what age?
did you start?
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so what im curious to know is what age did your sissy/AB/LG/CD/whatever fantasies start? and what age did you start to act on them? also what drew you to your chosen life style? and have you ever been cought?

me personally, being an avid crossdresser, started dreaming of wearing pretty dresses that girls got to wear when i was around 6 or 7. even then i knew this wasnt normal and never told anyone.

i didnt actually try on any girl clothing(outside of playing dressup with my sister and cousin, wich i pretended to hate but secretly loved) until i was 10.

what really drew me to it was just all the pretty colors any patterns that the girls i knew got wear so much, but i had never had a chance to. i had worn a dress that belonged to my cousin wile playing dress up once and loved how flowy and swishy it was. and the breeze between my legs was pretty nice too! so i had wanted to wear one again since then but sadly never did until i was 15. my sister started staying at her friends houses and leaving me on our room alone for almost a week at a time sometimes. eventually the urges got to much to handle and i just had to start trying on her clothes.

she had some really cute tops and sexy tight jeans wich i loved. she had a flowy purple dress that came to just below my knees what was simple heavenly. she had all the cutest and sexiest panties i could dream of! i was in heaven.

i got cought a few times, and she still hasnt let me live it down. she thinks i jack off with her panties(im not gonna lie, i have, but dont anymore.) and shes told her friends this. so all her friends think im a freak but i dont really care.
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
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Probably single digits- I can remember what and where (never knew why) but not when.
umm i have had ab intrists since i was i dunno 3 years old
*i had dreamt life was beauty and woke up and found out life was duty*
*it is better to be thought the fool and remain silent then to open your mouth and remove all doubt*
i'm not real sure when they started, but about 6 was when i would dress up with some of my grandmothers jewelery, hats and shawls when we visited her. maybe it was younger, i remember people though it was cute? it was all just so pretty, how could a young girl resist?
i was trying my sisters and mothers clothes around 11, but in absolute secrecy. Everything just felt better than my stuff. by about 16-17 i had stopped completely, thinking it was wrong and tried to be "normal". but i was always jealous when i went shopping. a huge shop would have 98% girls clothes in so many styles and colours, and a few odds and ends of boys clothes all drap except some bright clowny boardshorts.i wanted to be a girl, and just browse and try everything on.
i had a couple of accidents and bed wets during the years, hiding them through embarrassment. it wasn't until about 27 that a adult mag showed me that wasn't so bad after all. it's only the last couple of years i've began to embrass that aspect.

 umm i have had ab intrists since i was i dunno 3 years old  

*giggles* im not sure how that would even be possible. most people are still in diapers at 3 years old. but hey why not start early?

 i'm not real sure when they started, but about 6 was when i would dress up with some of my grandmothers jewelery, hats and shawls when we visited her. maybe it was younger, i remember people though it was cute? it was all just so pretty, how could a young girl resist?
i was trying my sisters and mothers clothes around 11, but in absolute secrecy. Everything just felt better than my stuff. by about 16-17 i had stopped completely, thinking it was wrong and tried to be "normal". but i was always jealous when i went shopping. a huge shop would have 98% girls clothes in so many styles and colours, and a few odds and ends of boys clothes all drap except some bright clowny boardshorts.i wanted to be a girl, and just browse and try everything on.
i had a couple of accidents and bed wets during the years, hiding them through embarrassment. it wasn't until about 27 that a adult mag showed me that wasn't so bad after all. it's only the last couple of years i've began to embrass that aspect.  

oh i know ALL about the tryin to be "normal" thing. i think we all go through that at some point. but now i just embrase being "abnormal". and i totally know what you mean about clothes stores having WAY more girls clothes then boys!! i always hated that! it made me want to be a girl too!
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
Precious Isabelle
I had no idea I had sissy inklings until I was nineteen. I stumbled across a captioned picture by complete accident and it immediately roused a great level of excitement in me. Then I delved headfirst into reading PDQ and lurking Sissy Kiss and finally registering.
hey wittle bwittany *hugs*, hehe, normal is common, much better to be a special pretty princess.
now i luuuuvs clothes stores, boys don't need lots of clothes, more room for us *giggles*
My earliest memories involve my desire to be a girl. I can't remember a time when I didn't enjoy doing what others would consider "girly things". I even explained to a girlfriend once that while some girls are "Tom boys" and like boy things some boys are "Tom girls" and like girl things. That helped her understand me better and from then on I was free to dress up and be as feminine as I wanted around her since I was just being a "Tom girl".
My mother wanted a daughter from the very beginning. Not that she was disappointed with the result but I heard complaints: "If I had a girl there wouldn't be any behavior problems" quite a few times. Also I got used to feminine compliments about my appearance from a very young age. If you thought that she would be happy to know that I desired to become a lady myself you couldn’t be mistaking more. Both of my parents are as conservative as possible. However, at an age of 10 I clearly understood that being Myself is worth the risk and I've been wearing female clothes every time I had an opportunity. Luckily they have never caught me yet.

