PG Would Any One Be Interested?
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  I do not own the rights to Star Wars or it's logo, the one in the image, is an altered one from the original logo. The Logo Image was made in SketchUp 2017.

Would anyone like to see a Sissy Related Star Wars story? If not, that's okay. Just to let you all know that I have started to write about one, set however in an alternate reality/universe with completely original characters and story plot.

If this post gets no interest in terms of comments of people telling me yes they would be interested, then not to worry, I will just know then not to post it here.

Thanks in advance.
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yes please i do you can inclued me in ur story if you want my name is sissyallie not sissyallison
@ sissyallison
  Thank you for the comment sissyallison, much appreciated, glad to know that I have one person so far interested. I would be honoured to include you in the story, it's going to need a few more extra characters anyway, than the intial main set that I already have in mind and so far I have featured those in chapters 1 & 2 Just a thought here. Would it be okay if I made your character the first Sissy Android? I certainly won't be using R2 D2 or C3 PO, since this story as mentioned is set in an alternate reality.
@ SissyBabyPet
 a sissy android ive always wanted to be a sissy android just one that doesnt get shot if thats ok
*unowned allie*
@ sissyallison
  Cool, thank you Sissiallison. Sissyallie will be the name as request and thank you so much for the feed back. Oh and not to worry this droid may malfunction, but shall never get shot, I need a comedy element and I think a drod that malfunctions on and off, wold bring humour but also a lovable and endearing character. I would to be able make 2 totally original driods like there has never been ever before.


PS. Oh, by the way I just realised the droid to be named Sissy Allison, not Sissyallie, I will make the corrections to my story for you. Something does happen to her, but also to her driod friend Butch. It's nothing too bad and there's an open option for story to follow Balance Of The Force, if I should ever end up doign a sequel.

Please don't be upset, it was not deliberate, it was just how the srtory devloped and that is the way it is. I don't want to be changing that part as it would not make any sense for the rest of the scene that happned. You'll see what I mean and I hope you'll understand, when it gets to that point in the story
@ SissyBabyPet
 its an honor to be in a story for you anytime you want your welcome to use me in ur stories
*unowned allie*
@ sissyallison
Thank you sissyallison, I will keep that in mind,
the Star Wars story wil be my last full lenth type of stories posted here, I ahve simply doen so many different stories, not all of them posted here, but some. A whole lot moer though under an old user name I had once, counting those, as they do for me, count, that is.

I have nearly almost ran out of idea apart from this new one that came to me out of the blue. I feel I ahve erached a point where I want to take my story creativity into a new direction once I am done with thes big full length ones, in the form of short audio stories, which I feel I will be able to do a lot more of those in future. I have made one already and will get around to posting part 2 to that audio tale when I can. For now, my work is the final story arc for The Sissy Dark Tales Saga.
@ SissyBabyPet
 dont give up on ur fantazy stories though if you ever have any more ideas post them just dont give up and quit doing them is all i ask
*unowned allie*
@ sissyallison
Awww, thank you Sissalison for the touchin comment. I really appreciate it. I think you misunderstand though. I am not giving up exactly on my fantasy stories, well, some are fantasy, others are not, I have an eclectic taste in story styles.

I just feel that big long epic stories like my Dark Sissy Tales Saga are getting harder to do due to not having quite the creative drive for doing long big stories like that. I have done so many, it would be simply a nice break for me to do much smaller/shorter stories, which will actually free-up my creative drive, which is a good thing really.

Honestly I would only struggle if I tried to keep on doing long big epic stories. Even this idea for a Star Wars Story is going to be a tall order, but I feel I can just about do at least the one story for now out of a possible Trilogy.

But for now, I will simply just do it as a stand alone story for now and see what the future will bring. (See PetBabyAmy) My old username on here and you will see what I mean by how many stories I have done and even those are not all of the completed 100+ stories I have done since 1992 with the Sissy Dark Tales Saga actually predating those stories.

To say that I have been doing stories for a very long time would be an understatement. *lol*
I say yes to that story  
@ trevor
  Awesome, thank you Trevor. Lets see how many moer peopel say yes, it will help, the moer yeses I get, then I will definitely want to post the star wars story, just bear in mind please, I am in the middle of doing this story as we speak, as the saying goes.

