaper bag and get the baby some jammies, it will be best if she stays the night at our house. That way Ms.Dee won't have to cut her trip short... Give me say twenty minutes to get there... Okay Great... I'll have her call you right away. Love you mom, Bye."

    My mouth was hanging open as I looked at Gina's face. She had a serious look about her, but she was not panicked. She grabbed my hand and squeezed saying "Everything is going to be fine, Let me call your mother and then I'll explain it to you. OKAY? Just relax baby, Mommy has everything under control. Right now, I need you to help me. Please pick up all the colouring things and put them away, then pick out two pair of jammies that you would like to wear. I will meet you in your room as soon as I finish talking to your mom." I was a little bit in a panic. I figured out that I would be going to Gina's house, but would Karen be there? I doubt that Gina would let Karen tease me, but she might still see me. Whatever was going on, Gina needed me to just be obedient and not give her any trouble because this seemed like a real emergency. The best way for me to help was to trust that Gina will not let anything too embarrassing happen to me.  I needed to be grown up enough to put aside my petty little fears and just be like a toddler for her and do what ever she says... Did I  really just think that?... To be a grown up I needed to be a toddler?

   Gina called my mom while I picked up the crayons and books. "Hello Ms. Dee it's Gina White, the babysitter... OH no, no Alyssa is being a perfect little angel... I called because my sister wrecked Mom's car and she needs me to come home so she can use my van to get my sister... Yes, that is why I wanted to call you... Is it alright with you if Alyssa just stays the night at my house?... No really, it is quite alright. You just stay and have fun. I have had many babies sleep the night at our house... Of course I can... I'll just put one of the playpens in my room for her to sleep in... There is? Left side of closet floor, and it's already packed? Terrific. My mom wants me to give you her number so she can let you know what's going on and assure you that Alyssa will be fine there.... Yes mam... She uses baby punishment on my sister so we have everything... It's 555-2891... she is waiting for your call... Yes mam, I have a baby's car-seat in my van that will fit her just fine... Do you want to talk to Alyssa?...  Alyssa , come here, your Mother wishes to talk to you."

    I had finished picking up my stuff and was putting it on the kitchen counter, getting ready to go to my room and pick out some jammies when I heard Gina call. I went outside in a flash. She handed me her phone. Gina whispered to me that it was my mom and to remember what we talked about. "Hello...  Yes mother... I will... No I'm not having fun. It is so embarrassing having Gina, of all people, treating me like this... Please I've learned my lesson, I've never been so humiliated in all my life... She makes me crawl every where or else she carries me on her hip... Yes she is very strong... She won't let me hold my own bottle, she insists on feeding me like a baby... No Please don't let her take me out like this. She is worse than Aunt Kate ever was... Okay, I understand... Yes Mother... Bye-Bye". I had tried to sound miserable while I had talked to her.

    I handed the phone back to Gina, with a big smile on my face. "Ms. Dee?... Thank you so much. I'm just following your instructions... No she is not very happy at all, but she hasn't given me one bit of trouble... I wish my sister was this obedient... Okay. I'd be happy too, anytime... I'll see you in the morning... Bye-Bye."

    Gina hung up the phone and smiled at me with an ear to ear grin. "You did so good sweetie. Your Mom says she wants me to babysit you the rest of the week. Now let's get a move on it." Gina then bent down and put me on her hip, "Since you hate this so much." We both giggled as she carried me into the kitchen and set me on the counter top and busied herself refilling my juice bottle, another bottle of milk and a bottle of water. Then took the milk and juice bottles she had filled earlier from the refrigerator and set them all next to me. She handed me my crayons and books, scooped me up again and off we went to my bedroom.

    I asked her, "Is Karen going to see me like this?"
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Princess Jaina
Another lovely chapter, Alyssa.  Adorable, is how I would describe this story.  Reading about Alyssa (the character) and Gina being so happy together, it's really touching.  Thanks for sharing!
Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
Chapter #7

    "I doubt it. She took mom's car without asking and wrecked it. This is the most irresponsible thing she has ever done. I am not sure when she will be coming home, mom still has to go get her from the hospital. Then she will want to see the damage to the car."

     In my room, Gina put me down and I put away my things then went to get the two pairs of jammies like Gina had told me to earlier. While I did that she went and grabbed my diaper bag, and began going through it. I asked her, "Will I really have to sleep in a playpen?"