What else can I say? There is a lot more to it than just sexual context or fetishes, however they are important too
Really young. Im not too sure of exact age since, for some reason everything before I was 8 is a blank. Though I do always remember being very childish and delicate, and longing to find others who I could talk to. Guess dreams come true :3
Leslie Ann
Lucky me, only child and mom always wanted a girl anyway. But truely when I was 8, a neighbor girl and I played dress up and I've been hooked ever since. I have a playful spirit so little girl has just always suited me.

Caught? Pifft too many times to mention, I still get looks when I shop in drab. But again since I'm not hurting anyone, no harm no foul.

I never had an interst in sport or other guy things, girls can be open and honest, no shows of false macho. I'm not effeminate in my everyday appearance, passing at my age is becoming out of the question, but still enjoy my pretty things.
How did I miss this thread!?

Well I have to say that I probably always knew I was a girl, my first memories of any gender identity come from when I was of a pre-school age. I knew I was supposed to be wearing dresses and letting my hair grow long, etc.

My whole life in my dream world when I am asleep I have been female as well. This led to some questioning of which world was the real one when I was younger since both worlds were nearly identical except for the fact that I was different in them. I've always been able to read in dreams, even studying text books in collage that way, by going over pages I had previously seen and re-reading them. I don't understand why they say that you cannot read in your dreams. Also my dreams usually obey all the laws of physics and lack very few differences except in dreams, sometimes I am different ages. IRL I am always pretty much the same age.

I don't look at being a LG as a lifestyle, it is my life. When I was about 5 years old physically I felt about 9 or 10. When I was 10 years old physically I felt about 10 years old, and now that I am just past my 20's physically I am about 12. So I have always, even when I was young been about 10. Adults would always comment on how I was like a little adult when I was very young and it is funny because now people comment on how childlike I am as an adult. Lifestyles are something we have a choice in, I just cannot up and choose to be an adult, I can roleplay one for periods of time though and pretty much pass. Actually as living as a male I did a pretty poor job passing growing up lol. It's very hard to be something you are not. It takes sooooo much conscious thought over every action you make. Nothing drew me to any of this and I'd honestly be happier without it all. But that's not this reality.

It's hard to say I have been "caught" because I am usually pretty blunt and forthright about who I am *giggles*. But when I am in situations already too dangerous for a trans person to be in, I am not going to be likely to bring my child status up and don't think I have been caught. But I have sure let people know.
I started having dreams and fantasies about it when I guess I was 7, but didn't realize it. My girlfriend when I was around 9, we used to play dress-up. Never like, dress as a girl, but just dress the other person however you want. We also used to tie each other up so it would be 'forced' with usually a cloth measuring tape. My parents eventually found out, and were angry and didn't want us doing it again. Then we slowly drifted apart.

I guess I really got an all-out start.
Baby Butch
Hello Wittle Bwittany, I chose 8 in the poll.

Thats the age I actually started trying things. I guess I had some thoughts eariler. Because I was a bedwetter, I had a lot of family members put diapers on me. Nobody asked or said anything, they just diapered me. I liked it and did not complain. After first grade most of it stopped, but I managed to put on diapers in secret around eight. At the same age my 3 sisters always left nylon brief panties hanging in the bathroom. I had to try them on and pantyhose. I did not get caught. Now thinking back, I wish I would have! From what I hear thats when the sisters and mom usually force you into girls clothes. It would have been exciting, although extremely embarrassing for me.

Smiles from Baby Butch :)


 Hello Wittle Bwittany, I chose 8 in the poll.
I did not get caught. Now thinking back, I wish I would have! From what I hear thats when the sisters and mom usually force you into girls clothes. It would have been exciting, although extremely embarrassing for me.

Smiles from Baby Butch :)


*cough* You might be reading too much fanfic lately *giggles*. Most people I have known who have been caught have not had a very warm welcome.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)

 How did I miss this thread!?  

I thought the same thing. ^_^

I answered "5 or younger" in the poll but I'm not really sure of the age. It's just that fantasising about wearing baby clothes is one of the earliest things I remember. I used to think about it at night before I fell asleep.

