R How I Make My Special Captions (Part 3)
A Behinde The Scenes Look Of How I Do My Speciall Image Alterations for my Captions
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From Hunk To Sissy Part 4

From Hunk To Sissy Part 5

From Hunk To Sissy Part 6

Find out in part 4 to what happens when the value gets altered, you will be quite surrpised to see the results.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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Baby Butch
Wow! why is there so many of the men in the frame. Nice job but at this point I can only watch and not try it myself. What is next?
Fank you for the commetn Baby Butch I really do appreciate your comment on these posts. I must say it is a real oddity that SketchUp has when it comes to using an image as a texture.

The image appears like what you see here, I do not know if that has anything to do with the physics of SketchUp in some way. all of the onboard textures are skm files, which probably stands for SketchUp Material, at a guess, and I can save any image as a skm file, but when applied to a model, the texture still appears multiplied.

So why that happens, when it's own natural skm files when applied don't appear like that, I have no clue. I was kind of hoping that Trimble would find a way in which all and any image type would work exactly in the same way the onboard skm textures do in SketchUp.

It seems to me that they have not done anything to that part of the programs design. Strange or what? *lol* I am just glad that there is at least an edit function so that I can if you will, much like a fautly TV, stablise the image, by altering the values, while I not understand numbers very much, I pay more attention to what I see and make a mental note of what number produces the best image result.

dependingon the actual image quality say if it's quite poor, and pixulated, I may increase the value, it may not improve the image by much, but does help to make the image a little better, or I will use Fastone that is similar to the one you mentioned that you use. It does more than crop, it has a clone tool, that works differently from the one in InfanView.

Faststone can do slide shows and more, just in case you want to ever try SketchUp Make 2015, it's completely free. You will need to download the free trial version first, but once that is up, don't worry, you will be given an option to continue to use it as a free version and it will remain completely free and not run out on you etc.

The Pro version has a few, not many other features that seem a little complicated to me, to actually use and I feel there should be an opin menu box to use a sort of difficulty setting, or easy so that there is a secodary copy of the same complexed tools, only they work in the same way as the other basic tool set works, click and drag controlled, with nothing complicated needed to do at all.

If they did something like that, the company would hugely benefit, in terms of customers and users, because then truly all people of all learning types with or without disabilities, physical ones like no use of hands, I only hope there to be a way to use computers without the need of hands, but the tools in SketchUp remain the same, simple and really easy to use for all.

Because that will place them as the only 3D Program makers to have in place a truly if you will universal program that anyone truly can use. The program already is available for al opertaing systems, like mac etc. Though in this modern age I feel that microsoft has the biggest largest users, Apple a few that started with Apple in the first place and remain faithful to them, the rest of the others like Linux etc.

only a rare few use those operating systems. I feel those will eventually all be phased out, with only Apple and Microsoft being in competition with each other. I am glad that you are interested in SketchUp and that you like how I am presenting the images of how I do my special Image AlterationTechnique.

Love hugs and kisses


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

I want to say a quick sorry for the delay in the next part of this, I will be posting it tomorow morning when it is much cooler to do so. The sun has started to come out, I can feel the heat from the sun shining on my bedroom window and also my head has just started to swell up again this swelling seems to come and go and has been doing so consistantly now for the past few days.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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