I'm half way through chapter 2 where the Sissy theme comes into the story plot
I can be in ur story also  
@ trevor
  Yes Trevor, of course, would you like to be a droid? Or some alien traveller? I am going to need two driod like characters similar to the most loved ones and known in the original star wars universe and other characters too to help my story devlepment.
@ SissyBabyPet
lil sissie
 Yes please post them and if I can help in any way You have my permission to use me
 lil sissie
@ lil sissie
  lil sissie, thank you so much for the offer, I'm almost close to finishing off chapter 2 already, wehn I do, I will give the story a break for a while. I have remained faithful to the Star Wars Universe, other than for the very first time, even if this is not a first itself, this brings a Sissy Theme into the mix, plus I am using a whole set of original characters etc.

It's time for my Sissy Baby Kity sleep, so I shall say night night all ansd see you all in the morning.
Pink Balloon
@ Pink Balloon
  Thank you Pink Balloon for the yes.

Much apperciated.

Baby Butch
Sure since you are good with the Science Fiction stuff with a sissy theme.
@ Baby Butch
  Thank you Baby Butch, for the yes, that comming from you especially, means a whole lot to me.

Yes please
@ jessybaby
  Yay! Another yes. Thank you jessybaby, much appreciated. For all that have said yes, I have a big announcement to make.

Ohmy gosh! You have to do it! I love Star Wars! 
@ Hannah_D
  Thank you Hannah, for anotehr yes. I can safely say I have finished doing chapter 2 so far of the story. In total I have done: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2.
For all of those who have said and want to be part of the story. I cordly invite you to be part of the creative process of the Star Wars Project. This is my best way to thank you all for saying yes and requesting to be in the story.

The best way to go about the poolin gof ideas etc. I will send each of you a PM (Private Message) Each with a breakdown version of the prologue chpt 1&2 then with your help with suggestions and ideas you can all tell me what you should think, should happen, or would like to see happen in chapter three and so forth.

I will credit each and everyone of you as co authors, with me serving as an executive producer/author. I hope you know what I mean? Head author maybe more right. I am going to watch back to back my DVD collection of all 3 star wars movies, the originals, the prequells, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Rogue One, to help me also.

Right now, I have the ideas for the beginning part, and bits and pieces of where it will lead toward the end and nothing as yet for the middle bit. My mind works in an unusual way, in terms of stories, though on the whole I can usually go all the way right through from the beginning to the end, depending on how my ideas and how they flow.

Each of your ideas wil be kept safe and not shared with the others here, just to try and keep the whole thing a surprise and not spoil things.

@ SissyBabyPet
  i would absolutely love to be involved :)
@ Hannah_D
  Thank you Hannah, I want everyone here to be able to pitch in, no matter in which way, big or small. Any contribution will be credited. I love Star Wars and I did do a Star Wars based trilogy prior to this a long time ago, but in all honesty, I was not really happy with that and have been wanting to replace it, if at all possible.

I will be contacting you and all the others here that have said yes to this proposed story idea as soon as I am able to do so. Sad to say today I'm having a bit of an off day. Thankfully, they not happen offten, but they do take a whole day for the problem to get out of my system. Not to worry, it's nothing serious, I should be okay by tomorrow. These off moments rarely last more than one day, 2 at the outside most, but at that it's rare to last 2 whole days.
Princess Jaina
Very interesting thread...

Lifelong Star Wars fan here - though not happy about the direction of The Last Jedi - but anyhoo I often daydream of being a lightsaber-waving, speeder-bike-riding, sissy DL girl! 
Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
@ Princess Jaina
  If what I heard somewhere is to be true. Not even George Lucas himself is happy with the development of the new Star Wars Movies. He hated The Force Awakens and I not blame him for that. I'm a mild fan myself, I have a few things here and there, like the complete Dark Empire Trilogy Graphic Novel and a rare book now indeed. Splinter Of The Mind's Eye by Alan Dean Foster. Just to name a few things that I have in my little Star Wars collectables.

New Update!

Star Wars For
The New Year

Please all don't dispair or lose all hope
when I say that this venture of mine will have to be posponed until sometime in the new year
due to unforseen developments
of a personal and private nature.

But rest assured, this will happen, I swear.
I really want to do this, I like alerady what I have been able to do so far and I have confidance in those who want to contribute toward this story too.

So for the contributors, please, please don't give up on me. I have a condition that cannot be taken care of by the NHS (National Health Service) in the UK. I was due to go for an assessment this month, by going private, I was given money for the assessment by someone very special in my life. Sadly things happened in which that money was needed for something else that was of equal importance.