    "We'll see. If your lucky, you might get to sleep in the crib in the nursery. If you get scared and can't sleep, I might just have to have you sleep in my bed with me, so I can protect my baby." She finished looking through the bag she told me to "looks like everything is in here, but just to be sure, Please grab Two more Pascis, two more changes of diapers, two more baby-panties and a changing mat then bring them over here Please."  She was going through my closet and picked out one more outfit for me. I brought her the things she asked for and she put the sleepers, one extra change of diapers and one of the baby-panties in the bag along with the outfit she had decided on. "Very good Sweetie, these pascis match the outfits I picked out and the ones that were already packed. Let's give you a quick change before we go." So while she finished packing the bag I set out the mat and prepared the diapers.

    This was different from the other changes she had given to me today. This one was a very "matter of fact" kind of change. Very thorough, but very quick too. I'd say it took less than two minutes, from start to finish. There was very little baby-talk or any talk really, just the "lift up Hun" and "roll over Sweetie" and of course the "All done" with a pat on my bottom. Gina could be very efficient when she needed to be. She slung the bag over her shoulder then asked if I wanted to bring anything special with me.

    I said "Just Heather, Mommy."

    "Are you sure?... What about a special blankie or pillow?" I crawled onto my bed and grabbed the nursery rhyme blankie that mom always puts on me when I'm being punished. Some how it seemed right to have it with me while with Gina, even though I usually hated the thing. She took my hand and led the way out of my room telling me, "All we need to do is get the bottles and Heather from the kitchen, my backpack and we're off." I felt a little bit thrilled and a little bit frightened at the prospect of going to Gina's house. I knew that this was an emergency and she would not be forcing me to be going out just for the fun of it. That cooled my fears. But the thought of meeting Gina's mom was a little scary too, but Gina had me moving from one thing to another so quickly that I really didn't have time to process any fears. 

    Before I knew what was what, we were standing by the side of Gina's van. It was possible to see into the front window, but the back and side windows looked like a dark smokey grey colour, and were impossible to see into. She unlocked it and opened the front passenger door, so I started to climb in when Gina stopped me, "And just where do you think your going little girl?"

    "I was going to get seated."

    "I can see that. Babies ride in back. In the baby seat. Come on out of there, silly girl." She opened the sliding side back door while I climbed out of the front seat. "Okay baby, climb into the baby seat and I'll be there in a sec to buckle you in." As I was getting in the back, Gina put her backpack and my diaper-bag in the front seat so she could reach it while driving. She pulled out the bottle with water in it then closed the door and was promptly in the back buckling me into the baby seat.  I was handed Heather and the water bottle, the blankie was set next to me where I could reach it if I wanted it. "You have had enough juice for today. Too much juice is not good for you, you need to drink some water." She kissed my cheek and a moment later she was in the drivers seat and started the van.

    Now I had the time to think about my fears of being out in public like this. Okay, I have been out in public like this many times before with my Aunt and Mom, but never with anyone else. They would usually have me in a stroller(pram), so no one really would give me a second look. Perhaps I should have told Gina this so she could have brought it with us. On the other hand, we are just going to her house, that's not like going to the shops or the mall, so I guess we really don't need it.... but what about tomorrow?... And what is her mom going to be like?...  all of a sudden I had a thousand questions pouring into in my mind, Shoot, I just noticed I was wetting myself, when Gina spoke...

    "Hey, your awfully quiet back there. Is everything alright?"

    "No. I very scared."

    "What has my baby so frightened?" She said this in a very loving, yet babyish way.

    "Lots of things, but mostly about how many people are going to see me? and what is your mom like? Is she going to be strict with me ? or make fun of me being dressed like such a baby? and is...

    "Hold it right there Sweetie." Gina pulled over to the side of the road and put the van in park. Turning around to look at me, she smiled, took my hand and spoke in a very reassuring voice, "Look Ally, Mom is a nice person. Right now she is very very pissed off at Karen. She won't take her anger out on anyone but Karen, that is not her way. You should know that she was expecting your mom to call her, just to make sure that it was okay for you to stay the night. So she probably knows that you are being baby-punished. Mom uses baby-punishment on Karen sometimes. I doubt that she will tease you, but she will treat you as a real baby, that is the way she has acted with the others I have baby-sat for that are being punished that way. I'm the one in charge of you, not her. As with all my other charges, she doesn't interfere, because I'm the one getting paid, not her. However with my sister it will be a different story. She can be hard on Karen, after all, Karen is her daughter, so she does spank her, but never anyone else's child, even if she had permission to do so, she wouldn't spank you. Anyway, there is nothing to worry about because she will be leaving as soon as we get there. There is nobody expected to come over because they all know I am working, and they all think I'm not home. If someone does come over, you can go into my room, crawl into my bed, pull the covers over you and pretend to be asleep. I'll tell them the baby is sleeping, and get rid of them as soon as possible. I promise to keep you safe.  Okay? All better now?"

