PG New baby girl in da crib
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Hi my name's Nora. I'm new to this kind of thing but I'll be strait forward. I'm a trans woman. I do intend on getting sexual reassignment surgery in the future. With that out of the way I'll tell you more about me. So I'm a huge baby girl I love
to wear diapers, drink from bottles, and just feel like baby girl. So that's me really simplified. I would love to find a mommy to love and care for me but that is asking a bit much. I look forward to getting to know this community more in time
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Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss from a big baby!

I hope you enjoy the site and have a great day.


Baby LG Nora
Thank you. :)
Dear Baby LG Nora:

You have a lot of things going on!  SRS is so important and I wish I could see my way to it.  You are so brave!

I'm just a sissy, and a cowardly sissy at that, so I hope you stay with SissyKiss.  We need more brave people like you.  Welcome!

May your diapees be changed whenever you want by someone who cares...
Baby LG Nora
srs is far away but it's my goal I'm still trying to get on hormones
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