Hello out there o.o
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Im very glad to have found this place :) where should I begin?

I love to write, and I love to sing. It's my two biggest passions in life, and I plan on attending college soon. I also do a whole lot of gaming, ohhh...and anime! My fauvorites being Elfen Lied, Lucky Star, Princess Princess, and Maria Holic xD

Im an AB much more than DL...but it doesn't mean I can't relax and just enjoy it ^_^ lol. I havn't really come out about my feminine side...Ide love to, but I have a unique problem, I think. Im not sure whether to consider myself male or female. Some days, it just eats at me, and really brings me down...others not so much.

Anywho, lovely meeting all of you!
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Don't you worry too much about having to choose between your feminine and masculine side. To struggle between the two is perfectly natural. Also, to feel more fem at some times than others is very normal. With time, and with the kindness and support you'll find here at SK, you'll figure it all out. Promise!  
Welcome from Sissy JJ! 
~ Items ~

Hello Divinity, welcome to sissykiss.  

 Im very glad to have found this place :) where should I begin?

I love to write, and I love to sing. It's my two biggest passions in life, and I plan on attending college soon. I also do a whole lot of gaming, ohhh...and anime! My fauvorites being Elfen Lied, Lucky Star, Princess Princess, and Maria Holic xD

Im an AB much more than DL...but it doesn't mean I can't relax and just enjoy it ^_^ lol. I havn't really come out about my feminine side...Ide love to, but I have a unique problem, I think. Im not sure whether to consider myself male or female. Some days, it just eats at me, and really brings me down...others not so much.

Anywho, lovely meeting all of you!  

First, don't worry about whether to consider yourself male or female. If you find yourself having feminine feelings at a given moment, put on a skirt and top or a dress and enjoy it. If not, then wear whatever is most practical.

Best wishes with writing and singing, and playing anime characters. I think you'll like it here in SissyKiss. Welcome aboard!


Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss from a big baby.
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