Legend of Zelda
Any fans out there?
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Hello everyone I would like to find and chat with people who are into legend of zelda. I figured since the yugioh thread did well I might as well start a discussion about yet another very popular thing. hugs and kisses
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
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Zelda's awsome!!!  OoT= best RPG ever!!! 1 of only 2 gamaes I've ever been inerested in enough to finish multiple times. Also bought Majora's Mask(download) for my Wii and Twilight princess was the first game I bought for it as well.   
Tottaly agree on OOT, I've replayed that game so many times I know it like the back of my hand. I am currently on my first playthrough of Twilight princess and majoras mask was good,,,,but compared to OOT it sucked. What was the hardest boss in OOT in your opinion?
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
Jennifer Funshine
Big Zelda fan here as well :)
Though I've never completed a single title in my life I do own Twilight Princess
for my Gamecube and have many wonderful memories of playing portions of
Ocarina of Time which imo has the best soundtrack of any Zelda game ever.

I honestly get more enjoyment from watching "really good" people play
Ocarina of Time, having said that I think "Barinade" inside Jabbu Jabbu's belly
was a super-hard boss I some how lucked out in defeating by a hair lol.
Actually that entire level is a real mind-bender if you don't know the exact route.
That is a very confusing level the first time and it took me a couple of tries but now he is SO easy to beat. The only boss in OOT thats still giving me trouble (hes actually the only boss who is still giving me trouble) is Shadow Link in the Water temple. he's harder than ganondorf even lol.
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.

  What was the hardest boss in OOT in your opinion?  

Has to be the Jellyfish Barinade . I've died more times facing this bugger than any other Zelda boss, but if I was to play it now-days, he's pwned. 
lol I had the same experience too. which do you like better, old zelda games (before N64), or new zelda games?
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
I have to be honest, the only pre-N64 Zelda game I have played is the first one (re-released for GBA, played on 1st gen NDS), so I don't have much to go on, but I would have to go with the post-N64 games. This is because I found the story line of the first one realy hard to follow and remember, meaning I kept forgetting what I needed to do and how to get there. I even tried using a walkthrough to try and sort myself out, but the game realy just became a chore instead of just being fun, so I stopped playing and eventually gave it to my nephew (when he was 8 lol) when I upgraded my console.
I agree that it is a VERY challenging storyline to follow but you have to remember that back then, most of the gamers who played this were hardcore gamers with nothing better to do. I personally also like the post n64 games better because in my opinion 2D to 3D adds an extra dimension of fun.
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
zelda rules! my favorite is the wind waker. most people dont like it, but i had a blast playing through it! i loved hunting down those giant squid things.

a close second would be ocarina of time. i LOVED that game! it took me forever to finish it though. i have to say the hardest boss was one in the shadow temple. i think that was the hardest temple too.

i've played nearly every zelda game there is. all except oracle of seasons, majura's mask, and of course the wand of gamalon.
Wind Waker was one of my favorites too but I never beat it (my game kept freezing when I assembled the triforce). OOT is by FAR my favorite Zelda game to date, but I have never even heard of wand of gamalon before. I can't wait to get a 3DS so I can play OOT 3D and MQ 3D.
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
I've seen some posters advertising OoT for the 3DS, but I'm not sure if I can afford to upgrade my DSi if it is necessary. I'd probably have to trade in a half dozen games from my various consoles as well as my DSi in order to make up the difference, so I've yet to decide if it is worth it. If I had better cash flow it would be a no-brainer, but as it is.... you know  
I understand. Your better off than me because I have 0 cash flow and only an original NDS. I mostly was daydreaming. this is off topic but I actually daydream all the time and have been doing so since I was old enough to think. back on topic I don't know if any of you girls have a Wii but there is a Link building contest right now on the "check mii out" channel. I know because I can only surf the web on the wii anyway. I've already entered abd will keep you all posted about it.
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
Okay, I just read a review on the re-release of OoT, and have to say, MUST HAVE gimmegimmegimme. If you don't know why, find a decent review, and pay particular attention to the details about the Master Quest mode  
Well I just watched the E3 stuff and there is no definite date of release but for sure by christmas.
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
Is there really only 4 people who like Zelda in this community? or have we just run out of things to talk about?
Just downloaded Zelda 2 on my Wii. All I can say is WHAT THE..?!?! It is very different, but I have to admit the side-scrolling action with the 2.5D world map kinda works.
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"

If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
Yah that is why I asked about pre-post- OOT case they are two VERY different sections of LoZ. I actually enjoyed the flat, 4 direction movement of some of the later ones but sidescrolling works to. I have to say one thing about sidescrollors though: who in there right mind put in such a tiny bomb bag?!?
Jennifer Funshine

 lol I had the same experience too. which do you like better, old zelda games (before N64), or new zelda games?  

I have to admit the newer Zelda games really expanded on the epic
(if somewhat confusing) storyline and the music and graphics
presented in these artistic masterpieces really transports you
to their worlds in ways that the older games weren't able to.

I also happen to love Windwaker, which I strongly felt should have been
a Nintendo Wii exclusive, conducting melodies with the Wii-mote and such
could have opened up a world of possibilities with the cel-shaded title.

After keeping a watchful eye on the development of Nintendo's 3-DS
I am anticipating superior sales from Ocarina of Time and with Mario Kart's
revamped game play I am really itching to spring for this hand-held beauty.

 I have to admit the newer Zelda games really expanded on the epic
(if somewhat confusing) storyline and the music and graphics
presented in these artistic masterpieces really transports you
to their worlds in ways that the older games weren't able to.

Wow that was almost poetic tge way you said it. I agree totally.

I also happen to love Windwaker, which I strongly felt should have been
a Nintendo Wii exclusive, conducting melodies with the Wii-mote and such
could have opened up a world of possibilities with the cel-shaded title.

Now that you mention it that would have been fun to hand conduct vs C-controls. They should have at least made it availiable for the Wii.

After keeping a watchful eye on the development of Nintendo's 3-DS
I am anticipating superior sales from Ocarina of Time and with Mario Kart's
revamped game play I am really itching to spring for this hand-held beauty.  

I am also keeping tabs on OOT and 3DS also and SO wish I had money to buy a 3DS >_
OOOO re-vamped Kirby   . I Kirby
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"

If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
I   kirby as well. He's probably the only pink boy no one makes fun of (he's so cute). My 6-year old cousin Zeke started my kirby craze a couple of weeks ago cause he was really into kirby.
I started getting into Kirby at the release of super smash bros. on N64. I almost always choose Kirby as my fighter, he kicks butt, and eats muck cake. My kinda guy
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"

If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
i always chose kirby in super smash bros too. i cant wait to get my hands on ocarina of time on 3DS. as soon as i get the money, im buying one.
Okay, good news!! I read the review of OoT on the Nintendo website, and according to bit the game should be compatible with all DS systems, not just the 3DS . This means no annoying upgrading. Also, according to my local EB Games store, it is set to be released (in Aus) at the end of the month for $69. Can't wait. 
"our bodies don't matter; they're just a shell to house our souls. We are what we are inside. If you love me and I mean truly and passionately love me, then you love my soul." ---
Karen Page>"A New Style of Education"

If all I have is my pride, I will wear it, and show the world.
Ok the game is AWESOME!!!! I got to play a demo of it at my local Wal-Mart and it is incredibly fun, I mean like old-one-got-nothin-on-this type of fun. I really like the new inventory and when you look around or aim, you actually move the DS!
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