What gender do you think and feel like?
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Tough as Nails
Male Heart, Female Brain

Your feelings are male, but your thoughts are female. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very balanced way.
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Tough as Nails

Male Heart, Female Brain

Your feelings are male, but your thoughts are female. Such combination can make you tough and fiesty.This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very balanced way.

Your result for What Gender do you Think and Feel Like?...

Wilting Romantic

Female Heart, Female Brain

Your thoughts and feelings are both feminine. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very feminine way.

Take What Gender do you Think and Feel Like?
at HelloQuizzy

Compared to other takers

* 21/100 You scored 40% on MaleHeart, higher than 21% of your peers.

* 77/100 You scored 67% on FemaleHeart, higher than 77% of your peers.

* 96/100 You scored 86% on MaleBrain, higher than 96% of your peers.

* 71/100 You scored 100% on FemaleBrain, higher than 71% of your peers.

Hum, thought I would get female heart and male brain.

Femme Boy
Wilting Romantic

Female Heart, Female Brain

Your thoughts and feelings are both feminine. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very feminine way.

You scored 20% on MaleHeart, higher than 4% of your peers.

You scored 50% on FemaleHeart, higher than 52% of your peers.

You scored 14% on MaleBrain, higher than 6% of your peers

You scored 67% on FemaleBrain, higher than 27% of your peers.
i got:

Wilting Romantic

 Female Heart, Female Brain 
Tough as nails

Male heart, female brain


Your feelings are male, but your thoughts are female. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very balanced way

* You scored 80% on MaleHeart, higher than 85% of your peers.

* You scored 67% on FemaleHeart, higher than 76% of your peers.

* You scored 57% on MaleBrain, higher than 61% of your peers.

* You scored 100% on FemaleBrain, higher than 70% of your peers.
Your result for What Gender do you Think and Feel Like? ...
Wilting Romantic

Female Heart, Female Brain

Your thoughts and feelings are both feminine. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very feminine way.

* You scored 60% on MaleHeart, higher than 57% of your peers.

* You scored 83% on FemaleHeart, higher than 89% of your peers.

* You scored 71% on MaleBrain, higher than 76% of your peers.

* You scored 100% on FemaleBrain, higher than 46% of your peers.
This is what I got. ^_^

Compared to other takers

* You scored 60% on MaleHeart, higher than 57% of your peers.

* You scored 83% on FemaleHeart, higher than 89% of your peers.

* You scored 14% on MaleBrain, higher than 4% of your peers.

* You scored 100% on FemaleBrain, higher than 62% of your peers.
Your result for What Gender do you Think and Feel Like? ...
Dead Serious

Female Heart, Male Brain

Your feelings are female, but your thoughts are male. Such combination can lead to a very serious and intense personality. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very balanced way.
A ruffled pink dress fanatic
Baby Princess Emily
Tough as Nails

Male Heart, Female Brain
My diaper is warm and squishy, my sleeper soft and comfy, and my heart content as i lay agianst my mothers breast
i got male brain male heart shucks
Compared to other takers

* 51/100 You scored 60% on MaleHeart, higher than 51% of your peers.

* 77/100 You scored 67% on FemaleHeart, higher than 77% of your peers.

* 4/100 You scored 14% on MaleBrain, higher than 4% of your peers.

* 70/100 You scored 100% on FemaleBrain, higher than 70% of your peers.Female heart, female brain.

Your thoughts and feelings are both feminine. Such combination can make you appear soft and malleable to people. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very feminine way.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
Femme Boy
I have decided to take this quiz again and there's a slight variation in the stats since I first took it.

Wilting Romantic

Female Heart, Female Brain

Your thoughts and feelings are both feminine. Such combination can make you appear soft and malleable to people. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very feminine way.

* You scored 40% on MaleHeart, higher than 25% of your peers.

* 76/100 You scored 67% on FemaleHeart, higher than 76% of your peers.

* 34/100 You scored 43% on MaleBrain, higher than 34% of your peers.

* 25/100 You scored 67% on FemaleBrain, higher than 25% of your peers.
Daddy's Girl
Tough as Nails

Male Heart, Female Brain

Your feelings are male, but your thoughts are female. Such combination can make you tough and fiesty.This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very balanced way.

You scored 60% on MaleHeart, higher than 52% of your peers.27/100 You scored 33% on FemaleHeart, higher than 27% of your peers.60/100 You scored 57% on MaleBrain, higher than 60% of your peers.25/100 You scored 67% on FemaleBrain, higher than 25% of your peers.
Sissy sarah
Wilting Romantic

v\ url(#default#VML);} o\ url(#default#VML);} w\ url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} Normal 0 21 Female Heart, Female Brain

Your thoughts and feelings are both feminine. Such combination can make you appear soft and malleable to people. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very feminine way.

Normal 0 21 Compared to other takers

* 56/100 You scored 60% on MaleHeart, higher than 56% of your peers.

* 93/100 You scored 83% on FemaleHeart, higher than 93% of your peers.

* 34/100 You scored 43% on MaleBrain, higher than 34% of your peers.

* 25/100 You scored 67% on FemaleBrain, higher than 25% of your peers.

Wilting Romantic

Female Heart, Female Brain

You scored 40% on MaleHeart, higher than 25% of your peers.
You scored 50% on FemaleHeart, higher than 52% of your peers.
You scored 57% on MaleBrain, higher than 60% of your peers.
You scored 67% on FemaleBrain, higher than 25% of your peers.
come to the light

Wilting Romantic
Female Heart, Female Brain

Your thoughts and feelings are both feminine. Such combination can make you appear soft and malleable to people. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very feminine way

You scored 60% on MaleHeart, higher than 56% of your peers.
You scored 67% on FemaleHeart, higher than 76% of your peers
You scored 0% on MaleBrain, higher than 0% of your peers.
You scored 100% on FemaleBrain, higher than 70% of your peers.
Tough as Nails
Male Heart, Female Brain

Your feelings are male, but your thoughts are female. Such combination can make you tough and fiesty.This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very balanced way.
YIPPIE!!! I GOT 100% ON FEMALE BRAIN!!! this makes me very happy! *giggles unconrollably*

80 on male heart

67 on female heart

71 on male brain
p>Your result for What Gender do you Think and Feel Like?...


Male Brain, Male Heart

Your thoughts and feelings are both masculine. Such combination can have people seeing you as guarded and aggressive.This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very masculine way.

http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/what-gender-do-you-think-and-feel-like">Take What Gender do you Think and Feel Like?" class="text_decoration_none" target="_blank">Take">http://www.helloquizzy.com/tests/what-gender-do-you-think-and-feel-like">Take What Gender do you Think and Feel Like? at HelloQuizzyHelloQuizzy
im a uy then danm but i do feel feminine sometimes

*i had dreamt life was beauty and woke up and found out life was duty*
*it is better to be thought the fool and remain silent then to open your mouth and remove all doubt*
Mina Silverwind
I am the wilted romantic, which means female mind, female heart, so I definitely transgendered, ie female in male's body, I scored max in all the female categories, and was higher in all except the male categories.
yey wittle bwittany me too *hugs*.
This was my result...

Your result for What Gender do you Think and Feel Like?...
Wilting Romantic

Female Heart, Female Brain

Your thoughts and feelings are both feminine. Such combination can make you appear soft and malleable to people. This test is not about physical sex, but gender, which has nothing to do with what body you were born into or what your sexual orientation is. However, you express yourself in a very feminine way.
Take What Gender do you Think and Feel Like? at HelloQuizzy
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