PG Young girl at heart.
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Hey, i was wondering if there was anybody else out there like me....
In reality, im a 22 year old male.
But when i can i dress up like a young girl, I like to pretend that im a 12 year old girl who still need to wear diapers for bladder issues (although i dont get to wear diapers, as i cant afford them, and still live at home with my mum)
Dont get me wrong, I'm Happy being male, and am never planning to have a sex change or anything. it's just some times i wonder what my life would have been like if i was born a girl, and sometimes like to think i am.
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I suppose it is easy to lump everyone with an unusual preference into the same group, but you only have to read a few of the introductory posts here to figure out that everyone is different. Some people were simply born into the wrong body and are trying to make themselves right, some wear dresses and diapers as the occasional recreational experimentation and others have a myriad of other reasons... Personally, I am a lot like you in that it is not a major part of my life (although I tend to dress in wedding dresses and evening gowns) and the reason I feel welcome here is because of what I do and not why I do it. If that makes sense.

So, if you live at home still, how do you indulge in your fantasies? when I lived at home I used to borrow my mom's and sister's dresses when I was home alone... I did have my own panties hidden away though. After I moved out I bought a few of my own from thrift stores and... well, now I'm making it all about me =/

Nice to meet you =)

 Hey, i was wondering if there was anybody else out there like me....
In reality, im a 22 year old male.
But when i can i dress up like a young girl, I like to pretend that im a 12 year old girl who still need to wear diapers for bladder issues (although i dont get to wear diapers, as i cant afford them, and still live at home with my mum)
Dont get me wrong, I'm Happy being male, and am never planning to have a sex change or anything. it's just some times i wonder what my life would have been like if i was born a girl, and sometimes like to think i am.  

You're definitely not alone! I have been participating in a website, forum., which includes guys of all ages and many different walks of life, who like to be young girls. Some like to be baby or toddler girls, some like to be mainstream little girls (~7 years old, give or take a year, to pre-adolescence), and some like to be teen girls. As Prissie, I like to think of my self as a happy, effervescent, sometimes naughty 8 year old girl who skips when she's happy and pouts when she's not. If you like to be 12, there's nothing wrong with that.

Diapers? I put one on today as soon as (in my real life "daddy" personna) I got home from work. I love the warm, squishy feeling of a wet diaper. So if you like to wear diapers, you have plenty of company!

Anyway, thanks for introducing yourself. I am always pleased to do my part in welcoming new members to our on-line sissy/transgender community.

Best wishes in getting a good job and an apartment of your own, so you can wear diapers and young girl clothes without anybody hassling you about it.

Sweetness and SissyGurlLuv,

Fem Prince C
Welcome there Rosie Leigh Smith
It's not unusual actually for guys to 'ageplay' a younger girl even if they don't (at least at the start) see themselves as necessarily female in a more grown up way. In the end your inner kid is -well yours- so why not let let her out in safe environment?
The site Prissie mentioned is a very nice place should you like to join.
Hugs, Jo.
You and I are very similar hon. Daydreaming about being a girl, or having been born one, is a very long passtime I've had. If you'd like a diapered playmate then feel free to friend me or come play games at the game section!
~To be a girl is to be honest and expressive of your emotions. To wear diapers shows comfort in your body and trust in another~
I like to play Would You Rather and Dress Up, so come play with me in the games section. ^_^
*Formerly tutu49*
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