    "Yes Mommy... but I'm still nervous."

    "Then you should suck on your pasci, that might help. You should have it in your mouth when you meet mom too, that way she won't ask you any questions. If she does, just act shy and hold on to me." I nodded and put the pasci into my mouth. "Good girl. Can we go now?" I nodded again. "Okay, we're almost there, just around the next corner." She patted my hand, turned around and drove us to the corner, made a turn and we were at her driveway in a few seconds. No wonder she pulled over when she did, with us being so close to her house and all.

    You couldn't see the house from the street. We had to drive up the driveway through almost a forest of trees and once on the other side of the trees, the yard opened up to reveal a large house with a lovely garden in front. Gina got out and quickly opened my door and unbuckled me. She took my blankie and bottle, I had a hold of Heather. She grabbed my empty hand and helped me down from the van, but didn't let go of my hand once my feet were on the ground. I saw her mom walking up to us, waving and talking on the phone. What a beauty Gina's mom is. She looks like a she just walked off the cover of a fashion magazine. She moved with the grace of an angel as she approached us.

    I heard her mom laugh into the phone, "OH Erica, you have to see these girls, they are so cute." When she had said "Erica", I knew she was talking to my mom. "I'm going to take a picture and send it to you before I go... Gina hold still for a sec, I want to send Erica a pic of you two... Smile pretty..." I was wondering why she wanted a pic of us, but soon realized that we were in (almost)matching tie-dyed skirts, holding hands, looking like a mother and daughter. "Oh, that's nice. Can I get one more of you holding the baby?"

    "Sure mom", and before I had time to think, Gina had me scooped up in her arms, balancing me on her hip. "Come on Sweetie, wave to the camera."  And without even hesitating, I extended out my arm with Heather tightly clutched in my hand and waved.

    "Perfect" her mom said. "Okay Erica, I'm sending them now." Gina held me as she walked the ten or so steps to greet her mom. I heard a squeal and a laugh come from her mom's phone. Apparently my mother liked the pictures. "Yes I agree....  I told you, Gina knows how to treat a baby, no matter the age....  I have to go now, it was lovely talking to you... Yes of course. We can have tea when you get back... alright, bye bye."

    She turned off the phone and put it in her purse. "You got here quick." Gina's mom said as she kissed her on the cheek. "And this must be little Alyssa. Such a pretty little girl." She said with a slightly higher-pitched, saccharin voice, like all women use on babies. "You can call me Aunt Jen." Smiling at me Aunt Jen poked at my belly to tickle me. I was surprised and ticklish too, so I giggled and dropped the pasci from my mouth. Good thing it was tied on like a necklace. "Such a little cutie... yes you are... yes you are." She really knew how to tickle, because she had me laughing in seconds and squirming, but Gina held me fast and sure. I was going nowhere, giggling and unsurprisingly, wetting uncontrollably. She finally relented, and put out her arms to me saying, "Come to Aunt Jen, Sunshine." I felt Gina pass me off to her mom. I was shocked but still kind of giggling from all the tickling she had done. I had dropped Heather during the tickle fit I had just had, so my arms were free to grab hold around her neck and bury my face in her shoulder. She was a little shorter than Gina, but still at least six feet tall and every bit as strong.

    "Thanks Mom, Can you please take her inside, so I can get the bags."

    "I'd be happy to take this little bundle of joy." She said it to Gina, but her head was turned to me trying to look at my face, which was buried firmly into her shoulder. Then she began to speak to me in sad baby-talk, "Oh my, did you loose your little friend?...Where is she?... Where is she?..." without thinking I looked up toward Aunt Jen and then down at the ground and pointed to Heather. Aunt Jen squealed with delight, "There she is." She bent down and picked her up holding me secure. "Here you go sunshine."

    I took Heather from her and said, "Thank you."

