Some very interesting real life research
Just some research I came across while writing a paper
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So I was doing research on Daryl Bem, a social psychologist who created the theory "Exotic becomes Erotic", for one of my Psych coarses. Anyways as I was reading over his original theory he cites work by Gilbert Herdt, who studied the Sambian culture of Papua New Guinea. Anyways there is a male rite of passage in this culture where adolenscent boys are taken from their homes to go live with older males from the village for several years. During that time Homosexual rituals are performed. It is believed in this culture that a boy can not enter adulthood with out ingesting a large quantity of semen. Not exactly my cup of tea but it sure is an interesting piece of research.

I also posted this on my sissy blog but I thought I would repost it here where it's more public.
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Iam sure gilbert participated in this research firsthand.
Haha this must be where "you are what you eat" came about.
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