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February 18th, 2018 ~ 7:01 am
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PG Ballerina!!!
Me dressed as a ballerina in a cute leotard and tutu. Hopefully my friend won't humiliate me too badly this time. Feel free to make a caption for my pic!
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Sarah Marina
So many things to love about this picture!

1. Beautiful Smile - A+++
2. Adorable natural hair styling (you are lucky to have so much to work with)
3. Pristine white tutu
4. Tight leotards
5. Cute hint of a pink bra or other girly underwear.

The wife and I think this is the best pic we have seen you post. Love it!

There's just the one question of whether you have any plans for that ominous looking candle in the foreground  *giggles*

* Hugs *
@ Sarah Marina
  aww thanks so much :) i was so happy. I had a bow in my hair but i took it out because it was hurting but i love my hair. The leotard and tutu are so comfy and tight and i had a cute pink sports bra on :)

I was at my friends house and it was her candle. i think she just bought it for herself lol. 

ill definitely try to post more pics of me as a ballerina, hopefully soon i  an go out in public dressed like this :)
Sarah Marina
So much to like about this.

1.  Great smile - A+++
2. Adorable hair styling ( so lucky to have so much to work with )
3. Pristine white tutu - so cute
4. Cute hint of a pink bra and/or other girly underwear.

* Hugs *
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