    "My, my. What a polite little girl you are. I cannot believe you would ever get into such trouble on purpose. Would you?"

    "No Aunt Jen," I shyly responded.

    "Well, we'll see about that. Won't we...Won't we..." and she started up with the tickling again. Mercifully, it was only until I started to smile. "Well, somebody feels like their getting a bit warm down here." Without further comment, Aunt Jen tucked her fingers into the leg-bands of my baby-panties and started feeling around. When she withdrew her fingers she said, "Just slightly damp. Your good for a while yet." Then she began playing kissy-face, smothering my face in wet kisses, kind of like the way Gina had done to me earlier. By now we were at the front door, "Do you know the way to make this door magically open?... No?,,, Well let me tell you the secret," Aunt Jen whispered into my ear, "You have to kiss me back. All wet and sloppy."

    Was this woman insane? Sure she had me laughing and smiling. Sure I felt safe and secure in her arms. She didn't seem to be teasing me. She seemed to think I really was a baby, just like Gina said she would. What the heck, When in Rome and all that... I licked my lips and got them all wet then went crazy, just like she had to me. I kissed her playfully all over her face. Once the first kiss was given she began to spin me around and around, while I kept kissing her face and neck. Just as I began to feel dizzy, I closed my eyes and stopped the maniacal kissy-face game. Aunt Jen stopped spinning me and said proudly, "You did it! Such a good girl. Behold! The magic of baby kisses."

    I opened my eyes and we were inside their home, facing a gorgeous atrium, right in front of a small fountain rising from a charming Koi Pond inside the entrance of the house. I heard Gina coming up the porch carrying the bags behind us. I'd never seen an indoor fountain before, much less one with a Koi pond. Instantly, I bent down, pointed to the pond and said "Fishys."

    Aunt Jen said, "Clever girl. I bet I don't have to tell you what not to do, do I?"

    "Don't touch. Look with my eyes, not my hands."

    "Your going to do just fine here, Sunshine. Now let's get you settled so I can have a grown up talk with Gina. Okay?" She carried me into what I guess was the family room with Gina right behind us. There was a huge playpen already set up, which she promptly put me in. It had to be eight feet long by four feet wide with sides that came up to my shoulders. Certainly this was big enough to hold three babies at one time and I was not getting out without help. Aunt Jen looked over to Gina and said, "Bottle please." Upon receiving it, she handed it to me, "I want you to play quietly until I have to go." I nodded my head as Gina tossed my blankie into the playpen with me. She bent down, kissed my forehead. I laid down and drank the water, cuddling Heather with the blankie partially on top of us. She said, "That's a good girl." Suddenly, it was over. I knew that was all the attention I would get from Aunt Jen.

    Her voice changed to a very serious adult tone, that quite frankly scared me a bit. It was such a different tone altogether than how she had been talking to me just moments before. "Gina dear, What am I going to do with that sister of yours? Nothing ever gets through to her... NOTHING... and now this."

    Gina shook her head saying, "Mom, I have no idea. I am at a complete loss. I'm so afraid that one of these days she is going to end up in jail, but maybe that is what she needs."

    "No dear. That is not an option. This is a family problem and we have a duty to solve it as a family. We can't shirk our responsibility off to the state. Besides, she will only come out worse, learning new evils as well as being reaffirmed in those she has long been practicing. No... This is on us.... and by us I mean ME. I am the mother, you are her matter how much you like to play 'mommy'."

    "Why mother, whatever do you mean?"

    "Oh, I think you darn well know what I mean. I remember how you played when you were a child.... and I am fully well aware of how you and Nancy played too, not so very long ago."

    "Bu... bu... but"

    "Relax child. I'm not judging you. I know you're gay. It's a foolish mother that doesn't know her own daughter."

    "I am very sorry I did not tell you. I should have."

    "It's alright Gina. Come here." I saw Gina move closer to her mom and get a very tender hug from her mommy. "I love you Gina. It doesn't change anything between us. But we need to talk about this at another time. Right now, I think we need to focus on other things first."

    "Yes mother. You're absolutely right." The broke the hug and were holding hands now.

    "Good. Back to matters at hand. I have a roast in the oven. The potatoes and carrots are all peeled and cut, along with the celery and onions. At 5:00 add the vegetables in the pot with the roast, cover and let it cook until 6:00. Let it stand for 15 minutes before slicing, then you can serve the baby and yourself. I have no idea when I'll be home, but it will be before I have to leave for work at 9:00. So please pack me some dinner to take with me tonight. Don't put Alyssa in the crib in the nursery, if I bring Karen home tonight, she will be sleeping in there until we figure out what we are going to do with her long term. I trust you can handle two babies overnight if necessary?"

