PG new baby girl
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Hewo. I joined the forum maybe a few weeks ago but this is the first time I get some courage to write (I have to hide my feelings rl for now. I only dress up when I´m home alone) But so glad I found a web like this one. About me. hmmm. I´m a 35 yr old male transgender who loves cute, pink girly clothes (specially diapers and "Sweet lolita") and also love playing with my dollies and acting like a baby girl.

Oh my english isn´t perfect (I´m latin) but hopefully I´m  understandable. My girl name is Stephanie Mackenzie but here you can call me Stephie or Baby Stephie and  I hope I make lots and lots of friends. xoxo   :D Hope you like my first piccies.

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Baby Butch
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