All R sissy looking for mommy, big sister, or baby sister NC area
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im a beautiful sissy baby looking for a partner that will take care of me and make sure my diaper stays dry, i live in the NC area so if you are looking for a new baby message me and we ca talk and maybe meet
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 im a beautiful sissy baby looking for a partner that will take care of me and make sure my diaper stays dry, i live in the NC area so if you are looking for a new baby message me and we ca talk and maybe meet  

hi there im also in NC. im a baby to but if u would still like to talk just message me kay.
*hugs and kisses*
I my name is Nicole and I'm a 21 year old sweet mommy looking for a sweet baby in NC!! You can email me directly at [email][/email]. I can't wait to here from you!!!!!
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