    "Of course mom...easy peezy... I will use the baby monitor to listen in on the nursery and put a playpen in my room so I can hear the both babies. I've done it before."

    "Yes you have. I'm sorry, Karen has me so jumbled in the head, I am asking stupid questions. There is no one in the world I trust more than you. Give us a hug. I'll call you from the hospital. I need to get a move on it."

    I watched the two of them embrace tenderly and kiss each other on the cheek. When they let go, Aunt Jen came over to the playpen, and kissed me on the head. Her higher pitched baby voice returning, "Good night Sunshine. Be good, have fun, and if I don't see you tonight, I'll see you in the morning." She wiggled her fingers at me and smiled as if I had not been privy to what had been said between the two adults. Gina stood next to the playpen. I got to my knees next to her, she gently put her hand on my head, and we watched through the window as her mother got in the van and drove off. When I looked up at Gina, somehow she seemed sad.

    In an effort to make her feel better, I said, 'You mommy is nice. I like her a lot."

    "Yes sweetie, she is very nice. But I think I hurt her."

    "How? She said she loves you and she trusts you more than anyone in the world."

    "I know. That is why I think I hurt her. I should have trusted her enough to tell her I was gay."

    "But she already knew."

    "She should have heard it from me. I feel like such an idiot. I have got to make things right with her before I go back to school. And I have no idea how to do that."

    I stood up in the playpen and wrapped my arms around her waist and asked her, "Would some cuddling help? I'll cuddle you if you want."

    She smiled down to me , kissed my head and said, "No baby, I'm going to cuddle you." I let go and started to reach for her to pick me up, when she surprised me by climbing into the playpen and laying down. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into her. We were like three spoons laying together, because I was holding Heather the way Gina held me. She held me tightly into her. Kissing my head softly, she then used her one free arm to rub my tummy, my arm, my leg, and pat my diaper over and over again. It was like she was drawing magic circles on me. All the while she hummed a haunting melody that I had never heard before. I was in Heaven.

    Who could ever say how long we laid like that. It could have been a moment or eternity or both. I just know this is what makes life worth living. And the sad truth is, all good things must end eventually. I felt Gina's head rise up, then I felt her warm sweet breath on my ear, as she whispered, "I love this baby, but I need to get in the kitchen to finish dinner. It's almost 5:00." Then she nibbled on my earlobe until I was giggling.  A minute after she stopped, I heard her say, "Sit up now." We sat up at the same time, with her arm still around me she leaned backward until her back was against the wall and pulled me to her chest.

    "Gina. I hate to spoil this moment, but I think I hear someone coming up the drive way."

    "That's not possible. you must be... " Her voice suddenly sounding panicked, "...imagining..." She turned her head, "...things..." glancing out the window. "Oh shit!" Gina jumped up for a better look...
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Fantastic and quickly becoming one of my favourites, keep up the great work.

'Lil Melissa
 Is Aunt Jen 'insane'? Perhaps just skewed a little different than most. ;) Looks like Karen is in for an extended baby punishment! Curious to see if there will be any conflict between her and Alyssa. And who could possibly be coming up the drive; Nancy? Another nice addition!

Chapter #8

      "It's two of those idiot friends of Karen." She quickly climbed out of the playpen, "They look like they are all cut up and bleeding."

    "Get me out of here so I can hide in your room."

    "Sorry Sweetie, there is no time for that. Quick, just lay down, face the wall, curl up like a baby and pretend to be asleep." I quickly cuddled  Heather. Gina reached down and placed the bottle by my head and put the pasci in my mouth. Then she laid the blankie on me, covering most of my face and body, but leaving a bit of my diapered bottom exposed. "I will do my best to get rid of these jerks. Just try not to move too much... Just in case." I was terrified. I could hear the girls talking and laughing as Gina met them on the porch.

   I listened intently to hear what was going on. Gina whisper-yelled at them, "Can you two please be quiet, I have a baby in there trying to sleep"

    "Sorry Big Boss-Lady...SHHh" Karen's friends tried to be quiet, but kept giggling. "Is Kar back yet?" asked one while the other said, "Forget Kar, I wanna see the baby."