But I've never tried it before, or been caught. Thank God the internet is here for me.  
Baby Butch

 *cough* You might be reading too much fanfic lately *giggles*. Most people I have known who have been caught have not had a very warm welcome.  

In reality you are entirely right, OopsiePanty. I have been reading a lot of stories at www.petticoated.com. Today, I still would not like my family to catch me. Maby, when I was just a boy and dad was out of town. :)
I was about 14 when I first realised I had an unusual fascination with nylons ... I am not sure when I first started to connect this to anything wider, though.
For me I think it was around 8. That is when I began to know I had an interest in diapers and baby things. It was later at about 15-16 when I discovered that I liked the idea of being a girl baby. After that I fell in love with being a sissy baby girl.
Jennifer Funshine
I chose the age of seven which is where I actually have some memory
of what my life consisted of... hospitalization. Which was something I learned
to treasure as the years became more aggressive and people's attitudes
changed when engaged in the school setting.

In many ways I am happier as a baby, from my viewpoint love is much more
abundant the younger a person is. I learned to embrace cuteness for the sake
of this love and often fantasied about being a cuddly baby not just for a particular
mommy figure but for everyone in the world...
surrounded by diapers and baby powder etc. in the hospital drove those
ideals further in my mind. At home there was only disputes
and arguments over worldly things like money, politics and getting good grades.

For a long time I stayed away from girlish desires. I have always had them
but I ignored them because I felt teenage women to be superficial and ignorant...
for me there is a VERY fine distinction that I make in being a baby girl as opposed
to just being a girl outright. These days I find myself becoming more accepting
to the fact that I am just as girlish as I am babyish... and if not for this web site
I would probably have become and alcoholic or habitual drug user.

I owe Sissy Kiss an incredible debt which is why I write so much poetry here,
it's like spiritual currency with which to bestow my thanks.
Started crossdressing around 7 or 8 due to noticing how my neighbor and friend clothes looked cuter. And baby things around 15.

Fem Prince C

 My earliest memories involve my desire to be a girl. I can't remember a time when I didn't enjoy doing what others would consider "girly things". I even explained to a girlfriend once that while some girls are "Tom boys" and like boy things some boys are "Tom girls" and like girl things. That helped her understand me better and from then on I was free to dress up and be as feminine as I wanted around her since I was just being a "Tom girl".  

That's good way of explaining things as there is a spectrum across which we all travel.
Around 12..We used to visit my aunts house down in London and had a female cousin three years older, when the adults went out she would "bay sit"..usually consisted of exploring nudity but drifted into her dressing me up in her school uniform..it really turned me on and I have been hooked ever since..

 For a long time I stayed away from girlish desires. I have always had them but I ignored them because I felt teenage women to be superficial and ignorant... for me there is a VERY fine distinction that I make in being a baby girl as opposed to just being a girl outright. These days I find myself becoming more accepting
to the fact that I am just as girlish as I am babyish... and if not for this web site
I would probably have become and alcoholic or habitual drug user.

I owe Sissy Kiss an incredible debt which is why I write so much poetry here,
it's like spiritual currency with which to bestow my thanks.  

I had to go through the same kind of understanding years ago that I was a girl, but that I was not a woman like I should be.

I am so happy that you have this outlet my funshine friend. May it bring you many years of happiness!
I think i was about 5 when i started to fantasize about diapers and when i was about 6 i found some diapers in our attic and tried it on it was a pampers size 5
When i was 7 i started to notice girls panties either through seeing them peeking out the top of there trousers or under there skirts and i noticed they were alot more colourful and pretty than boys underpants.

When i was 8 i was down in London for my aunts wedding and stayed at her house for the duration of the visit. I walked into the bathroom to get showered and found her panties laying on the floor, they were striped orange, red, pink, green and yellow with a white bow on the front i tried them on and remembered a rush of excitement running through my body

I took the panties with me which i still have to this day, then when i was 10 my sister who was 9 got her first training bra she and her friend told me to try it on, i pretended not to like putting it on but i secretly enjoyed it.
Then when i was 13 i bought a packet of diapers from our village shop they didnt fit but i liked having them

Now i am a full AB and sissy, i mostly like been a naughty schoolgirl who is taken out of her panties and put back into diapers for been a naughty little slut :P

Thanks for reading

Pampers&Panties xxxxx
I believe around 6 is when I started stealing my mothers lipstick and trying it on. My sister even helped. Good times.
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