XXX Un Potty Training
The Potty is put away
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 After a year of un-potty training by my Babysitter I'm now in diapers and plastic panties 24 hours a day. Early bedtimes ensure that I no longer have dry notes.
 As a result of my 'UnPotty' Training I'm now unable to control myself consequently  I have to wear diapers and plastic panties all the time. At weekends I'm only permitted  to wear tiny little dresses so that my Diapers are 'on display' at all times for Mummy's guests and visitors. 
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So So So perfect.Diapers are the perfect underwear!!!! 
Charlotte Pottypants
 I know but I'm now in them 24/7 which makes life difficult for me  but i have no choice Mummy says!
 As a result of my 'UnPotty' Training I'm now unable to control myself consequently  I have to wear diapers and plastic panties all the time. At weekends I'm only permitted  to wear tiny little dresses so that my Diapers are 'on display' at all times for Mummy's guests and visitors. 
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