    Gina was loosing her temper, quickly, "I said KEEP QUIET... I will make you sorry you ever came here if you disturb my baby."

    "Your baby? Did Miss Goodie two shoes finally give it up?" the other added, "Gave it up? More like got knocked up." Then the other quipped back, "I wonder if it happened during her diaper change." They were both laughing so hard, I heard them fall to the ground. "Haven't you heard the latest trend?... Baby-Dykes having babies. Film at !!:00." There was a lot more laughter from them, a whole lot more... and it wasn't funny.

    "Final warning, KEEP IT DOWN or you'll soon be where Karen is... I promise"

    "That's all we want. Is she back yet?"

    "No she's at the hospital. Mom just left to see her" I heard Gina walk toward them. "Come to think of it, you two look a little banged up yourselves. Almost like you were in a car accident too."

    "Um... Well... we um... gotta be going now. We'll see her later."

    "I don't think so..." Gina replied. I heard the two girls yell out in pain. I just had to see, so I stood up and looked out the window as best I could. Gina held each girl by an ear. "Be Quiet and stop struggling."

    "Let us go you pants wetting freak! It hurts."

    "NO. Not until I get some answers..." Gina quickly knelt down, bringing the two girls down with her, each doubled over, almost in half, screaming, as she held their ears fast.

    "It hurts! Stop! Please let us up!"

    "OH. So you want up... Okay." Gina quickly stood up bringing the two brats up on their tippy-toes.

    "Let us go you sasquatch!"

    "Is that weed and booze I smell?"

    "So what. We're not in school anymore. Just let us go."

    "Not until I get a few answers... What's with all the cuts and scratches on your arms?"

    "It's none of your business. Let go!"

    "I wouldn't bet on that. It looks to me as if you were in a car wreck. Just like Karen was. Good Lord, there's even broken glass all over you hair. You were there. Weren't you?"  Then Gina twisted their ears again and they both screamed. "Well?"

    "YES! We were there! Now Please, let go!"

    "Just as I thought. You're coming with me." Gina pulled the brats up the porch. As fast as I could, I laid back down and threw the blankie back over me. Leading them by the ears into the house, I listened to her scold them, "Underage drinking... under the influence of drugs... Tisk, tisk, tisk... You do realize that leaving the scene of an accident is a serious crime. Don't you?" They were led down a different hall than the one I was brought through, so I had no idea where they were going, but I kept listening intently. "You'll loose your licenses to drive... plus a large fine... plus jail time, where my sister dykes are gonna love the two of you." I heard a door open and some bumps, like the girls were falling, then Gina again,"I'll be sure to include your names in the next Dyke Newsletter, so they can be ready and waiting for you." A door slammed, some kind of rattling, then Gina yelling again, "You'll stay in there until I call either your parents or the police. If you're quiet, I'll give you the choice." Now the only sound to be heard was the quick footsteps of Gina running toward me.

    When they stopped, I peered out from under my blankie. Seeing Gina's skirt, I stood up, stretched out my arms and went as fast as I could to the side of the playpen. Half weeping and half whining I said, "I'm scared Mommy."

    I was quickly scooped up in her arms and smothered with kisses. "I know baby, I know. Those bad girls frightened my precious baby... but mommy took care of it. Just like she promised." Gina turned around and saw the clock. "Darn it. 5:07. Do you want to help mommy finish dinner?"

    "Sure." Gina picked up my diaper bag. "But what about those bad girls? Can they get me?"

    "Not while that door is locked they can't." Gina assured me as she carried me into a large, magnificent kitchen. "Only mom and I have the key." She set me down along with my diaper bag in front of a double door refrigerator. Pointing at it she said, "All you need to do is find the bowls that have the veggies. Put your juice and milk bottles in the door. When I pull the roast from the oven, bring the veggies to me. Got that?"

    "Sure thing. I love to cook. I really can cook, when mom let's me be big." My search was not hard, and there was plenty of room for my stuff. After adding the veggies, I stopped her before she put the lid on. "Because we were almost ten minutes late, you need to add about 3/4 cups of water. It will help the veggies to cook faster and stop the roast from drying out. Then you should be able to pull it out by 6:05. This kind of roast only needs to sit for 10 minutes, not 15, before serving. So you will be carving right on time at 6:15. Just like your mom, I mean Aunt Jen, said for you to do."

