All R Awakening Adara
A dainty little introduction :O
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Heya I'm Adara,

And I'm here to explore my softer side, you know the full of lace, lipstick, and all those other precious things that I got to miss out on growing up.

I'll be 21 soon, I'm a full time student, and right now just looking to do a bit of digital exploring, and who knows maybe I'll find that safe space to go a little further... and a little further haha.

Looking forward to reading your thoughts, hearing your fantasies, and seeing your successes.

Love the decor here and hopefully we have so much fun together!
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Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss, I hope you enjoy the site.
Hello Adara! Love your attitude. I love discussing fantasies and otherwise. MEssage and friend me any time. :)
~To be a girl is to be honest and expressive of your emotions. To wear diapers shows comfort in your body and trust in another~
I like to play Would You Rather and Dress Up, so come play with me in the games section. ^_^
*Formerly tutu49*

 Heya I'm Adara,  

Yo there, I'm Prissie

 And I'm here to explore my softer side, you know the full of lace, lipstick, and all those other precious things that I got to miss out on growing up.  

I know what you mean! When I was 21 I had feminine feelings too. Unfortunately I didn't understand what those feelings were about, until the age of personal computers and our great world wide internet system made it possible for those of like minds to share their interests and feelings. I too, was fascinated with trying on my sister's panties.

  I'll be 21 soon, I'm a full time student, and right now just looking to do a bit of digital exploring, and who knows maybe I'll find that safe space to go a little further... and a little further haha.  

SissyKiss is a good place to come to. I'm glad you found us. Best wishes with your studies!

 Looking forward to reading your thoughts, hearing your fantasies, and seeing your successes.

Love the decor here and hopefully we have so much fun together!  

I look forward to your participation and contributions. I like to fantasize about things like a naughty, unruly boy sentenced to a week as one of only, at most 3 boys in an otherwise all-girl school or summer camp. I imagine the girls in that school love to be girls, are comfortable with themselves and their bodies ..... and LOVE IT when a naughty, unruly boy has to take ballet classes (wearing tights and tutu :) ) with them.

So, welcome aboard!


Hey Butch, Thanks for Greeting

Diaperskirt, prepare to be sought after :D

Prissy! Such a lovely post how old are you now? did you manage to merge your 2 halves?

 Yo there, I'm Prissie

I know what you mean! When I was 21 I had feminine feelings too. Unfortunately I didn't understand what those feelings were about, until the age of personal computers and our great world wide internet system made it possible for those of like minds to share their interests and feelings. I too, was fascinated with trying on my sister's panties.

SissyKiss is a good place to come to. I'm glad you found us. Best wishes with your studies!

I look forward to your participation and contributions. I like to fantasize about things like a naughty, unruly boy sentenced to a week as one of only, at most 3 boys in an otherwise all-girl school or summer camp. I imagine the girls in that school love to be girls, are comfortable with themselves and their bodies ..... and LOVE IT when a naughty, unruly boy has to take ballet classes (wearing tights and tutu :) ) with them.

So, welcome aboard!




 Hey Butch, Thanks for Greeting

Diaperskirt, prepare to be sought after :D

Prissy! Such a lovely post how old are you now? did you manage to merge your 2 halves?  

I'm reluctant to say how old I am. Let's just say that in my imagination, I'm a young girl who likes to hop and skip when happy (and pout when not). How did I merge my two halves? Good question. I'm not sure I've done that as well as I would like. To me its not a matter of merging, but a matter of doing well in both the en homme and en femme parts of my personality.

Anyway, I hope you'll read us when you have time, and post whenever you have anything groovy to share with us.



Diaperskirt, prepare to be sought after :D

I'm very easy to catch. ;) My diapers don't let me run very fast *giggle*
~To be a girl is to be honest and expressive of your emotions. To wear diapers shows comfort in your body and trust in another~
I like to play Would You Rather and Dress Up, so come play with me in the games section. ^_^
*Formerly tutu49*
Fem Prince C
Hi there. i'm kind of older but you'll never catch me up at running cos I can run and run and run!  
hi nice to meet you
By "digital exploring" do you mean with your fingers? :-)

Welcome to the group.
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