PG Thankyou everyone!
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Hi everyone! I have been reading this site for a while now without really interacting with it. But, even then, I have really learned to accept myself for who I am thanks to all of the love that everyone here shows each other. Even though I'm not really ready to come out to the world, this site has truly helped me come out to myself.

Thanks to all of you for helping me be comfortable with who I am!
Hugs and Kisses!
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Baby Butch
I watched for 6 months before joining, glad you could join us here at Sissy KIss. Welcome from Baby Butch.

 Hi everyone! I have been reading this site for a while now without really interacting with it. But, even then, I have really learned to accept myself for who I am thanks to all of the love that everyone here shows each other. Even though I'm not really ready to come out to the world, this site has truly helped me come out to myself.

Thanks to all of you for helping me be comfortable with who I am!
Hugs and Kisses!  

Even if you're not ready yet to go out and about en femme, I'm delighted to hear that at least you've come out to yourself. Right now I'm wearing a red cotton dress with white flowers with short sleeves and a women's bathing suit underneath which makes it look like I have breasts. I hope you too are enjoying dressing, even if you have to do so privately.

Little Girl curtsies and luv,

I was the same way  D feel free to chat with me whenever you like.
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