    "Wow. You really do know how to cook. I'm not very good at it. That is why mom likes to set me up so well. She knows what disasters I have made in here before. Maybe you can teach me how to cook sometime?"

    "Sure, I'd love to." I started to look closer at the whole kitchen. It was like the set of a cooking show.  There was a center island with every kind of pot or pan imaginable hanging over it. The counter had every kitchen aid and appliance ever made. On the far wall, there seemed to be what looked like a breakfast nook that would seat  four quite comfortably. Wait. Make that five, because next to the nook, was a large highchair that looked big enough to fit someone larger than me.  The floor looked like expensive marble, all shiny. Hey. Wait a sec. It's really shiny in spots under Gina. "Mommy, do you need a diaper change? It looks like you're leaking."

   She took a step back and looked at the floor. "Great! Perfect timing!" Gina sounded exasperated. "How about you baby, are you wet?" Not waiting for me to answer, she knelt right next to me, feeling under my baby panties. "Damp, but you can wait till after dinner, thanks to the blessings of your triple diaper." Gina stood and lifted her skirt around her hips. "Baby can you please untape Mommy's diaper for her. I don't want to dribble all over the house. I used to get spanked for that," She giggled, with a far away look on her face. Like it was a happy memory.

    I tried to be careful as I undid the tapes, being extra careful not to drop the soaked garment. "Thank You so much Sweetie. Here, let me help you with that." She held the front, one hand holding her skirt and the other slightly pulling the diaper, while I passed the back between her legs.  I brought one of my hands around to grab the back after it passed between her legs. Gina began rolling it up, letting go of her skirt to easier accomplish the task, then took the back from me and taped it together into a ball of wet. After it was  tossed in the trash, Gina out a Swiffer. It only took a minute to clean the floor.

     "Now, would you like to help  Mommy get a fresh diaper on?" Once again I was scooped up in her arms and she slung my bag over her other shoulder. "I should have given you a tour of the house as soon as mom left."

    "It's okay mommy, I loved having cuddle time instead."

    "Me too sweetie, me too. However, because of Karen's friends, I won't have time to give you a full tour now either. I still have to call their parents."

    We had left the kitchen by a door beside the breakfast nook, which led into a hallway. At the far end on the left was the atrium and fountain, Gina turned to the right. As we neared the stairs at the end of the hall, I could hear talking  and some not so nice words being spoke. Gina could see that I was straining to figure out where the voices were coming from, so she told me, "There is a little empty space under the stairs that I locked those mean girls into. We never had a use for that space, until now." We both chuckled while we ascended the winding stairs.

    On the second floor, it looked like one long hallway with doors on either side, Gina told me, "On this floor are four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a game room and the nursery" At the very end of the hall was a giant window, where we stood briefly looking out on the front garden.I had thought it was beautiful from outside, but from up here, it was amazing. I could see a walkway weaving through the yard dotted with benches. In the center was a small pond with a bridge.

    "Later I'll show you around properly, but right now Mommy needs a diaper. Sorry sweetie, but I have zero control and never know when I may start wetting again." She put me down, took my hand and she opened the door to her room. When I was pulled in I could not believe the size of it. It had to be two and a half, maybe three times the size of my room. It was a little wider than my bedroom, but it was very long, like three rooms in one.

    On the right was Gina's desk with shelves of books from floor to ceiling. Then a door. On the other side of the door was a make up vanity, then a queen sized bed with end tables. On the left side, kind of in the middle, in front of the large picture window, were two loveseats facing each other with a coffee table between them. The far end on the left, across from her bed was her dresser. The far wall had two sliding doors that must be her closet. But if that was the closet, what was the door between her study space and her vanity? "Mommy, what's in there?" I pointed to the door.

   "Oh that leads to my bathroom. Here, let me show you something your really gonna love." She took me into her bathroom. Sure it was kind of big with a very large tub, but there was also another door across from the door in Gina's room. "Now I want you to close your eyes real tight before we go in here." I shut my eyes, and put my free hand over them. I heard the door open, then Gina guiding me through. "Okay baby, open your peepers."

    I was aghast at what I saw. It was a nursery almost as big as Gina's room, stocked full of everything a baby could ever need.  Across from the door was a changing station with cabinets below and shelves above filled with different sized diapers. To my right there was a crib against the wall next to the door, with another door on the far right wall. That must have been the door from the hall that Gina had pointed to when she said it was the nursery. To the left was another crib, but it was really big, like the size of a single bed. There were shelves of toys, and books, a small table with chairs. In the back on the far wall were two playpens, one was set up and a rocking chair. The whole floor was that foamy stuff so babies won't get hurt if they fall down.

