Hey! Hey! You! You!
After 3 and a half year of lurking.....Boy that's long.
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Kombanwa Minasan~

Hello Everybody! Nice to meet you all!
I just joined this forum.....My name's Hew Weng Xin. But my friends call me Nel which is a short form for Nelson.

I too are under my parents control. Because I'm scared that my dad would flip. LITERALLY.

I THINK I'm bisexual. Not that sure though.... Anyway.... I love crossdressing but because I can't tell anyone I know my head keeps getting heavy everytime I see someone beautiful passes through me.

I like Gothic Lolita style clothes. Frilly clothing is nice~

I only got a few pictures of me in Gothic Lolita. But it's in my Facebook account. Maybe next time I will show you all~

I love how I look in my new Profile Pic.... It's so special to me. Thank my sister for helping me to edit it a bit.
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Ohayo gozaimasu
^_^ I know youll have fun here.
I know how parents are, I hope to see you around here lots =3

You must look lovely in Lolita outfits :)

See ya
Hellos there,
You have me a little confuggled, what country are you from? Or where do you live? I'm a pretty odd mix though myself culturally speaking. So Konichiwa  and sayonara for now. I hope you enjoy your time at SK and make many wonderful friends.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
Technically I'm a not so average chinese teen from Malaysia. But I can barely speak chinese though so English is my main language. Malay is second.
Welcome, darling, and I hope you find this place to be the ideal outlet for your sissy urges.   Sorry to hear about the situation with your parents ... ***Hugs and kisses***       I hope you manage to resolve it somehow, and in the meantime please think of this place as a pink and frilly shoulder to cry on, if need be.
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Thank you so much Andreea! Thanks for supporting me. I too hope I can resolve this one day. Possibly Sooner.
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