I had to break the unfortunate news to that special someone in my life and I am beyond grateful, lucky in fact that they not only unstaood the circumstances, but was not mad, cross or upset with me for using that money for something else. Better than that, they still want to give me the money to go for this particular assessment, which will be in the New Year now and also eventually money for being treated for the condition that I have.

Yes, this very special someone in my life is utterly and completely remarkable. And you shall all get to know who that is. Read the following: A Whole New World and A Time For Change (Blogs) The big reveal will be also in the New Year too. So you definitely won't want to miss that.

I had hoped that I would have been able to do more of what I had already started, since I like and love Star Wars so much and also want to make up for, in my own way, for the not so good direction the new movies seem to be going in. Right now, said condition sadly is preventing me from doing that and other things here at SissyKiss. I have however, tried long and hard to fight said condition, and not let it get in the way.

It is however, gradually getting in the way of me
being able to do things, the best that I can do tright now, is rest as much as possible etc. Simply hang in there til New Year and the date of the new assessment. From there on in, it will just be the wait of the treatment etc. Which I am hoping will not be too long or too far apart. The Force is strong with me and I ain't giving up any time soon.
Princess Jaina
@ SissyBabyPet
Really sorry to hear you've hit a rough patch.  Hang in there, and May the Force be with you, always!

And if I can contribute a character concept to your Star Wars story... please, please let me know!
Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
@ Princess Jaina
  Princess Jaina you aer moer than welcome to be a contributor and thank you for such a heart warmin gand thoughtful message from you.

I will definitely let you know. I definitely will hang in there as you have said. I wont have too long to wait. Just befoer Christmas I got a very wonderful phone call and was told that I will be having the money needed for the assessment for definite in the New Year. That will be one step closer toward getting rid of the condition that I have, it shouldn't have to be paid for, sadly the NHS is a farse and it's sadly geting worse here in the UK.
Princess Jaina
@ SissyBabyPet
Really happy to hear the fortunate news.  Hang in there and get well soon.  So sorry to hear about the red tape you've been dealing with... stuff like that happens on my side of the pond too.

I would love to contribute a character who is strong in the Force and skilled with the lightsaber - I guess inspired by Jaina Solo in the Legends books, or even Rey I guess, though I'm avoiding the new films these days - if there's a place for such a character in your story/universe.

Oh, and if the sissy side of the story includes AB/DL, then wearing, being DL, etc., would be an integral part of the character concept... if it fits the story, that is.

Let me know whenever you have a chance.  Take care!
Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 
@ Princess Jaina
 Princess Jaina I like and love all of your ideas. In fact once I am ready, I will do a group invite for all that want to contribute only. All of those who have said yes to the idea, will still get a special mention, so no one please worry about that for those who have said yes to the idea. I will do this inviate by a PM to all who have offered or requested to participate in this venture.

Oh, by the way, I have come up with ideas for two very different droids that will be introduced for this new take on Star Wars, one's a Sissy Android and and the other is a Tom Boy Android, to compliment the sissy one. I hope you like that idea Princess Jaina? That goes for everyone too, I hope you all like it.

I can't at this point in time say what will or wont fit. Please bear in mind, I am the soul creator and will serve as the executive Author on the project, I will at least be fair with my final decsisions, when they will be needed to be made and make sure that everyone is as near to it, happy with them. I won't be able to possibly include every idea, as I am sure that it is safe to say that nothing will ever get done if I should do that. Also that it would be a virtual impossiblity to fit in too many ideas, even in the film making industry, scenes get cut out etc. A lot of ideas also for the movies never quite make it to the finished movie itself.
Princess Jaina
@ SissyBabyPet
I think your android ideas are quite cute.  Whenever you're ready, and whatever works for you.  It is your story after all.... though it's certainly very thoughtful of you to invite other Star Wars fans to contribute ideas.  So whenever and however it all works out, I'll be interested to see how it all unfolds.  Until then, may the Force be with you!
Have courage and be kind... and may the Force be with you, always! 

The Wait Is Over. Here it is everyone:


Thank you all for saying yes and those who offered to help also.

I would appreciate also feedback please of the ones who said yes to the proposal. The Prologue and Chapter One have already been posted. Chapter 2 Will be posted tomorow.

Please also check out the New Awesome Story Cover too.

Thank you all in advance.
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