    Still holding Gina's hand she led me to the large changing station. "I want you to look in the door on the left under the changing table and get me one of my diapers." As I did that, she had put my diaper bag down, pulled her skirt off and then climbed upon the table. "In the drawer under me are the diaper doublers and in the drawer next to that are my baby panties. There is a step stool on the floor by my feet, the wipes and powder are here," she said pointing to the shelf above her head. Then she put her thumb in her mouth and started sucking it for all it was worth.

    It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I was on my own until I finished diapering mommy. She was off to baby-land, cooing like a happy little tyke. Just like the last time I changed her, she went from mommy to baby in just the suck of a thumb. The first thing I needed to do was get the step stool so I could be tall enough get to the job done.  Once up high enough I saw a strap that went across the baby's middle so she wouldn't fall off. When I fastened the strap she giggled and started jibber-jabbering all sorts of baby nonsense. "This is gonna be a little cold Baby Gina," then I wiped her front down really well. "Can baby touch her toesies for me?" when she did, I wiped her sweet little bottom, "Good Girl," I said then slid the diaper with the doubler under her, then kissed her belly and blew a few raspberries until she was laughing real hard. "Such a happy little baby, yes you are," I cooed back to her while rubbing powder all over her diaper area. Before long, I had the diaper pulled up tight and fastened the bottom tapes first, remembering what it was like last time I had diapered her. This made it a lot easier to do the top tapes. It really looked snug and comfy this time on the first try. Gina reached down to feel her diaper, giving me an approving coo, I too patted her diaper all over, I really liked the way it was so much thicker with a doubler in her diaper.

    She still had not come out of baby-land in her head, that is when I remembered that she wanted Baby panties too, so I opened the drawer and found her stash. There were maybe six pair in there, two in pink one blue one yellow one white and one rainbow. I chose the rainbow because it would match both of our tie-dyed skirts. "Okay Baby Gina, let me have your footies so we can get these pretty baby pants on you." She was such a good baby for me and let me pull them over her feet and up to her thighs. That is where I began to have a bit of trouble, I wasn't strong enough to pull the tight flitting panties any higher up, so I told her, "Baby needs to help a little, I can't seem to pull them up any more," Pulling her thumb out of her mouth she tried to lift her butt up, but the strap I had put across her prevented her from getting them all the way on. So I unbuckled the strap and took her hands to sit her up and she slid off the table to finish pulling the baby panties up. I checked to make sure she was all tucked in and they were perfect. I patted her bottom and she gave me a kiss.

    In the blink of an eye, Baby-Gina was gone and mommy was back, "Thank you so much sweetie. I feel so much better now." She grabbed her skirt and talked to me while putting it on, "I planned on playing with you in here until dinner was done, but mommy needs to call those bad girls parents. There is just about any kind of toy or book a little girl could possibly want in here. Feel free to explore in here all you want and find something to play with while I make a phone call." She gave me a hug, patted my bottom then took a seat in the rocking chair while I padded off to look at all the stuff in here.

     "Hello Mrs. Myers, this is Gina White.... I need you to come over here as soon as possible... Sandy and Beth came over here drunk and smelling like weed...  No Karen isn't here, she is in the hospital. There was a car wreck...  I don't know, mom hasn't called yet... She left about a half hour to forty-five minutes ago... No mam. I did not know that... Well they both have bloody cut on them and glass in their hair... No nothing too serious, but they should get checked out... Yes, that's what I thought too.... They admitted it to me... I am babysitting, so I locked them in a room... I'm sorry if I have overstepped my place, but they were scaring the little girl... Really? Thank you. I didn't know what else to do... When will you get here?... Great, I'll be waiting.... Your welcome... Bye." She hung up the phone and deeply sighed. "That was easier than I thought. Beth's mom was over there having tea. So now we need to figure out what to do with you. Any ideas?"
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
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Baby Butch
I like Chapter 6 the babying scenes are great and the story is progressing. I like the new ideas coming up with college and the change of plans for the night.

I am wondering if this Karen is going to be trouble for Alyssa. I don't think so with Gina around. I am behind on my reading will get to Ch. 7 later.

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