Looking for a pic
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hey all im looking for a pic of beast boy and robin from teen titans wer robins dressed in a red dress an BB is dressed up in some nice linigre while givin obin oral
Nobody wins when everyone's losing

One step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I can't change your mind,

Oh, it's like

Trying to turn around on a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me and I, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be

It's never enough to say I love you
No, it's never enough to say I try
It's hard to believe that's there's
No way out for you and me
And it seems to be,

The story of our life

Nobody wins when everyone's losing

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3 posts
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I think this might be what you are looking for.

Twilight Starknight
yep twas the one thanks ^^
Nobody wins when everyone's losing

One step forward and two steps back
No matter what I do you're always mad
And I can't change your mind,

Oh, it's like

Trying to turn around on a one way street
I can't give you what you want
And it's killing me and I, I'm starting to see
Maybe we're not meant to be

It's never enough to say I love you
No, it's never enough to say I try
It's hard to believe that's there's
No way out for you and me
And it seems to be,

The story of our life

Nobody wins when everyone's losing

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